There is a fever that seizes this land from time to time and it is the fever of war, a condition that this time seems immune to all known cures, starting with reason, as Daniel Lazare explores.
Category: International
Four Lessons From the Strike on Syria
Ukraine’s NATO Bid Risks Even Worse U.S.-Russia Ties
What is the U.S. Fighting for in Syria?
The U.S. and Russia share strategic goals in Syria and the wider region, but Washington ideologues persist in unwelcome intervention that has led to disaster, argues Graham E.Fuller
An Alternative Explanation to the Skripal Mystery
Blowing up Lack of ‘Evidence’ in Syria Chemical Attack
It is wise to remember the U.S.S. Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin and Iraqi WMD in assessing the rationale for the U.S. attack last weekend on Syria, says Ann Wright.
Syrian ‘Chemical Victims’ Suffered from Dust Inhalation, Reports Say
A report by the Independent’s veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk quotes doctors in Douma saying victims suffered from dust inhalation and that a member of the White Helmets caused panic by falsely shouting, “Gas!” in a triage center. The…