While spinning the revolving doors, they have endangered the public by neglecting bigger security threats, like coronavirus and climate change, write Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis.
Category: United Kingdon
The Argument for a Maximum Wage
The Guardian’s Silence Let UK Trample on Assange’s Rights in Effective Darkness
Julian Assange’s ‘Trial of the Century’: 10 Reasons Why it Threatens Freedom of Speech
Phone Hacking & Julian Assange
Leaked Docs Expose Massive Syria Propaganda Operation by Western Govt Contractors & Media
The Guardian’s Deceit-Riddled New Statement Betrays Both Assange & Journalism
LETTER FROM LONDON: The Surreal US Case Against Assange
Secret Cables Reveal Britain Interfered with Elections in Chile
John Pilger: The Stalinist Trial of Julian Assange
The extradition hearing beginning this week is the final act of an Anglo-American campaign to bury Julian Assange. It is not due process. It is due revenge, said John Pilger in a speech Monday outside the court building.