WATCH: Peace Congress, Veterans for Peace Seek to End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad


The No Trump Military Parade coalition of 250 organizations held a Peace Congress in Washington, D.C., on Saturday in place of the Trump military parade, which they helped to stop. On Sunday, veterans and military families marched to commemorate Armistice Day. Consortium News live streamed both events.

In a historic show of opposition to the glorification of war and waste of millions of public dollars, the coalition has gone beyond a traditional peace group to include anti-poverty, housing, the environment and more.

The Peace Congress is bringing together organizations and activists working to build a stronger peace movement that seeks to end the wars both at home and abroad.

The Peace Congress recognizes the following:

  • Budgeting federal dollars for the Pentagon translates to less funds for necessities such as education, health care, transit, housing and more.
  • The foundations of United States foreign policy are racism, violence and colonialism, which play out in our schools and communities.
  • U.S. imperialism fuels suffering and death around the world that rebounds as hatred towards the U.S. and greater insecurity.

Saturday’s Peace Congress event opened with a panel featuring Ajamu Baraka of Black Alliance for Peace, Angela Bibens of the Standing Rock Legal Collective, Bernadette Ellorin of BAYAN USA, Cheri Honkala of the Poor People’s Economic and Human Rights Campaign, Eli Painted Crow, a veteran and mother of veteran sons, Joe Lombardo of the United National Antiwar Coalition, and Netfa Freeman of the Institute for Policy Studies, who works on issues of African solidarity and police violence.

After the panel, which focused on the current environment and building the peace movement, the Congress ran as a general assembly for the rest of the day. Movement leaders and activists identified obstacles to building a stronger and more effective peace movement, opportunities, goals and next steps.

The event seeks to build a movement to end U.S. wars at home and abroad. In the recent midterm election, despite record federal spending on wars and militarism as well as never-ending wars, the issue of ending war was absent from the political debate. That is because both the parties in power are beholden to the weapons industry, military contractors, and security state, and the industries that benefit from their existence.

Along with the Peace Congress, there was a solemn march on the Washington, D.C., mall on Sunday, led by veterans and military families to commemorate Armistice Day.

The veteran occupation, concert and protests will be held at McPherson Square on Saturday and Sunday. See here for details.

Saturday, Nov. 10

Peace Congress

The Peace Congress was held at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, 201 4th St., SE, Washington, D.C., Fellowship Hall.

9 a.m.: Registration and breakfast

9:30 a.m.: Opening Panel challenges and opportunities for building a movement to end U.S. wars at home and abroad.

11 a.m.: General Assembly on challenge and opportunities.

12:30 p.m.: Lunch box lunches provided

1:30 pm: General Assembly on areas for collaboration and next steps

5:00 p.m.: Peace Congress adjourns

Sunday, Nov. 11

March to Reclaim Armistice Day

This is a solemn march led by veterans and military family members. All are welcome to march to honor all victims of wars, soldiers, civilians and resisters. White poppy wreaths will be left at each site. Taps will be blown.

9 a.m.: Gather in the grassy area near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Look for the Veterans for Peace white flags.

9:30 a.m.: March begins. March route will include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Women’s Memorial, World War II Memorial.

11 a.m.: World War I Memorial

51 comments for “WATCH: Peace Congress, Veterans for Peace Seek to End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad

  1. November 17, 2018 at 14:37

    Our tolerance for serial warfare is deplorable and the silence of world leaders an utter disgrace.

  2. William Thomas
    November 13, 2018 at 07:43

    Fantastic events – a huge thank you to all who organized these gatherings! If we are to have MLK’s “beloved community,” we all must unite to make it happen.

  3. Ibn Insha
    November 12, 2018 at 16:46

    There is no difference between waging war and supporting these organizations as far a government spending and burden on taxpayers is concerned. Both sides is a waste of money. These organizations want redistribution of wealth. Take your pick.

