Danny Sjursen says that when a war-state is constantly shuffling and substituting enemies it is bound, eventually, to turn on its own citizens.
Category: Gulf States
THE ANGRY ARAB: In Defense of Nasser
THE ANGRY ARAB: MbS’ Behind the Scenes Role in ‘Normalization’ With Israel
THE ANGRY ARAB: UAE Normalization With Israel a Gift to Trump
The Impossible Dream
The former national security adviser reveals a national goal that is simple and blunt: American dominance of the world, writes Michael Brenner.
West Bank Annexation Plan Tests Gulf-Israeli Relations
Will the Assads & House of Saud Make Up?
PEPE ESCOBAR: Trump to De-Escalate: Intel Source
THE ANGRY ARAB: U.S. Role in Lebanon’s Crisis Goes Unrecognized
The bulk of Lebanon’s corrupt ruling class are clients of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, not Iran. But this fact is too inconvenient for Western media to point out, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.