In a memo to President Trump, a group of former U.S. intelligence officers, including NSA specialists, cite new forensic studies to challenge the claim of the key Jan. 6 “assessment” that Russia “hacked” Democratic emails last year.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?
Executive Summary
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.

Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence)
Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying was performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].
Independent analyst Skip Folden, who retired after 25 years as the IBM Program Manager for Information Technology, US, who examined the recent forensic findings, is a co-author of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.
The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery – as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.
NOTE: There has been so much conflation of charges about hacking that we wish to make very clear the primary focus of this Memorandum. We focus specifically on the July 5, 2016 alleged Guccifer 2.0 “hack” of the DNC server. In earlier VIPS memoranda we addressed the lack of any evidence connecting the Guccifer 2.0 alleged hacks and WikiLeaks, and we asked President Obama specifically to disclose any evidence that WikiLeaks received DNC data from the Russians [see here and here].
Addressing this point at his last press conference (January 18), he described “the conclusions of the intelligence community” as “not conclusive,” even though the Intelligence Community Assessment of January 6 expressed “high confidence” that Russian intelligence “relayed material it acquired from the DNC … to WikiLeaks.”
Obama’s admission came as no surprise to us. It has long been clear to us that the reason the U.S. government lacks conclusive evidence of a transfer of a “Russian hack” to WikiLeaks is because there was no such transfer. Based mostly on the cumulatively unique technical experience of our ex-NSA colleagues, we have been saying for almost a year that the DNC data reached WikiLeaks via a copy/leak by a DNC insider (but almost certainly not the same person who copied DNC data on July 5, 2016).
From the information available, we conclude that the same inside-DNC, copy/leak process was used at two different times, by two different entities, for two distinctly different purposes:
-(1) an inside leak to WikiLeaks before Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, that he had DNC documents and planned to publish them (which he did on July 22) – the presumed objective being to expose strong DNC bias toward the Clinton candidacy; and
-(2) a separate leak on July 5, 2016, to pre-emptively taint anything WikiLeaks might later publish by “showing” it came from a “Russian hack.”
* * *
Mr. President:
This is our first VIPS Memorandum for you, but we have a history of letting U.S. Presidents know when we think our former intelligence colleagues have gotten something important wrong, and why. For example, our first such memorandum, a same-day commentary for President George W. Bush on Colin Powell’s U.N. speech on February 5, 2003, warned that the “unintended consequences were likely to be catastrophic,” should the U.S. attack Iraq and “justify” the war on intelligence that we retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.

Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the United Nations on Feb. 5. 2003, citing satellite photos which supposedly proved that Iraq had WMD, but the evidence proved bogus.
The January 6 “Intelligence Community Assessment” by “hand-picked” analysts from the FBI, CIA, and NSA seems to fit into the same agenda-driven category. It is largely based on an “assessment,” not supported by any apparent evidence, that a shadowy entity with the moniker “Guccifer 2.0” hacked the DNC on behalf of Russian intelligence and gave DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
The recent forensic findings mentioned above have put a huge dent in that assessment and cast serious doubt on the underpinnings of the extraordinarily successful campaign to blame the Russian government for hacking. The pundits and politicians who have led the charge against Russian “meddling” in the U.S. election can be expected to try to cast doubt on the forensic findings, if they ever do bubble up into the mainstream media. But the technical limitations of today’s Internet are widely understood. We are prepared to answer any substantive challenges on their merits.
You may wish to ask CIA Director Mike Pompeo what he knows about this. Our own lengthy intelligence community experience suggests that it is possible that neither former CIA Director John Brennan, nor the cyber-warriors who worked for him, have been completely candid with their new director regarding how this all went down.
Copied, Not Hacked
As indicated above, the independent forensic work just completed focused on data copied (not hacked) by a shadowy persona named “Guccifer 2.0.” The forensics reflect what seems to have been a desperate effort to “blame the Russians” for publishing highly embarrassing DNC emails three days before the Democratic convention last July. Since the content of the DNC emails reeked of pro-Clinton bias, her campaign saw an overriding need to divert attention from content to provenance – as in, who “hacked” those DNC emails? The campaign was enthusiastically supported by compliant “mainstream” media; they are still on a roll.
