Category: Iraq

Journalism Itself Locked Up in Belmarsh

It’s not just a man who is imprisoned for the crime of good journalism, but also the idea that anyone should be permitted to expose the criminality of the world’s most powerful and tyrannical people, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

No Justice for US-Tortured Iraqis

Human Rights Watch has found no evidence of the U.S. government paying compensation or other redress to victims of detainee abuse in Iraq. Nor has Washington issued “any individual apologies or other amends.”

US Can’t Deal with Defeat

In the U.S., the strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is the desirability – and ease – of forgetting them. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror, writes Michael Brenner.

Westmoreland Revisited

Given the official U.S. optimism over Ukraine’s counteroffensive, Barbara Koeppel concludes that Washington has not learned any lessons from failed wars in Vietnam, and later Iraq and Afghanistan.