ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Politicians Call on UK to Release Assange


A group of members of the European Parliaments, and former members of Congress and local legislatures have written to Britain’s secretary of state for justice urging that Julian Assange be released from Belmarsh prison on compassionate grounds.

The text of the letter signed by former British MP Chris Williamson, former U.S. Mike Gravel and former Congressman Ron Paul among other political leaders:

June 1, 2020

FAO The Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP
Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice

CC The Hon Bob Neill MP
UK Commons Justice Committee Chair

Dear Sir,


As current and former elected representatives in democracies committed to human rights, the presumption of innocence and the rule of law, we wish to support the urgent appeal sent to you by Australian MPs Andrew Wilkie and George Christensen, who wrote:

“We ask that you urgently reconsider providing Mr Assange with release from Belmarsh Prison to monitored home detention, as he fits all of the grounds noted for such early release by leading organisations as the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and the UK Prison Officers Association. These organisations have been unanimous in calling for the release of all non-violent COVID-19 prisoners, and we ask that you give compassionate consideration to the following:

  • Mr Assange is a non-violent remand prisoner with no history of harm to the community. He is not convicted and is thus entitled to the presumption of innocence.
  • Doctors of Mr Assange warn he is at high risk from dying if he contracts COVID-19 as he has a pre-existing chronic lung condition.
  • We are advised that COVID-19 is rapidly spreading throughout UK prisons, and that there are infections [and at least one death] at Belmarsh Prison.
  • We understand that the prison is short staffed and normal activity regimes are suspended.
  • Mr Assange is in poor mental health due to spending so much time in solitary confinement over recent years, and prison COVID-19 lockdown measures are further undermining his mental health.

We ask that you give further consideration to the very reasonable request by Mr Assange’s lawyers that this non-violent Australian prisoner be released into home detention with a 24-hour ankle monitor.”

With the director of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention warning of a second wave of coronavirus during influenza season, we stress that even those vulnerable prisoners, such as Julian Assange, who survive the current crisis remain at risk.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans, former Member of the Legislative Council of NSW, Australia

Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament, Republic of Ireland

Andrew Feinstein, former Member of the African National Congress, South Africa

Mike Gravel, former US Senator, United States

Heike Hänsel, Member of the German Bundestag, Germany

Eva Joly, former Member of the European Parliament, France

Ogmundur Jonasson, former Member of the Icelandic Parliament, Iceland

Ron Paul, former US Congressman, United States

Yanis Varoufakis, Member of the Greek Parliament, Greece

Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament, Republic of Ireland

Chris Williamson, former Member of Parliament, United Kingdom

Signatories from the European Parliament: 

Stelios Kouloglou– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Greece 

Dimitrios Papadimoulis-Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Greece 

Marketa Gregorova– Czech Pirate Party – Czech Republic 

Yana Toom– Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe – Estonia 

Marisa Matias– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – portugal 

Maria Arena– Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats – Belgium 

Carles Puigdemont– Non Attached – Spain 

Antoni Comin– Non attached – Spain 

Clara Ponsati– Non attached – Spain 

Dietmar Koster– Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats – Germany 

Kostantinos Arvanitis– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Greece 

Eleonora Evi– Non attached member – Italy 

Martin Sonnenborn– Non attached member – Germany 

Helmut Scholz– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Germany 

Clare Daly– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Ireland 

Mick Wallace– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Ireland 

Katerina Konecna-Group of the European United Left -Czechia 

Jose Gusmao– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Portugal 

Eugenia Rodriguez Palop– group of the European United left – Spain 

Klaus Buchner– Greens – Germany 

Idoia Ruiz Villanueva– European United Left – Spain 

Manuel Bompard– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – France 

Damien Careme– Greens – France 

Marc Johan Botenga– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Belgium 

Cornelia Ernst– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Germany 

Diana Riba Greens– Spain 

Derk Jan Eppink– European Conservatives and Reformists Group – Netherlands 

Rob Roos– European Conservatives and Reformists Group – Netherlands 

Rob Rooken-European Conservatives and Reformists Group – Netherlands 

Petros Kokkalis-Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Greece 

Patrick Breyer– Greens – Germany 

Alviina Alametsä– Greens -Finland 

Martin Buschmann– Non attached – German

Sira Rego– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left- Spain 

Manu Pineda– Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left – Spain 

Ismail Ertug– Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats – Germany 


45 comments for “ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Politicians Call on UK to Release Assange

  1. Dorthe Guldfeldt
    June 16, 2020 at 09:25

    Yes of course release him NOW!