“The Russians” were the ideal culprit. And, after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, “We have emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” her campaign had more than a month before the convention to insert its own “forensic facts” and prime the media pump to put the blame on “Russian meddling.” Mrs. Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri has explained how she used golf carts to make the rounds at the convention. She wrote that her “mission was to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”
Independent cyber-investigators have now completed the kind of forensic work that the intelligence assessment did not do. Oddly, the “hand-picked” intelligence analysts contented themselves with “assessing” this and “assessing” that. In contrast, the investigators dug deep and came up with verifiable evidence from metadata found in the record of the alleged Russian hack.
They found that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack, by Russia or anyone else. Rather it originated with a copy (onto an external storage device – a thumb drive, for example) by an insider. The data was leaked to implicate Russia. We do not know who or what the murky Guccifer 2.0 is. You may wish to ask the FBI.
The Time Sequence
June 12, 2016: Assange announces WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton.”
June 14, 2016: DNC contractor Crowdstrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians.
June 15, 2016: “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints.”
We do not think that the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.
The Key Event
July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is much faster than what is physically possible with a hack.
It thus appears that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 (the self-proclaimed WikiLeaks source) was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device.
‘Obfuscation & De-obfuscation’
Mr. President, the disclosure described below may be related. Even if it is not, it is something we think you should be made aware of in this general connection. On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks began to publish a trove of original CIA documents that WikiLeaks labeled “Vault 7.” WikiLeaks said it got the trove from a current or former CIA contractor and described it as comparable in scale and significance to the information Edward Snowden gave to reporters in 2013.
No one has challenged the authenticity of the original documents of Vault 7, which disclosed a vast array of cyber warfare tools developed, probably with help from NSA, by CIA’s Engineering Development Group. That Group was part of the sprawling CIA Directorate of Digital Innovation – a growth industry established by John Brennan in 2015.
Scarcely imaginable digital tools – that can take control of your car and make it race over 100 mph, for example, or can enable remote spying through a TV – were described and duly reported in the New York Times and other media throughout March. But the Vault 7, part 3 release on March 31 that exposed the “Marble Framework” program apparently was judged too delicate to qualify as “news fit to print” and was kept out of the Times.
The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima, it seems, “did not get the memo” in time. Her March 31 article bore the catching (and accurate) headline: “WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.”
The WikiLeaks release indicated that Marble was designed for flexible and easy-to-use “obfuscation,” and that Marble source code includes a “deobfuscator” to reverse CIA text obfuscation.
More important, the CIA reportedly used Marble during 2016. In her Washington Post report, Nakashima left that out, but did include another significant point made by WikiLeaks; namely, that the obfuscation tool could be used to conduct a “forensic attribution double game” or false-flag operation because it included test samples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi.
The CIA’s reaction was neuralgic. Director Mike Pompeo lashed out two weeks later, calling Assange and his associates “demons,” and insisting; “It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is, a non-state hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.”
Mr. President, we do not know if CIA’s Marble Framework, or tools like it, played some kind of role in the campaign to blame Russia for hacking the DNC. Nor do we know how candid the denizens of CIA’s Digital Innovation Directorate have been with you and with Director Pompeo. These are areas that might profit from early White House review.
Putin and the Technology
We also do not know if you have discussed cyber issues in any detail with President Putin. In his interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly, he seemed quite willing – perhaps even eager – to address issues related to the kind of cyber tools revealed in the Vault 7 disclosures, if only to indicate he has been briefed on them. Putin pointed out that today’s technology enables hacking to be “masked and camouflaged to an extent that no one can understand the origin” [of the hack] … And, vice versa, it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they are the exact source of that attack.”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a media conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Photo credit: New Media Days / Peter Erichsen)
“Hackers may be anywhere,” he said. “There may be hackers, by the way, in the United States who very craftily and professionally passed the buck to Russia. Can’t you imagine such a scenario? … I can.”
Full Disclosure: Over recent decades the ethos of our intelligence profession has eroded in the public mind to the point that agenda-free analysis is deemed well nigh impossible. Thus, we add this disclaimer, which applies to everything we in VIPS say and do: We have no political agenda; our sole purpose is to spread truth around and, when necessary, hold to account our former intelligence colleagues.