  4. Dianne Foster
    November 12, 2018 at 03:59

    I am so grateful to all of you who have kept this site going after the sad and premature departure of Robert Parry, from whom I learned so much about American/NATO imperialism by means of the Ukraine coup and other regime changes. I’m sure you’re not rolling in dough as is the MIC….

  5. November 12, 2018 at 03:36

    November 11, 2018
    An Unreal WWI Centenary

    I watched the commemorations of the end of World War I in Paris today and listened to the speech of Emmanuel Macron with a growing sense of unreality. Or rather a sense that Macron and most of his foreign heads of government guests were living in an unreal world. Here we were commemorating the end of a senseless slaughter that took 20 million lives and which was caused by a system of alliances which trapped each country in a commitment to war that seemed legally and morally binding upon it without its people having the slightest chance to debate, decide or propose alternatives such as negotiations.
    The nations of Europe did not decide to make war in 1914: they were dragged into war by an alliance system which imposed it as the inevitable legal consequence of certain actions by the “other side”. And this commemoration was taking place less than a week after the largest NATO military exercises since the Cold War, carried out a few hundred miles from the Russian border with Russia clearly designated as the enemy. And on this very day America imposed yet another round of economic sanctions on Russia for the crime of defending its two-hundred year old naval base, Sevastopol, from being taken over by NATO through a coup d’état in Ukraine intended to bring it into the NATO alliance. And not once in Macron’s speech or in this entire ceremony was Russia mentioned — the allied country which lost the most soldiers in World War I, and sustained the most lasting damage through the communist revolution deliberately fomented by Germany facilitating the return of Lenin to Russia through their territory. Schoolchildren read out letters written by French, British, American, German soldiers in the war, and even a Chinese worker in France. But no Russian. Even as the Russian president sat listening. The most active peace-maker in the world, hosting talks on Syria, talks on Afghanistan. From the nation that paid the highest price in the war. And the nation which France and its allies are preparing to make war on again in another world war dictated by the logic of a vast military alliance which never ceases to expand up to Russia’s borders, engulfing Russia’s former allies and even former provinces. And installing missiles so close to Russian cities that launch on warning is now mandatory for Russia’s nuclear forces.
    The only discussion held between Macron and Trump was not on disarmament or peace, but on whether Europe should form its own army or simply contribute much more to the NATO alliance preparing for war with Russia.
    And Macron had the gall and the ignorance to invoke “the rise of nationalism” as the danger threatening Europe with a new world war — when the nationalist or populist parties he was clearly referring to (those of Marine le Pen, Salvini, Orban, plus the Austrians and the German AFD) are all advocates of reconciliation with Russia and an end to sanctions, in the teeth of the warmongering of the NATO alliance.
    Am I alone in seeing Macron as a kind of lunatic, living in an unreal world, spouting the platitudes of another age, bound to his NATO allies in a death pact, and all of them sleep-walking into Armageddon?

    • robjira
      November 12, 2018 at 14:11

      You’re not alone; thanks for an enlightened and informative post.