  2. Jess Politano
    June 15, 2020 at 22:38

    This is illegal. Free Julian

  3. Guri le Riche
    June 15, 2020 at 12:36

    This is an intolerable situation and there are no grounds for continued incarceration.

  4. Anna
    June 15, 2020 at 12:22

    Julian Assange is the “revolutionary Jesus” of the 21st century. What has changed in 2000 years by today’s barbaric US/UK ROMAN governments? Truth today is just as inflammatory & worthy of prosecution as it was then! Isn’t it time for the masses to become empowered & show their true strength in numbers to the handful of psycopaths in power? Or do we wait to be tested, again, in another 2K years with these same conflicts facing us?

  5. June 15, 2020 at 08:05

    I really appreciate this effort. I notice that many of the signers are “former” elected officials. Why haven’t ALL elected members from these countries signed this appeal? Why?

  6. June 15, 2020 at 01:18


  7. Meg
    June 14, 2020 at 17:53

    Julian did the world a great service and has been deliberately been unlawfully punished for doing so. It is continuing the injustice to refuse to release him.

    • Mary McFadyen
      June 15, 2020 at 01:53

      All he did was tell the truth.. which apparently is a crime nowadays sadly .. he is an innocent man .

    • Mary McFadyen
      June 15, 2020 at 01:55

      All he did was tell the truth.. which apparently is a crime nowadays sadly .. His health should be taken into account now .. set him free for goodness sake !

  8. June 14, 2020 at 13:34

    He should be released immediately he is not a risk to the general public and his only crime was telling the truth about corrupt people

  9. June 14, 2020 at 09:27

    bill of human rights applies to all and have I not already said that???

    • T ed
      June 14, 2020 at 23:12

      That’s the problem He told the truth. And Clinton is part of the Deep State. They’re trying to make an example out of him

    • steel Patricia
      June 16, 2020 at 16:47

      Release him now

  10. Ani ostler
    June 14, 2020 at 03:47

    Mr Assange needs to be released now.

    • Robert Meyer
      June 20, 2020 at 03:10

      He is not a perfect human being . But nobody is . We are all guity the way the world is today. This man has family and children and nobody cares . This is why groups all over the word are feed up with today’s politicians.
      Do the right thing and let him live before he dies like a rat or worse with no dignity or compassion yours truly Robert Meyer Canada

  11. Leigh Brandon
    June 14, 2020 at 02:18

    He is not a threat to society. This man is a hero and should be free.

    • June 14, 2020 at 17:57

      He helped President Trump with his support. Her majesty the Queen should pardon him after all she owns Countries. I support Julian Assange whats not to like a our hi.

  12. Gordana Crnogorcevic
    June 13, 2020 at 22:13

    I wonder, where is somebody from Sweden, between all those about 47 Europs politicians, and many organisations, calling on UK to releas J. Assange fr. Belmars prison!??
    His suffaring started by sudden accusation in Sweden, for raping 1 woman! After He was properly heard of lawful prosecutor – he was released, free of charg, free to travell too, to London.
    Then, after changing previously prosecutor, Assange was again suspected for rape, for that previous woman again, and one more…now 2 weman! Assange volutarinly whanted to be heard by Swedish law, in thears Ambassy in London (what is ussualy praxis, many times), becouse he was afraid of deleverate him to USA, from Sweden…
    Sweden didn’t agree to hear him in London, persistent insisting of his coming to Sweden!?? Thatsway he had to liv his life in asil in Equadors Ambassy for så many years….and now he is like one of the worst criminals in Belmors preason too..
    We all knew who is J. Assange! His high proper qualites like human being and thruthfull journalist! The whole World does!!! And that he is innocent too!!!
    Why don’t you help him, Sweden!?!?

  13. Andrew Butkowskyj
    June 13, 2020 at 18:17

    Let him go

  14. June 13, 2020 at 16:49

    Free Assange now! No more government secrecy, cover ups and lies about misconduct.

  15. Lily
    June 13, 2020 at 14:02

    Although i am not British i feel so ashamed for Britain which has developed into a fascist state.

    How can they do this! How can they not listen to so many good, integer people asking for Julians release. My thoughts are with him and his family.

    Please, Britains, set Julian Assange free! Let him choose the only country where he will be secure. It will have to be Russia.

  16. June 13, 2020 at 09:20

    About time too little too late this should have been done long before and even without covid-19 as an excuse

  17. paul m
    June 13, 2020 at 05:34

    This all shows what governments have to hide. secrecy is a tool of the corrupt. exposing that secrecy is frought with peril. but truth and honesty will, in the end, win.

