Vijay Prashad reviews the geopolitical battles of recent decades that leave Germany, Japan and India — among others — rattled in their response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
This is the stage of narrative control where the public is trained to defend their government’s right to commit psychological warfare, even when it’s openly based on outright lies.
We must not underestimate this victory. It is only by rebuilding unions and carrying out strikes that we will halt the downward spiral of the working class.
Michael Brenner explains why he will abstain from any further writing on the subjects of Ukraine and U.S. relations with Russia, China or the Solomon Islands.
If more lethal weapons were the answer, the conflict in Ukraine would have been resolved years ago, writes Ramzy Baroud. The country needs help finding non-violent solutions.
The lack of objective, principled coverage of the war in Ukraine is a degenerate state of affairs. The one thing worse is the extent to which it’s perfectly fine with most Americans.
Mainstream pundits calling for a military escalation that could set off nuclear war and end humankind should get on a plane and go fight Russia directly themselves.
British military policy organizations exploit the struggles of marginalized people while remaining complicit in savaging the same communities abroad, writes Freya India.