In January Consortium News sent a libel notice to Global News demanding a retraction and apology. The TV network refused. On Tuesday CN filed suit in Virginia.
Category: Media
Proposed Reform to US Espionage Act Would Create Public Interest Defense
Defendants would be able to testify about their reason for engaging in the prohibited conduct, Kevin Gosztola reports.
Leaked Docs Expose Massive Syria Propaganda Operation by Western Govt Contractors & Media
LEE CAMP: Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of Empire
Shhhh, don’t tell Americans about the Blue Leaks and the Syria PR Leaks. The mainstream media’s virtual blackout must mean they aren’t supposed to know.
NY Times Podcast Star Lied About Joining ISIS
It’s just the latest in a series of bogus national security-related coverage by the U.S. newspaper of record, writes Ben Norton.