  18. Disgusted
    June 13, 2020 at 05:31

    What an education it is to compare British treatment of the truth teller Julian Assange and tax-payer funded Prince Andrew. Julian rots in Belmarsh prison (Britain’s version of Guantanamo bay) while the Prince (who doesn’t sweat) is pampered, overindulged and protected even though everyone thinks he’s a lying nonce.

  19. p
    June 13, 2020 at 05:21

    Yes Our aussie government wishes to allow a drug trafficker held in china to go free, but allows a non violent prisoner with no charges against himto rot until the US has him by the throat to do who knows what to him without a fair trial for being a journalist! This goverment bows to CHINA and the US government all the time.

  20. Catherine Klaffer
    June 13, 2020 at 02:50

    All my support and best wishes for this movement. Please. Release Mr. Assange. What he has endured is enough.

    • Aaron Powell
      June 13, 2020 at 23:17

      Such appalling treatment of Assange exposes the lie to our supposed democracies and their rule of law. Protocols of international law have been flouted at every turn over the past decade following a decision made to ‘get’ Assange over the embarrassment he has caused to so many of the powerful gangsters in governments and corporations by him finding a way to help let some light in on the stories citizens have both a right and a need (in order to able to vote knowingly) to know about. Well, now we know that the system his horridly corrupt and every day they hold Assange, they prove it even more. It has to stop! Release the journalist and political prisoner Julian Assange!

  21. June 13, 2020 at 02:17

    Release Julian Assange from unlawful imprisonment now!

  22. June 13, 2020 at 00:43

    The USA has given the world much in the form of innovation and technology but ask youself: Wherein lie all the successful economic and military interventions. Where lies the fallen signpost to all the moral and intellectual leadership successes?
    Ask which countries maintain and practice their humor and you will be naming the countries with the greatest stability of law and institutions with little need for a Human Rights Commission. Sadly the reverse is also true. Once the UK lead the world in humour now it is beginning to ban those satires that thrived. Should Johnson be a true man and not a poodle to the CIA and USA he would consider the case of Julian Assange.

  23. Hasan Selim
    June 12, 2020 at 23:19

    Release Assange as soon as possible.

  24. Tom Cooper
    June 12, 2020 at 22:46

    Julian Assange has been released!!

    This is the headline I want to see today!!

  25. GMCasey
    June 12, 2020 at 22:27

    America has decided that Julian Assange and truth telling is a crime—–will England join in their charade? Two nations—one has already chosen hypocrisy. Will England be joining them?

  26. elmerfudzie
    June 12, 2020 at 18:23

    If Assange is released and voluntarily submits to continuous monitoring, then a ’round the clock security will be required to prevent his assassination. There may be wealthy and powerful individual(s) who may extend both accommodation and protection offer to Assange. There are a few such individuals still around, for example the mercantile families of Greece, ditto Argentina or Brazilian Oligarchs. South American aristocratic families shun new money in particular from drug lords and have a disdain for mobsters who move into their “neighborhood” Or perhaps an old family in Monaco will extend their hand and offer asylum. If you watch vids for weddings and other ritzy glam celebrations as I do from afar, that is, I noticed a distinct absence of middle eastern sheiks from these events. A disapproving rebuke to the ilk who murdered Jamal Khashoggi? Believe it or not there is a collective social conscience among the wealthiest. Maybe a big time casino owner from Macau will come forward? Plenty of Asian types (prince-lings?) attended that last ritzy marriage I tuned into and held in Monaco (Monte Carlo). This comment is not intended to make sport of Julian’s predicament. I’m very serious about the power and influence it will take to protect Assange and we mustn’t rely on any state security agency or apparatus, need I remind CONSORTIUMNEWS readers of the revelations uncovered long after the RFK assassination?

  27. June 12, 2020 at 18:03

    No plea

    Did not know Bob Parry,
    Now, I do, with glee.

    He showed how corrupted
    Our world is, head to tail!

    He showed us how Reagan
    Encouraged North: “Disguise,”
    And with him were involved
    Khomeini and Rabbis,
    Devils of Israel!

    So, they ganged together
    Shook hands and united
    And became vampires!

    We, the simple people
    Spoke and commented
    On Iran-USA (relations.)

    Some prayed for Iran
    Some sided with Saddam.

    No talk of Israel
    And game of Tel Aviv…

    Robert or Bob was the
    That followed and traced.