  6. November 12, 2018 at 03:13

    11, 2018
    An Unreal WWI Centenary

    I watched the commemorations of the end of World War I in Paris today and listened to the speech of Emmanuel Macron with a growing sense of unreality. Or rather a sense that Macron and most of his foreign heads of government guests were living in an unreal world. Here we were commemorating the end of a senseless slaughter that took 20 million lives and which was caused by a system of alliances which trapped each country in a commitment to war that seemed legally and morally binding upon it without its people having the slightest chance to debate, decide or propose alternatives such as negotiations.
    The nations of Europe did not decide to make war in 1914: they were dragged into war by an alliance system which imposed it as the inevitable legal consequence of certain actions by the “other side”. And this commemoration was taking place less than a week after the largest NATO military exercises since the Cold War, carried out a few hundred miles from the Russian border with Russia clearly designated as the enemy. And on this very day America imposed yet another round of economic sanctions on Russia for the crime of defending its two-hundred year old naval base, Sevastopol, from being taken over by NATO through a coup d’état in Ukraine intended to bring it into the NATO alliance. And not once in Macron’s speech or in this entire ceremony was Russia mentioned — the allied country which lost the most soldiers in World War I, and sustained the most lasting damage through the communist revolution deliberately fomented by Germany facilitating the return of Lenin to Russia through their territory. Schoolchildren read out letters written by French, British, American, German soldiers in the war, and even a Chinese worker in France. But no Russian. Even as the Russian president sat listening. The most active peace-maker in the world, hosting talks on Syria, talks on Afghanistan. From the nation that paid the highest price in the war. And the nation which France and its allies are preparing to make war on again in another world war dictated by the logic of a vast military alliance which never ceases to expand up to Russia’s borders, engulfing Russia’s former allies and even former provinces. And installing missiles so close to Russian cities that launch on warning is now mandatory for Russia’s nuclear forces.
    The only discussion held between Macron and Trump was not on disarmament or peace, but on whether Europe should form its own army or simply contribute much more to the NATO alliance preparing for war with Russia.
    And Macron had the gall and the ignorance to invoke “the rise of nationalism” as the danger threatening Europe with a new world war — when the nationalist or populist parties he was clearly referring to (those of Marine le Pen, Salvini, Orban, plus the Austrians and the German AFD) are all advocates of reconciliation with Russia and an end to sanctions, in the teeth of the warmongering of the NATO alliance.
    Am I alone in seeing Macron as a kind of lunatic, living in an unreal world, spouting the platitudes of another age, bound to his NATO allies in a death pact, and all of them sleep-walking into Armageddon?

    • Realist
      November 13, 2018 at 00:21

      This was an outstanding analysis of a reality that America’s leaders and its lock-step vassals choose to deny or ignore in all of the many areas you discussed. They are either the most brazen liars to come down the pike since their predecessors gifted the world the “Great War” in 1914, or they are deluded psychopaths totally out of touch with the real world they obliviously, but diligently, work to put at risk. In either case, how did so many mental defectives come to power? It seems to be a requirement for the job.

  7. Hide Behind
    November 11, 2018 at 19:01

    Thet say the meek and peacekeepers shall inheirit the earth, but the answer to the qustion I seek is , just what will be left of the earth come time when they inheirit.
    The ones who are at meeting not being able to gather enough membership for their words to induce any actions of consequance to end war(s) now reaches out gathering straws from groups that support everything from protecting gays to protecting tree frogs and spiders.
    The power of intellectual anti war extends no further than their accepted authority by small circles of intellectual and ineffectual anti war groups spread throught world.
    From ancient times there have been incidents of anti war protestors, almost all were females, but for thousands of years since until today we find wars are even more common place than back then.
    Some of the so called anti war personalities are not antiwar per se, and have some whacked out belief and are supporters of those of a “Just War” mentality.
    Many also helped in such causes as War on Poverty, War on Drugs, and War against numerous diseases and races or mysogyny, all using terminology derived from militaristic j1argon.
    There is no massive outcry against war in 9p% of tbe nations they come from, and worse yet little understand that their financial ability root cause of that finance is because of their National Governments behind the scenes waging many different forms of warfare to pay for their comforts of today.
    The salarys of Profesdors of Humanity at Colleges and university settings within US is largely dependent upon Federal grants and endowments from Corporate and individuals that profited off US militarism.
    When 85 % of the over 120 billions of USD from Dept of education goes not into individusl students needs but for research for military, agricultural, energy, pharmaceutical, chemocal and biological corporate needs with admistration getting but 15% to divy up between needs of administrators then the non-associated
    disciplines, then what are real purposes and just who owns higher education.
    Now knowing anti war cannot raise enough funding for their traveling circuits, they now turn to protesting not the cause but the symptoms of the disease called war.
    Why is it that vast majority of attendes have never had a personal experience of wars, are primarily from White Eurocentric backgrounds and have never actually worked in production related enterprizes?
    For that matter did not ever smell teargas or felt clubs and bullets of their own govetments as theu protested?

