The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) invites new Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard to consider its advice and offers her a selection of its past memoranda.
February 12, 2025
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Ready and Equipped to Help
NOTE: The first in VIPS’ series of memoranda for President Joe Biden (listed below) made reference to a memo we had sent President-elect Biden on Dec. 20, 2020, titled “Don’t Be Suckered on Russia.”
In that memo, we said: “We stand ready to support you with objective, tell-it-like-it-is analysis.” Former DNI Avril Haines had no use for such analyses. You may recall her statement in Dec. 2022 that the Russians were running out of ammunition and had no indigenous capability to produce what they were expending on the battlefield.
With this memorandum, we offer to provide you and your associates agenda-free analysis – “untreated reporting” as President Truman put it. We hope that our record, particularly on Ukraine, as shown in our attempts to inform President Biden, will suggest to you that VIPS’s views are worth serious consideration.
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May 1, 2022
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-invented, Thus …
REFERENCE: Our Memo of 12/20/2020, Don’t Be Suckered on Russia
“The growing possibility that nuclear weapons might be used, as hostilities in Ukraine continue to escalate, merits your full attention.”
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Sept. 5, 2022
SUBJECT: Ukraine Decision Time & Secretary of Defense
“If Austin tells you Kyiv is beating back the Russians, kick the tires”
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Jan. 26, 2023
SUBJECT: Leopards to Ukraine: Decisions in an Intelligence Vacuum
“None of the newly promised weaponry will stop Russia from defeating what’s left of the Ukrainian army. If you have been told otherwise, replace your intelligence and military advisers with competent professionals – the sooner the better.”
“There is a large conceptual – and exceptionally dangerous – disconnect. Simply stated, it is not possible to “win the war against Russia” AND avoid WWIII. It is downright scary that Defense Secretary Austin may think it possible. In any case, the Kremlin has to assume he thinks so. It is a very dangerous delusion.”
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January 25, 2024
SUBJECT: Throwing Good Money After Bad
“On Jan. 26 last year, we reminded you that National Intelligence Director Avril Haines had said Russia was using up ammunition extraordinarily quickly and could not indigenously produce what it was expending.”
“On July 13, you said Putin ‘has already lost the war.’ You may have gotten that from C.I.A. Director William Burns who, a week before, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post saying: ‘Putin’s war has already been a strategic failure for Russia – its military weaknesses laid bare.’ Both statements are incorrect. Nor is the war a ‘stalemate,’ as Jake Sullivan has claimed more recently.”
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March 25, 2024
SUBJECT: The French Road to Nuclear War
“… And if France and the Baltics insist on sending troops into Ukraine, it must also be made clear that such action has no NATO mandate; that Article 5 will not be triggered by any Russian retaliation; and that the U.S. nuclear arsenal, including those nuclear weapons that are part of the NATO deterrent force, will not be employed as a result of any Russian military action against French or Baltic troops.
“Void of such clarity, France would be leading the American people down a path toward a nuclear conflict decidedly not in the interests of the American people – or of humanity itself.”
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Our attempts to warn presidents go back 22 years.
Here’s our first VIPS Memorandum:
Powell’s UN Speech and the Case for War
SUBJECT: Today’s Speech by Secretary Powell At The UN
February 5, 2003
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And here is one that was particularly timely. (With two trustworthy VIPS members on board, who had been Technical Directors at NSA, how could we get this one wrong? Please note the early date.)
US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims
SUBJECT: Allegations of Hacking Election Are Baseless
December 12, 2016
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Bogdan Dzakovic, former Team Leader of Federal Air Marshals and Red Team, FAA Security, (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Graham E. Fuller, Vice-Chair, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Philip Giraldi, C.I.A., Operations Officer (ret.)
Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq and Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)
John Kiriakou, former C.I.A. Counterterrorism Officer and former senior investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Karen Kwiatkowski, former Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force (ret.), at Office of Secretary of Defense watching the manufacture of lies on Iraq, 2001-2003
Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)
Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army infantry/intelligence officer & C.I.A. analyst; C.I.A. Presidential briefer (ret.)
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council & C.I.A. political analyst (ret.)
Scott Ritter, former MAJ, USMC; former U.N. Weapons Inspector, Iraq
Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
Lawrence Wilkerson, Colonel (USA, ret.), Distinguished Visiting Professor, College of William and Mary (associate VIPS)
Sarah G. Wilton, CDR, USNR, (ret.); Defense Intelligence Agency (ret.)
Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army reserve colonel and former U.S. diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq War.
No doubt, Tulsi Gabbard is “home,” Director of National Intelligence. It’s a “BIG f/Deal!!!” &, 100%, Spot On!!!
However, “if you listen, you will hear, M.K. Bhadrakumar’s “song;” it’s refrain repeated herein, by the Readership: “There is a trust deficit which first needs to be overcome and that initiative has to come from the White House.”
No doubt, if, “we, the people,” had to decide…VIPS” woulda been “on board,” yesterday! “We” absophknlutely TRUST that “The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)” brings the essential “ingredient,” the best human intelligence, any Director of National Intelligence & President & Vice President, NEED to rock a plan to sustain peace on earth.
In sum, DNI + VIPS + Technology = A government designed to act “of, by & for the people!”
Welcome, the 21st Century, w/“this phrase that appears in the Old Testament’s, (which I’ve never read & updated the phrase), first Book of Samuel (13:14): “The Lord hath sought him [men & women] after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded” [VIPS] “to be captain over his people.” Fingers crossed, America’s new DNI, Tulsi Gabbard, gets the Memorandum & brings VIPS, on board. TY. “Keep It Lit!”