We speak and write without fear or favor. Consequently, any resemblance between what we say and what presidents, politicians and pundits say is purely coincidental. The fact we find it is necessary to include that reminder speaks volumes about these highly politicized times. This is our 50th VIPS Memorandum since the afternoon of Powell’s speech at the UN. Live links to the 49 past memos can be found at
William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center
Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS)
Larry C Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)
Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor
John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)
Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing
David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA
Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA
Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.)
Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat
Editor’s Note: This VIPS Memo included two mistaken dates. Neither affected the Memo’s main conclusion; i.e., that the July 5, 2016 intrusion into DNC emails that was blamed on Russia could not have been a hack – by Russia or anyone else. The portions of the Memo affected by the mistaken dates have been corrected.
A short explanation of the corrections:
-(1) June 14, 2016 (not the 15th, as the VIPS memo erroneously stated) was the day Crowdstrike said malware had been found on the DNC server and claimed there was evidence the malware was injected by Russians. (On the following day – the 15th) – “Guccifer 2.0” claimed responsibility for the “hack” and claimed to be a WikiLeaks source.)
-(2) Although the VIPS Memo indicated, correctly, that on June 15, 2016, “Guccifer 2.0” … posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with ‘Russian fingerprints,’” other language in the Memo was mistaken in indicating that evidence of such tainting was also found in the “Guccifer 2.0” metadata from the copying event on July 5.
This comment has been modified, and where no accusations are made unless Evidence has been presented for those opinions.
There are People who very rarely make an opinion over an accusation, unless they first hear from the Person who is being accused, and even then some of them may Not be able to always have an opinion on who to believe on that matter, and the very few exceptions where some of them may have an opinion without asking the accused Person, is if the accuser is a Very Trusted Source with enough evidence or logical reasoning, and that has to be combined preferably with firstly consulting with Others, and where the circumstances do Not make it practical or possible to ask an accused Person.
We Know for a Fact that the Shadow Regime and Much of the Bribed and Corrupt Mainstream Puppet Media are Liars and Slanderers, and that for Much of the time they Lie and they Slander People, and if People think the Opposite to the Known Lies that the Shadow Regime Puppets and the Puppet Mainstream Media speak, then they will Not be deceived.
America’s Shadow Regime are Unelected and Unconstitutional Usurpers who Exploit the American People, and who have managed to Puppetize Much of the Congress and the Senate and Many Government Agencies, and Most Americans will Blame the Large Corruptocratic Faction of the Democratic Party along with the Establishment Republicans for any Mueller Lies and Slanders, and the Republican Voters will have Drained their Swamp for the 2018 Election, and this is Why the Democrats want the Republicans to have their 2018 Primaries first, so that the Democrats may think of Draining their Swamp if the Republicans do or do Not Drain their Swamp, and the Republicans Know that the Democrats are Untrustworthy with regards to Elections.
This is because Corruptocrat Faction of the Democratic Party Will Always try to Cheat, and the Shadow Regime does Not care which Political Party ‘controls’ the Shadow Regime’s Congress, as long as Patriotic Representatives do Not Control Congress, because by the time the 2018 Election comes along, then Most Americans will Not be deceived regarding the Biased Mueller Sham investigation.
There are Americans who want Declassification of Several American Sponsored Coups over the decades on other Countries, so that the American People can Know that this is what is being attempted by the Shadow Regime and their Puppets with a Coup attempt on President Donald Trump, using the Mueller Sham investigation, where People will be Bribed or Intimated or Blackmailed to give False evidence and Slander Innocent People, and where Shadow Regime Puppets Willing give False testimony to attempt a Coup, but Americans Should Realized that Slanders are Lies, and that whatever they Falsely accuse President Donald Trump of, then the Shadow Regime and their Puppets have Committed and Continue to Commit, and the Shadow Regime and their Puppets are Definitely Far More Guiltier of such things, and are therefore Less fit to Represent the American People.