  8. November 11, 2018 at 15:20

    I am so glad and thankful that America may be moving in the direction of peace and bringing the militarists
    under control. Thanks to Veterans for Peace for their efforts and cooperating with other peace groups to make it happen. I support their efforts. Veteran for American Integrity, Equality, Justice and Peace

  9. November 11, 2018 at 15:03

    I’m Koeran war vetertan. I agree with you 100% to STOP all war. But to do that we must STOP giving our tax dallar to the military and military industries. Getting rid congress
    men,senators who voted for wars.

  10. elmerfudzie
    November 11, 2018 at 10:37

    A whole new world paradigm is on the horizon. The control freaks and associated barons, who hide inside the executive offices of large banks and international corporations, are loosing their grip on every sort of resource allocation, population control, intellectual property rights, technology, general education, proprietary information and currency itself (crypto). Fiat currency was more or less, the last attempt, last tool, in the fix-it box of our financial and intellectual elite to control the levers of wealth distribution and human creativity. The new reality is not about frictions between political persuasions, religious beliefs, individual countries, war machines or west vs east, that’s all a lot of diversionary nonsense. This is about the scale of change in the broadest sense of the word, it covers the very idea of work (robotics), scientific discovery, emancipation from ignorance via access to world wide web. All this “evolution” in a fraction of the time it took, for example; during the cycle of linear progression within history but now grows logarithmic in terms of every new event that suddenly surfaces.

    Ex-POTUS Obama, that proverbial fly on the walls within big castles, overheard the real scoop, overheard the real concern, when he rebroadcast “polite conversation” within circles he would never be a member of; that should every household in Africa have an air conditioner, the planet would burn up, ditto for most South Americans, rural Chinese, most of India and so on. Mull over the meaning behind, Admiral Arthur Cebrowski’s new map of the worlds haves and have nots. The major point being, that every devise and every agent has been exhausted as to how to exterminate five billion people from our planet. In their cold, slippery castles and tongues, a new deceitful jargon emerges; 350 ppm, climate catastrophe, climate change, global warming, or whatever…in turn, the oligarchs increase their brand of global warming; purposely ginned up mini wars between ethnic, religious or political groups, freely distributed contraception, rigged food scarcities, GMO control and poisoning of crops, deadly insecticides like Roundup, Kepone, have all failed to significantly decrease humanity’s population. Pope John Paul pinned the entire Machiavellian machinery, into one succinct phrase “culture of death”

  11. November 11, 2018 at 09:45

    “Peace is an armistice in a war that is continuously going on.”
    — Thucydides (460-400BC)

  12. Matt
    November 11, 2018 at 05:47

    I think the font is called NYT Victorian Pica Gravestone.

    Hey, is that Tom from SPLC and Portland, OR infamy?

    Mulugeta Seraw d. Nov. 13, 1988 RIP

    Peace out.

    At home and abroad.

  13. Peter
    November 11, 2018 at 05:38

    This is a fantastic initiative. Their war is on all of us regardless of race , religion or creed. War is short term profits like a capitalists cocaine addiction to misery and the politics of “not enough”.

    We must unite no matter what single issue we are passionate about and understand no social problem can be cured on its own without curing all.

    There is so much here for all of us and billions more if we just have faith.

  14. Don Bacon
    November 11, 2018 at 01:31

    Ending wars requires crippling the US Army which is not needed for US national security, and which has been most instrumental in all the recent mistake wars. The Achilles Heel of the Army is its 500,000 manpower requirement. The draft is long past, and the Army depends upon volunteer enlistments, which have been a problem recently. About two-thirds of eligible males are ineligible due to physical, mental and moral problems. There needs to be a program to influence the one-third that is eligible, not to enlist. Here is a start:

    1. The “war on terrorism” is a sham because terrorists are small groups or individuals who blow stuff up and kill people, and as a soldier you’d be doing the same thing.
    2. That may change as the US national security strategy calls for war preparations against Russia and China, two powerful nations which do not threaten US national security. They do, however, have high tech destructive weapons that can destroy and kill.
    3. As a soldier you would be in a huge bureaucracy with little chance of ever getting a responsible position. There are a dozen enlisted grades and a dozen officer grades above that, and you’d be at the very bottom of the pyramid.
    4. Same goes for any thought about having a spouse and kiddies. You’d be living in a barracks with sergeants yelling at you, busting your gut in strenuous training.
    5. The chance of physical injury is great, as training is dangerous and war is more so. The army needs infantry more than anything, and infantry soldiers must expect to carry a hundred twenty pounds for long distances and up hills, so back injuries are plentiful.
    6. The chance of physical injury or death goes up with deployment to some country far away where the citizens are unhappy with your presence, and then shoot at you or blow off your legs with a roadside bomb made with fertilizer.
    7. Mental injury, or PTSD, is also a real possibility even for soldiers who never see combat because a military life is high stress. It doesn’t end when you leave service; twenty veterans commit suicide every day.
    8. Want an education or a useful trade that might be useful in civilian life? Forget those. A recruiter may make promises but remember the army needs infantry soldiers more than anything.
    9. Expect to see the world? No, rather expect to be in a tent on the dirt in some backward country, with large sand barriers all around to protect you from vehicle bombers and helicopters bring in food and ammunition because the roads are too dangerous.
    10. Finally, forget all that propaganda about you’d be protecting our freedom and keeping us safe, because neither is true. Your sacrifices will actually be paying the price for the large profits which go to the lucky members of the military industrial complex.

    • November 11, 2018 at 05:09

      Don Bacon, thanks for list. Number one is like precision bombing, on target. It is a war that increases terrorists, i.e., kill one create two more. Number ten best explains number one, why the war on terror is a grandiose spectacle instead of a many faceted more effective and far, far cheaper approach.

    • November 11, 2018 at 05:38

      Don Bacon, great list particularly one and ten where number ten explains why we have number one. I am reposting because just had a comment I was making about Mr. Tedesky’s list on the same article when it disappeared. Probably me fault. My fingers are too big and probably hit the wrong key. His was also a real gem, moving from the descriptive to the prescriptive. I suspect there are millions who agree with Mr. Tedesky, all hoping and wishing.

    • Skip Scott
      November 11, 2018 at 09:40

      Great list Don! We must learn to wage peace!

  15. O Society
    November 10, 2018 at 20:14

    Have yet to see anyone here comment they like this new font. Hmmm

    • Devil's Advocate
      November 11, 2018 at 13:08

      I don’t think anyone would. But, you see enough comments asking them to change the font, spread through every article page now.

      You know you’ve blundered with a typeface, when people start commenting about that, without commenting on what they just tried to read.

    • Brandy
      November 11, 2018 at 18:39

      It stinks. Normally I like New Times Roman, but in this context it’s making reading harder.

  16. Anne Streeter
    November 10, 2018 at 18:18

    Year after year we commemorate the war dead and mutter “never again”. Well, how does that work! Nothing changes. It is business as usual. The war industry grows, politicians fall into place, jobs are at stake and money is to be made. Never mind the colossal suffering as long as it takes place in someone else’s country and the devastation doesn’t effect us here at home. How do we get off of this wicked tread mill! Kudos to all of the organizers and people who are attending the Peace Congress. I hope that this is just the beginning of something big.

  17. Hide Behind
    November 10, 2018 at 18:17

    Pure bullcrap and only a meansvto support those whose incomes are dependent upon spreading false hopes.
    Putting forth that they can through bull crap and propaganda any real changes to system or stem tide of emplaced system.
    Throw out some bones and scraps in order to keep the populace hopes alive for positive changes.
    None of them , or taken in their totality have had one lasting effect towards personal liberty and freedoms decline in US.
    They live in a bubble supported by NGO wages and donations from well meaning andvdelusional weak as hell supporters. Supporters who need some connection, no more than mental help groups, to pretend they have a cause.
    Paper rules and regulations they want instituted will like paper burning cause no more than hot air results, same as their mental head games they play with each other.
    Words alone have stopped no wars or tyrranical rulers from denial of justice against people, scholars talk and invite but never actually physicly fight for a caue, they incite others to push their agends.
    A cows mooing and farting in a pasture will not stop the farmers using and abussing them, but a stampede over the farmer sure as hell will.