If ANYONE actually listens to your level headed and highly experienced advice, I think it will be Ms. Gabbard (IF she is ALLOWED to.) At least, now we will have a chance to actually SEE!
The most probable reason Trump was elected, by persuading 17 million Dem. voters to stay home, was was the very low bar of avoiding
nuclear WWIII. IMO.
It would be amazing if they, the Dem.s, learned something from their hurtful and needless loss.
Let’s hope she listens – I get the feeling that she may well be one of Trump’s appointees who may be a pleasant surprise …
If I were a member of VIPS – too bad I have no qualifications to be part of this courageous group of heroes – I would make available to Tulsi Gabbard the 2015-2017 (I think) Robert Parry investigative reports on our coup in Ukraine.
Especially Parry’s article “The Mess that Nuland Made” republished on CN in 2022 (which includes the clip of her with Jeffrey Pyatt plotting who to “put in” and Joe Biden’s role as the “atta boy” giver to our chosen Ukrainian participants in the scheme:
It will provide evidence of the outrageous workings of the deep state underpinning the proxy wars kept hidden from the American people.
On his “New Atlas” channel, Brian Berletic uses U.S. based government and NGO published material to explain our world wide proxy style interventions around the globe using NGO’s to destabilize vulnerable governments.
Also tell her to stop kissing Israeli ass.
Exactly right! One other little factoid about Gabbard is that she is a graduate of the WEF young world leaders’ program and if you are familiar with odious group and its leader, Nazi Claus Schaub and his agenda, then she looks more like a planted provocateur. WEF graduates, Bill Gates, Angela Merkl, Justin Trudeau get the picture? I have asked her twenty times to respond to this and why she scrubbed it from her website, nothing in two years. I do not trust her, I do not trust Musk!
Gabbard is an interesting person and in many ways seems to be intriguingly enigmatic to me because of her heritage, culture and personal disciplines. She entered politics at an early age, joined the military, establishing her self notably in both endeavors .
She served with honor in the Army Military Police, March 2007 she finished accelerated Officers Candidate School At the Alabama Military Academy finishing in the top of her class. Served in the California US Army Reserve unit assigned to the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command June 2020. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel while deployed to the Horn of Africa while working civil affairs supporting a special operations mission.
All of this evidently resulting in her interest of running for the US House Hawaii Dist 2 winning a seat.
These were not her only activities during this time. In 2015 Gabbard after renouncing her relationship with the democratic party she was notified she had been selected by WEF as a Global Young Leader, This is the course for young people to become a World Economic Forum YGL and attending Davos meeting Jan 2018.
She has now been picked to lead DNI.
I’m 76 happily married for 54 years and hardly enamored with the woman, but I do readily recognized plenty of reason to have respect for her courage, drive, intelligence and stamina. Now we all will have chance to to what the hell she is up to.
I’m with you Jack. I have to admit I have investigated her history previously based on my experience of finding more and more info on her I became more and more curious about her. My interest grew because of her quick ascension in democratic politics where a serious clash between her and Debbie Wasserman Schutz and Tulsi independent nature made for a bad ‘fit’ with the hapless democrats.
In keeping with her reputation she is back in a very interesting position. I’m now even more intrigued with her story and very curious, as I’ve said, as to what she is up to.
Given the world we live in it is wise to trust no one. Each person [most especially people who are part of the “system”], is subject to enormous pressure to submit to the faux narratives that benefit the few.
The rare ones, like Edward Snowdon, rise above the enormous pressure to conform and spout lies. Snowdon has courage, integrity and an internal commitment to telling the truth.
Perhaps rare people like Snowdon are born with such character. Meanwhile the DEM Senators tried to get Gabbard to call him a traitor.
It was nauseating to hear them during g the confirmation hearings. I called their offices to tell them so – Warner, Bennet and one other. Shame on them.
I hope Tulsi Gabbard is better than that….we’ll see who she is …..
While I would have expected Republicans to be rough and rude, I was appalled at how she was treated by Democrats, especially Warner and Bennett.
You get no argument from me. I certainly would not dismiss her out of hand .
Well said!
KUDOS to all your perseverance!
and to your PERTINENT analyses.
as the saying goes:
“constant dripping wears the stone.”
the stone, however, has become so hot by now,
that water droplets just evaporate, fizzle out in
midair, don’t even reach the stone anymore …
still – stone or no stone – and as there is
no alternative to sanity: keep spreading
the facts on the ground, hoping they won’t all
fall on deaf ears, blind eyes, or hearts of stone.
Listening this morning to NBC report on Russia and Ukraine it (the report) is full of misinformation. It states that Russia started everything and has no knowledge that Russia is actually winning or even has won the war. With corporate news like this, it makes we the American people totally dumb about what is really going on.
What a wonderful effort. Again and again. You never give up. In many, most, cases, great shifts in events are the outcome of persistent efforts by a relatively few sincere, individuals while self-serving behemoths crumble and fall to the wayside like a house of cards. Please don’t ever give up!
NB: “President Trump Announces the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board” which is full of people who know very little.
Thanks. Nunes faces an uphill battle, given the rest of the crew on this board.
Sadly, Sean Spicer was not available.
Prayers answered! God bless & Godspeed!
So grateful to see this!