There are Many Americans who think that President Donald Trump is the Much Lesser of the Evils as far as past alleged crimes or alleged scandals are concerned, and for those who wanted Senator Sanders to be President, then they Realize that if Senator Sanders was President, then the same thing would be happening to him, because the Shadow Regime and their Puppets will Never want a Patriot to be President, and they will put Pressure on whoever is President to be like they are, and so the Robert the Mirror Mueller Sham investigation with what is referred to as the Mueller investigation Should be Referred to as the Mirror Investigation, where it tries to Slander an Innocent Person or Innocent People, but where it Reflects those Slanders onto the Puppets of the Shadow Regime, and onto Robert the Mirror Mueller and his team, and where those Accusations are True of the Shadow Regime and their Puppets, and the Shadow Regime and their Puppets are Always Guilty of Far Worse than what they Falsely accuse Others of.
I say to the Person who made an accusation, that I do Not like to have an opinion, until I have heard from the other Person.
This is Not to suggest that the Person making the accusation is Lying, but some People have told Lies, and that is Why I want to hear from the other Person.
It is what I consider to be a Principle of Justice, that the accused Must be allowed to give their side of the Story.
We have heard of the meeting between Trump associates and the Russian Lawyer, and it may appear odd that this meeting between Trump associates and the Russian Lawyer was Not mentioned during the Election Campaign, given that None of this was secret, because Several People of Diverse Political Affiliations attended that meeting, and the Russian Lawyer had to Apply for a Special Permit to visit America to Represent a Client, and so there Could have been a FISA Warrant for that Russian Lawyer, or some type of Illegal Spying, and probably was, and which also may have Applied to some of those she spoke with at that meeting, and a Republican arranged for a front row seat for the Russian Lawyer at the 14 June 2016 House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearings at , and that was a day after WikiLeaks said they had more Emails to Publish, and the Clinton Campaign Knew of that at .
There are some things regarding this that may appear odd, and perhaps the following in this comment may be an explanation for that.
The Shadow Regime thought that they had the Election Rigged for Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama said in October of 2016, that the Election would be Free and Fair and Democratic, and this makes the Biased and Rigged Mueller investigation a Sham, with which the Shadow Regime wants to use for a Coup on a Legitimately Elected President, and the Video is Titled: Obama To Trump: Stop Whining About A Rigged Election at .
Perhaps the Shadow Regime and Clinton Campaign did Not use that Set Up that they went to a lot of effort and planning to arrange, because the associates of the Trump Campaigned Realized that the meeting was Set Up, and this may be Why it was arranged for a Republican whose wife chaired the 2016 Trump Florida Campaign, to arranged for the Russian Lawyer to attend the House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearings, so that they would have Documented Answers if the Clinton Campaign used that that Unprincipled Set Up in the Election Campaign, and I think that the Minimum that the Clinton Campaign wanted from that meeting was a Pretext for FISA Warrants, or for Undocumented Illegal Spying.
These Deliberate Lies and Misrepresentations associated with this Unprincipled and Difficult to avoid Set Up, Shows how Deceitful and Devious the Conniving Puppets of the Shadow Regime really are, and this is why they Cannot make Policies that will Benefit the American People, because their time is being wasted with these Schemes and on Inventing Lies, and with Plotting a Coup on the Legitimately Elected President, who is trying to manage the Mess that was made the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships, which Includes their Puppet Obama Administration, because of them being the Puppets of the Shadow Regime.
It Could be that it was also for Humanitarian Reasons that the Russian Lawyer was invited to attend that 14 June 2016 House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearings, where she met Several Democrats and Republicans, so that the Clintons Could Know that she did Not have any Dirt on the Clintons, because that Lie was used to arrange that Unprincipled Set Up, where once it was Known by Honest People that there was a possibility that someone had some Dirt on the Clintons, then they were Obligated to meet with that Person, and Not only because of opposition research for possible Political advantage, while that is also a valid and legitimate reason, and which is one of several reasons, and is therefore a Technically Correct and Honest Statement, but it was also for Humanitarian Reasons, and for National Security Reasons, because President Barack Obama, the FBI, and the Public had Already Known because of WikiLeaks, that Hillary Clinton had an Unauthorized, Clandestine, Secret Email Server, because since at least October of 2015, it was Known what the Hardened and Compulsive Liar Hillary Clinton’s Criminal attitude is to being Above the Law, and what her Treasonous attitude is toward National Security, and the Video is Titled: Hillary Clinton laughs when Jake Tapper asks about her email server at , and this is the same Corrupt Attitude that the Puppets of the Shadow Regime have, but they at least have the sense to keep that a Secret.
