Category: Indigenous People

CHILE 50 YRS: US Scars From 9/11/73

Chile under Pinochet was the experimenting ground for an economic project, neoliberalism, that inspired both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was also a laboratory for torture and enforced disappearance of human beings, writes Brad Evans. 

Profiteers of Armageddon

Private contractors run the nuclear warhead complex and build nuclear delivery vehicles. To keep the gravy train running, those contractors spend millions lobbying decision-makers, writes William D. Hartung.

Climate Lawsuits Spreading Worldwide

While most cases have been in the U.S., the Global South represents a growing portion, finds a report compiled by the U.N. Environment Program and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University.

‘Those Who Die for Life’

“That’s Chavismo” — From improving everyday life to defending the sovereignty of Venezuela and Latin America from U.S. imperialism, Vijay Prashad reflects on the legacy of the Bolivarian revolutionary leader on the 10th anniversary of his death.