    He told and informed us:
    “Saddam is Reagan’s pawn!”

    Now, paper of Parry
    Asks London, seeks plea
    And kind of compassion to
    Release Assange.

    Julian was young man
    And he walked the same path
    Screened lies and fact…

    If you were a brave
    Must love and admire
    The ones with guts to dare
    Going, to fight devils…

    Yes, life is sweet but
    Hero’s death is above,
    Forever keeps alive.

    Compassion of UK?
    I hate such request
    Since adores Britain!

    Find me one mean item
    Even one single page
    Or behaviour, action
    Not to root in London!

    It is impossible…

    I side with the Afghans
    And Chinese and Iran
    To compare jackal, fox
    With British Royals…

    London sowed, injected
    Dirtiness, filthiness,
    In blood and each cell
    Of rulers and churches!

    To the kings and queens
    The move is heroic
    When it is “Machiavelli’s!”

    Change colour, chameleon
    With the night and the day!

    Bribing and lying
    Preaching, misguiding
    Everyone, everywhere
    Is good and accepted,
    Admired as brave,
    Only if London gain.

  28. Jack Flanigan
    June 12, 2020 at 16:53

    Only one Australian politician and not one Federal politician??? It would be different if Julian was a gold medal Olympic champion. Do not talk to me about The virtue of Aussies we are a nasty, subservient, stupid nation. I speak from first hand knowledge being 3rd generation and 73 years of age.

    • Margaret McDonald
      June 13, 2020 at 04:23

      Maybe BobHawke would”ve had the courage to bring him home?

    • James
      June 13, 2020 at 05:37

      I’m 75 and Australian . I totally agree . We have gutless Politician & gutless MSM a/holes who consider themselves as “Journalists”.
      They are not fit to be mentioned in the space as Julian Assange – a true Hero & an Australian deserted by his own Country via the MSM.
      The ABC & SBS are just propaganda channels sprouting lies & misinformation especially about this Virus BS which in reality is not worse than a Bad Flue season. A Pox on all of them . Good article – keep the fight going for Julian.

    • AnneR
      June 13, 2020 at 10:06

      Mr Flanigan – a bad reflection on the Aussie govt, I would agree, as it has been all along (not that I would trust Morrison NOT to hand Assange over to the Muricans had they stood by him and got him released to their embassy staff).

      And in complete contrast to the Chinese conviction and sentence to execution of an Aussie drug smuggler (deep shades of the Brits in the 19thC in China with Opium) caught with some 7+ kilos of Methamphetamine on him (hardly for his own use). The Aussie govt is up in arms about this. (Not that I’m for execution – quite the opposite; it is barbaric no matter who does it [the Muricans, in some states, continue to].)

      Apparently a drug smuggler matters much more than an exposer of the awful truths of governmental, military actions (all countries).

  29. Nylene Puha
    June 12, 2020 at 14:54

    Absolutely! Release Julian Assange Now!

    • Ananthi Murugiah
      June 13, 2020 at 01:53

      Julian Asange is the jewel of the warriors …we need outstanding personalities like him to guide us in this corrupted world..
      The world is already in the verge of annihilation …

      Have some fear on God !!!

  30. Andrew Thomas
    June 12, 2020 at 14:54

    Bravo to all of you. Would that this were a time and a situation in which such a plea from such an august group was not necessary. In a country that has not gone down the rabbit hole to join the USA in Wonderland of hell, this would have been done as a matter of course. However, it wouldn’t have been necessary in such a country, either. Assange would never have been forced to take asylum to begin with in this sadly imaginary country.

  31. June 12, 2020 at 14:29

    I agree

  32. Jamie
    June 12, 2020 at 13:34

    I am ashamed to be British when I see what our Government, Courts and prisons are doing to Julian, a journalist who has done no more than publish the truth. The whole process is corrupt. Julian should be freed and compensated, as recommended by the United Nations.

  33. Nathan Mulcahy
    June 12, 2020 at 13:15

    I really appreciate this effort. I notice that many of the signers are “former” elected officials. Why haven’t ALL elected members from these countries signed this appeal? Why?

    Why haven’t all other news “media” published this appeal? (The second one is a rhetorical question).

    • Tim
      June 13, 2020 at 14:14

      > I notice that many of the signers are “former” elected officials.

      No, only a couple are. All the rest are current office-holders.

      I think it is especially praiseworthy that several conservative and social-democratic parliamentarians signed, since their parties are in governments that actively support the policies of the US and UK governments.

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