Formal democracies retain their constitutions and their laws, their elections and their public hearings – all part of the panoply of modern democracies. They fail, however, to actually listen to the suffering of the people, writes Vijay Prashad.
The U.S. military is an invading force in both Syria and Iraq; it is impossible for its actions in either of those countries to be defensive. It is always necessarily the aggressor, writes Caity Johnstone.
Judge rules: “An aware and assertive citizenry, in contradistinction with an indifferent or docile citizenry, is indisputably a sign of a healthy and vibrant democracy,” writes Betwa Sharma.
Rain is increasingly scarce on the island and the plan aims to ensure the availability and efficient use of water to cope with droughts, Luis Brizuela reports.
Timothy A. Wise covers the trade-tension potential of the López Obrador government’s policy and its implications for a country where corn is such a major dietary staple.
No amount of clean technology, industrial growth or boosts to GDP will avert the economic and climate crises inextricable to profit-driven extraction, writes Lee Wengraf.