As`ad AbuKhalil highlights the role of the Saudi crown prince in the current wave of U.S.-brokered deals.
Category: Media
LETTER FROM LONDON: The Surreal US Case Against Assange
Honor the Memory of Our Founder Robert Parry, Who Got the Assange Story Right Back in 2010
‘Confirmed’ Is a Meaningless Word In MSM News Reporting
Support Our Efforts to Cover the Assange Case
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: US Using The Guardian to Justify Jailing Assange for Life as the Paper Remains Silent
LEE CAMP: What’s the Difference Between ‘Villain’ Assange & ‘Intrepid’ Woodward?
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Mike Pompeo’s Cold-War Fever
WATCH: CN Live! New Episode: ‘Extradition—Extra Edition’ With Daniel Ellsberg & John Pilger
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: News Media Who Ignore the Assange Trial Ignore the Direct Threat to Journalism
If it reports on it at all, MSM has mostly limited coverage to trivialities as a precedent is set to allow journalists globally to be extradited & jailed for exposing embarrassing truths about the U.S. govt., writes Caity Johnstone.