Category: Soviet Union

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Totalized Censorship

Content warning, canceling, de-platforming, denying access: The fate of Sy Hersh’s Democracy Now! interview on YouTube is the latest indication of how much rougher press suppression is in this new media era. 

Bolsonarism Without Bolsonaro

The World Bank has sounded the alarm, but the forces of “centrism” — beholden to billionaires and the politics of austerity — refuse to pivot away from the neoliberal catastrophe, writes Vijay Prashad. 

The Other Side of the Berlin Wall

On the 33rd anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989, we look back on why the wall was built in this essay by the late William Blum, published on July 28, 2011 on Consortium News.