Category: Indigenous People

Shell’s Exit From Nigeria

Environmental campaigners say the oil giant should not be allowed to escape culpability for the environmental and societal damage it has caused in the Niger Delta. 

What Israel Faces at The Hague

South Africa’s petition to stop what it alleges is Israeli genocide in Gaza has begun on Thursday in the International Court of Justice. Gareth Porter reports.

Craig Murray: Stopping Genocide

Almost the entire political Establishment of the West have outed themselves as enthusiastic proponents of a racial supremacism, prepared to give active assistance to a genocide of indigenous people.

Blades of Grass

Israelis joke about needing to decimate each generation of Palestinian militants as “mowing the grass,” an ugly metaphor that’s penetrated think-tanks in Official Washington, Elizabeth Murray first reported in 2012.

CHILE 50 YRS: US Scars From 9/11/73

Chile under Pinochet was the experimenting ground for an economic project, neoliberalism, that inspired both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was also a laboratory for torture and enforced disappearance of human beings, writes Brad Evans.