A new documentary by Olivier Berruyer, editor of the website les-crises.fr, released in conjunction with Consortium News, sorts out the complicated scandal and the role Joe Biden played in it.
Category: Film
Replace ‘Conspiracy Theory’ with ‘Remember Iraq’
THE ANGRY ARAB: Netflix’s Mossad Propaganda
As’ad AbuKhalil says Arabs are pushing back against the distortions and fabrications in “The Spy,” a new series based on the supposedly true story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen and his exploits in Syria.
Film ‘Official Secrets’ is the Tip of a Mammoth Iceberg
A new film depicting the whistleblower Katherine Gun, who tried to stop the Iraq invasion, is largely accurate, but the story is not over, says Sam Husseini.
Bob Dylan & the Culture Industry’s Destruction of Dissent
Edward Curtin reviews the movie, “The Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story.”
The Notable Silence of Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill
Dismantling the Doomsday Machines
Gandhi and American Civil Rights
Howard Thurman travelled to India and returned to the U.S. intent on bringing nonviolence to the struggles of African Americans, writes Walter E. Fluker.
Liberté, Égalité, Impérialisme! Vive la France in Black Africa!
For Hollywood, ‘Vice’ Is Remarkably Astute About Politics
Adam McKay’s movie may be flawed, but it’s still must-see for his depiction of how Cheney amassed power by exploiting Watergate, an inexperienced president and 9/11, writes James DiEugenio.