An array of international lawyers have written to the British prime minister, foreign secretary, secretary of state for justice and home secretary outlining his illegal treatment and demanding Julian Assange’s release.
Category: Media
Seth Rogen Turns the Truth into a Joke
What Kamala Harris Really Thinks of WikiLeaks
Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris wants a “bright” line separating WikiLeaks from big media, but there is only a political one, says Joe Lauria.
Moral Panic Over Refugees in English Channel Is Ugly Face of Brexit
Migration and migrants have for far too long been a grotesque distraction from the real enemy without and within Britain, says John Wight.
Twitter Says It Bans State-Media Ads, But Gets Paid to Spread US Government Messaging
How The Guardian Betrayed Corbyn and the Vestiges of British Democracy
US Intelligence: If Trump Wins Russia Did It, If Biden Wins It Was China & Iran
No matter who wins in November, opaque agencies will have already primed the nation for more dangerous military escalations against countries outside the blob of the U.S.-centralized empire, writes Caitlin Johnstone.