We can see that it was a Complex situation, where it was said that someone had Dirt on Hillary Clinton, but there was No collusion with a foreign Country, and there was No attempt at collusion with a foreign Country, but there was Patriotism and Concern for Others during a Perplexing situation, which we now Know was an Unprincipled Set Up to Improperly gain FISA Warrants to Undemocratically Spy on an opposition Political Party Candidate, in order to try to Undemocratically and Dishonestly gain Political advantage over an opposition Presidential Candidate.
This can be Compared to a Person who went to the Business District to do a Several things on a certain day, and then there are Several Truthful reasons, and even Several Truthful combinations of reasons that does Not need to mention all of those reasons for those answers to be Truthful, as to why he went to the Business District, and they are All Technically Correct and Honest, and that Person may Not want to give one or more of the reasons for going to the Business District, because of having a Legitimate reason or reasons for that, and withholding some information is Not lying, because it is merely holding some information, unless it was an answer to a question as to what were All of the reasons that he went to that Business District on that day.
The Humane thing to do was to arrange to meet the Russian Lawyer, who it was alleged had Dirt on Hillary Clinton, regardless of possible Electoral advantage, but if there was also an opportunity to do some opposition research, then that is Also a valid reason for attending that meeting, even though there were other Legitimate reasons for doing that.
This is because of what is Known as Arkancide, and which is associated with People who say they have Dirt on the Clintons.
There Most Certainly Would have been some National Security Concerns, because it was Known that Hillary Clinton Committed Espionage with Top Secret Information on her Unauthorized, Clandestine, Secret Email Server.
There was the Obvious Cover Up by the Department of Justice and the FBI regarding Clinton Crimes, and of Hillary Clinton’s Unauthorized, Clandestine, Secret Email Server.
It was with this background, that this Complex situation had to be dealt with.
This is because there is Greater Protection for a Person who has Dirt on the Clintons, if that Information is shared with other People.
It was a Complete Waste of time to go to the Authorities during the Clinton and Obama Controlled Department of Justice and FBI, because they will Not investigate Clinton Crimes, and they Basically and Informally Recuse themselves from investigating Clinton Crimes.
There was Also Concern for Robert Goldstone, who is a Publicist, and who organized that meeting, and who mentioned to associates of the Trump Campaign that the Russian Lawyer had Dirt on the Clintons.
We now Know that People were used either Willingly or Unwittingly to arrange that meeting that was a Set Up to Improperly obtain a FISA Warrant, which was Requested in June of 2016, and that is the same month and year as the meeting with Trump associates that the Russian Lawyer attended.
There was what was an Unusual granting of a Special Visa so that the Russian Lawyer could attend that Set Up, and since it does Not appear that the Trump campaign benefited or could have benefited from that meeting, then it can Only be that the Clinton campaign was to benefit from that, because the Clinton and Obama Administration granted the Russian Lawyer a Special Visa, and this Set Up was used by the Clinton Campaign to Improperly Request a FISA Warrant in order to be a Pretext to Improperly Spy on an opposition Political Candidate in order for Hillary Clinton to Improperly gain an Electoral advantage in an Undemocratic manner, because if anything improper was intended by associates of the Trump Campaign, then there were enough People in that meeting, who were the Equivalent of Establishment Democrats and Establishment Republicans, and we Know that after that meeting, that a Republican whose wife chaired the 2016 Trump Florida Campaign obtained a front row seat for the Russian Lawyer to attend the House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearings of June 2016.
We Know that after all of this time, that there has Not been any evidence of foreign collusion in the Election, and a Senior Democrat said that there was No evidence of Russia meddling in America’s Election even after All of this time, and this was said in May of 2017 at , and we can see the 16 Biased Lawyers that Robert the Mirror Mueller has on the Mirror investigation, and how it Reflects on the Mueller team and other Puppets of the Shadow Regime at .
This is Why there are Many Americans who want President Donald Trump to have his own Political Party for the 2018 Election.
Thank you for caring enough to lay it out like this.