    November 10, 2018 at 18:08

    While I applaud the passion of those who participate, I question the efficacy of such efforts. The time has come to hit these villains where they live: in the WALLET. without our ( i,.e., U.S. taxpayers) funding these atrocities cannot continue. Therefore the logical step to be taken to stop war is to STOP PAYING TAXES ~ EN MASSE.

    • Don Bacon
      November 11, 2018 at 01:33

      You stop paying taxes and you’ll have your bank accounts and assets seized.

    • Skip Scott
      November 11, 2018 at 09:37

      You don’t do any good sitting in jail, and they would just print the money anyway. It is way easier to minimize your footprint when it comes to feeding the beast. Don’t watch, or pay for, any MSM product. Barter time and skill sets. Keep your money local and avoid debt. Pay cash “under the table” whenever possible. Grow a “no Monsanto” community garden. Reduce your carbon footprint. Speak the truth to all who will listen to counter the war machine’s propaganda. You get the idea. That way you promote peace and community at home, and you don’t wind up feeding the Industrial Prison complex.

  19. November 10, 2018 at 17:54

    I agree with anti war parades But .why not under Obama and all Presidents.

    • Joe Tedesky
      November 10, 2018 at 20:07

      Tom I think it is due to Trump suggesting we have them like France & some others do. Joe

    • Don Bacon
      November 11, 2018 at 01:34

      Anti-war parades? Been there, done that. They are completely ineffective, a waste of time.

  20. SteveK9
    November 10, 2018 at 17:49

    Hurrah! However, although it has been forgotten, Trump was the ‘Peace Candidate’ … however thanks to the Democratic Party, the Deep State, and his own Party, he has been turned back to the right thinking of perpetual war.

  21. Sam F
    November 10, 2018 at 17:40

    Excellent summary of the problem, and a fine preface to Armistice Day.

    The causes of US wars are primarily:
    1. The corruption of democracy by gold: MIC/zionists bribing Congress;
    2. The abuse of POTUS powers, and defense treaties as excuses for wars;
    3. The tyrant’s need for enemies to pose as defender and call others disloyal;
    4. The prospect of national gains by resource theft.

    All recent US wars are prohibited by the Constitution, in limiting federal powers to repelling invasions and suppressing insurrections, and can be lawful only under treaties. The founders correctly sought to avoid foreign entanglements, but NATO has been used since WWII solely by US warmonger tyrants and their Israel/KSA sponsors.

    Eliminating US warmongering requires:
    1. Amendments to restrict MSM and election funds to small citizen donors;
    2. Renegotiation of the NATO treaty as purely defensive, or its repudiation;
    3. Undertaking foreign military action solely under UN auspices;
    4. Prosecution of US war criminals, corrupt politicians, and lobbyists;
    5. Monitoring public officials and associates for corruption indefinitely;
    6. Repurposing 80% of the MIC to build infrastructure in poor nations;
    7. Signing the treaty of Rome to accept ICC jurisdiction in most matters.

    Getting there requires:
    1. Executive overreach to charge/dismiss corrupt officials, hold elections;
    2. Infiltrating mil/intel/police/nat’l guard to deny power during revolts;
    3. New parties that truly represent members, and make coalition majorities;
    4. A college of policy debate of all views on issues, with public summaries;
    5. Denouncing zionists and militarists, boycotting the MIC, and BDS Israel;
    6. Refusing to take mortgages or keep large sums in banks or investments;
    7. Refusing to watch or pay for mass media;
    8. Campaigning for foreign rejection of NATO, US products and currency.

    • Joe Tedesky
      November 10, 2018 at 20:06

      Sam amongst your excellent recommendations might I add the U.S. end the ‘for profit’ MIC?

