Exclusive: For exposing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pvt. Chelsea Manning suffered nearly seven years in prison, an ordeal President Obama finally is ending but without acting on the crimes she revealed, says Marjorie Cohn.
Category: Foreign Policy
Did Manning Help Avert War in Iran?
From the Archive: Though President Obama commuted Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence, he showed no appreciation for her brave disclosures, including one that undercut war plans with Iran, Robert Parry reported in 2013.
Obama Bequeaths a More Dangerous World
Need to Reorganize US Spy Agencies
Divining Trump’s Military Strategies
Russia’s Leery Reaction to President Trump
The Zionist Record on Refugees
America’s Putin Derangement Syndrome
A Balanced Assessment of Obama
How Clinton Defeat Derailed Syrian War
Hawkish think tanks had laid plans for escalating the U.S. “regime change” war in Syria after Hillary Clinton’s expected election, but a different result has forced them to repackage their scheme, says Gareth Porter.