Entire families are sliding back into poverty now that relatives working abroad, who have lost work due to the pandemic, can no longer afford to send money home, Humberto Márquez reports.
Category: International
THE ANGRY ARAB: Abbas & His Latest ‘Threat’
COVID-19: US Military Pursues War Games Amid Contagion
COVID-19: China Rises in Ranks of US-Accused Hackers
Do You Consent to the New Cold War?
This insane situation is only possible because people are sedated by mass media propaganda and endless diversions from reality, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: US, China & Hong Kong’s Betrayal
CN LIVE! New Episode—‘Russiagate: Who Was Guccifer 2.0?’–Watch the Replay
COVID-19: A New Appeal Against Preparations for War
In response to the atmosphere of war that the U.S. is creating during the Great Lockdown, Vijay Prashad and Abdallah El Harif are issuing a fresh appeal for peace.
25 YEARS OF CN: Memorial Day—‘Tragic Valor of Marines at Con Thien’—May 29, 2016
On Memorial Day in the U.S. Monday, we look back at an article written by the late Don North, a former ABC Vietnam War correspondent, on a little remembered incident in that war.