      • Sam F
        November 11, 2018 at 09:25

        That is an interesting strategy. While complete nationalization would be hard to negotiate with the economic right wing (claiming the efficiencies of the market economy while ignoring the inefficiencies of corruption), serious regulation directed at known problems would be hard for them to oppose. Perhaps something closer to Eisenhower than Smedley Butler.

        We could penalize MIC influence via campaign bribes, revolving-door rewards to former officials, election or appointment of MIC operatives to official positions, and any relationship to mass media. We could also regulate investment in the MIC to eliminate any broad profit incentives to warmongers. We could prohibit foreign arms sales (and military action abroad) without an explicit Congressional vote after extensive debate. The entire MIC should also be very heavily audited with no discretionary spending to prevent secret wars and corruption.

      • Sam F
        November 11, 2018 at 17:42

        My replies this morning to you and Realist disappeared until I made this one, so may not be visible to you.

    • Realist
      November 11, 2018 at 00:12

      Is it really the legitimate government of the United States that has been sponsoring all these wars over the past decades? The regime occupying the offices in Washington have been operating outside the constitution for generations now. No one seems to care or attempts to stop anything the junta, which alleges control of all the resources and levers of power in this country, has forced down the throats of its chosen enemies, friends and allies alike across the globe. It lies to anyone and everyone and breaks its word, violating treaties, agreements and accords at will.

      All three branches of this supposed government colluded in breaking the legitimate chain of succession in the White House when they high-handedly selected George W. Bush to occupy the office of president rather than to allow the democratic process to play out under the constitution. Just months later, said imposter to the presidency fabricated, with blatant lies and false narratives, multiple casi belli against several sovereign nations which posed no danger to the United States and never attacked this country. It has been un-ending war using the most advanced weaponry known to the human race in attacks that resemble nothing but GENOCIDE ever since.

      Now these illegitimate mass murderers want to spread their warmongering ever farther–as far as the human mind can contemplate, threatening nuclear war against Russia, China, North Korea, and even the frankly impotent country of Iran which has no WMD or means of projecting power anywhere in the vicinity of the United States or its cherished “allies.”

      Pure unreconstructed savages seized power in this country during the hazy days of the 1980’s and 90’s when the racketeering that Smedley Butler warned us about half a century earlier was imposed first upon Central America and later hapless Yugoslavia… or maybe the game-changing coup was quietly slipped past an insouciant American public when John Kennedy was brazenly murdered before cheering crowds in broad daylight so the military industrial complex that Ike warned us about could assume command, hijack the budget and impose systematic slaughter in proxy wars all across the globe, starting in Indochina but inevitably spreading to the South Pacific, South America, the Middle East and the Hindu Kush. The insiders in this game of metastasizing treason, schooled and led by traitors from the intelligence agencies, were for decades as efficiently secretive and deceptive as whoever has kept a lid on all the alien technology being reverse-engineered at Area 51 and Rudloe Manor. (If this is all a big nothing burger, why do the whistleblowers always end up dead or disappeared?)

      But clearly they are now at a point where they just don’t seem to care because it is now way past the ability of the people to do anything about even if they could work up the gumption. Now, “our guys” overtly murder WaPo journalists without paying a price whilst our side contrives no end of fanciful crimes sans any evidence whatsoever, blames them on the Russians and duly punishes that country with economic sanctions, property theft, diplomatic recalls, and missile treaty abrogations–all obligingly seconded by our retinue of satellite vassal states. The Empire is as real, as criminal, as voracious, as undemocratic and as dangerous to every living being as was the fictitious Empire from the Star Wars saga.

      There’s my take: all these wars levied continuously for the past 6 or 7 decades have been nothing but a series of crimes against humanity perpetrated by an illegal extraconstitutional military junta propped up by the giant private corporations, and their controlling shareholders, to help them accrue power and treasure across the globe. They want it all, no matter how many no-count little people have to die in agony to make that possible–even if they have to destroy the United States of America in the process.

      • Skip Scott
        November 11, 2018 at 09:24

        Great thread guys! I wish CN and the valuable comments here had the reach of the MSM presstitutes. The truth would set us free!

      • Sam F
        November 11, 2018 at 10:12

        Indeed the federal government has been “operating outside the constitution for generations” due to economic corruption of democracy and mass media. Campaign bribes of Congress, control of elections via mass media, and judicial corruption by appointees have allowed gold to destroy democracy. The bullies who rise to power in our unregulated economy install warmonger tyrants, who invent foreign enemies to pose as defenders and accuse their moral superiors of disloyalty. Indeed they are savages, traitors, and war criminals destroying the United States.

        The Constitution needs to be updated with amendments to restrict funding of elections and mass media to limited individual donations. Inadequate checks and balances have allowed seizure of power by the executive, POTUS, MIC and secret agencies, causing generations of secret wars never debated or approved by the people, and betraying the US rather than serving its interests.

  22. November 10, 2018 at 17:36

    Can you post links to these petitions? Thank you

  23. Michael
    November 10, 2018 at 17:26

    Comments not displaying?

  24. Michael
    November 10, 2018 at 16:13

    Hey moderator delete this comment too. This font is terrible.

  25. mike k
    November 10, 2018 at 15:30

    This coalition of different groups seeking a better world is a hopeful development. Peace is the foundation of all our aspirations for a better life for all humans. As long as our resources are dedicated to war, a better world will not be possible. War is the primary symptom of our deep moral sickness – if we cannot stop this madness, it will continue to destroy our hopes for a good life for all.

    • Joe Tedesky
      November 10, 2018 at 20:04

      You are 1000% correct mike America could use a new national mindset… this current one we have is literally killing us, and a few million more.

  26. Fred Slusher
    November 10, 2018 at 15:10

    God bless your movement.

  27. Devil's Advocate
    November 10, 2018 at 15:06

    Dear Consortium,

    Please, please, PLEASE stop using this “Old Newspaper” font!

    As a graphic designer for 35+ years, I would never have used such a typeface for so much text body, as you do here. Not for a printed product. Not for a website. The font may be called “Old Newspaper”, but it’s really more like something you’d get from an old rubber stamping process. Too many eye-distracting “trails”.

    • mike k
      November 10, 2018 at 15:32

      I second the motion. What was wrong with the previous font?

      • November 11, 2018 at 03:29

        The previous fond was Robert Parry R.I.P.
        Whoever runs the joint now has to make a name for her/himself (can’t be bothered to find out the name(s) of who runs the joint now) and with Robert Parry being on record as the one that created Consortium News the newbies won’t have a snowball in Hell chance.
        Stop your complaining, they whoever they are, already have shown their authoritarian attitude by completely ignoring what readers are saying. As with BREAD Webers isn’t the ONLY baker in town.

      • November 11, 2018 at 10:04

        Interesting this Consortium News after Robert Parry R.I.P. you put in a comment and couple hours later the comment has disappeared.

    • Ort
      November 11, 2018 at 14:52

      The dissatisfaction with this font approaches consensus, at least from the ‘umble reader/commenter bleachers.

      Either there’s some hidden financial incentive for misusing this decorative “accent” font, which I admit is unlikely, or some owner/administrator is infatuated with it.

      It also points to a chronic, abiding problem in site administration, which is sadly more egregious in sites appealing to progressive-liberals, leftists, and political contrarians: opacity, or lack of transparency.

      Even accepting, arguendo, the vaguely libertarian dictum that site admins have a right to do as they please with the site, silently and unilaterally implementing unpopular features is inconsiderate and disruptive. This is one of the disruptions: since there is no “proper” place to express concerns or criticisms of things like dubious formatting choices, one must either grin and bear it, or express dissatisfaction in “off-topic” contexts.

      If the site admins read (“moderate”) comments, they are typically unsympathetic to the latter option. Rather than accept this constructive criticism on its merits, moderators typically either ignore it or seek to quash the “protests” by disappearing offending complaints. This is unfortunate at best.

      In the meantime, we can only keep our fingers as crossed as our eyes. ;)

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