A lot of commenters here are giving far too much credit to the Clinton campaign for their reasons why they blamed Russia. They were probably sitting around strategizing and Robby Mook (Clinton’s campaign manager, who is gay) said “let’s blame Russia!” US gays already hate Russia because of the so-called anti-gay propaganda bill that was passed there in 2014 and the subsequent almost boycott of the Sochi Winter Olympics (thank god for the sanity of Greg Louganis who rejected a Sochi boycott). Everyone was saying that the bill was going to result in gays being beaten in the streets in Russia and mass exodus of Russian gays seeking asylum in the US. Yeah, that didn’t happen, but it didn’t stop the media in the US to incite gay people in the US to protest Russian embassies in major cities all of the US.
Great work guys. Keep it up. Most of us knew it was ruse anyway, but we need to let the world know how crooked these intelligence agencies are.
This relentless agenda colagulates the left’s outright tantrum about losing to Trump with the statists/globalist longer term agenda to provoke conflict with Russia/China and the West. The “play out” timeframe appears to be 18-36 months now…who better to blame the conflict in but Trump who is clueless to this risk.
Other posters say the nuclear war equates to “the end”, but it does not. A modern nuclear war scenario is not based on MADD, but rather strategic decapitation….and is highly survivable. In order to conform the aftermath to your ultimate objective you need to other guys to be embraced as an evil enemy and ideally you now need them to be provoked into attacking first. The signs of this agenda are everywhere if you choose to see them.
Who wrote this article? I can’t find the journalists name?
Utter horses-shit fake news…
…another right wing propaganda website – follow the money at is registrar,
First, I do not believe anything Obama says. Second, Seth Rich is the one that pulled huge chunks of data twice. It has been proven. He then by Julian Assange’s own testimony gave to Wikileaks before his cruel murder.
Thanks for this report – you honor your name: intel people and citizens for and with sanity. In a time when the media is insane and Congress can think only of war with Russia, your voice of reason, logic and rationality is all the more important.
Unfortunately, in Washington D.C. sanity is in short supply and whether Trump will read your letter is not certain. He appears to not be inclined to learn from reading. Ironically he got along well with Putin, who is the exact opposite – incredibly well informed on history and intel and reading and analyzing whatever he can to further his insight. Trump’s insight appears to all be a bit second hand. It might be good to send a copy of this letter to Pompeo and to Tillerson. They are more into rational analyses.
Again thank you for this clear explanation of the proof that there is no such thing as a Russian interference in the US elections by means of the DNC hack.I never though there was. It appeared more likely that the “establishment” or “deep state” did the hacking for either reason: to get Hillary elected and when she turned out to be just too burdened with issues, to prevent her from being elected.
When will PBS get “the news.” When will Mueller and Congress?
At the following link Amy Goodman compares conglomerate-controlled media with state-controlled and then queries: “What’s the difference?” and the Dalai Lama says that the rest of the world considers US “news” to be propaganda. He also describes much of the US populace and not “thinking” very much — making a lot of noise but with not much underpinning it. Here’s the link and the on-site description. I highly recommend it:
“Ethics and the World, A Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: A co-production of Tibet House U.S. in New York, and Link TV, the program brings together for the first time ever, one of the world’s most important spiritual leaders with renowned journalists, economists, environmentalists and politicians to discuss the ethical dilemmas of the new millennium.”
The VIPS report “Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence”
was discussed in a Washington Times article:
“With Mueller investigation, FBI gets chance to physically inspect ‘hacked’ DNC computers”
by Rowan Scarborough, 2017-07-28
After summarizing your report, Scarborough wrote the following:
The Times showed the VIPS memo to CrowdStrike.
“We find the argument unsubstantiated and inaccurate, based on a fundamental flaw,” a company spokesman said.
The VIPS report said that on July 5, 2016, a DNC insider copied data and imprinted code to make it look like it was Russian hackers.
The CrowdStrike spokesman said that by July 5 all malware had been removed from the DNC network and thus the hackers copied files that were already in their own systems.
“We continue to stand by our report, technical analysis and attribution as it was issued on June 15, 2016,” the spokesman said. “Additionally, the CIA, NSA and FBI, as well as several independent security firms, have arrived at the same conclusion with high degree of confidence as described in their joint Jan. 7 report and multiple congressional testimonies.”
Oops, wasn’t one of those agencies not highly confident?
The most recent full interview given by VIPS founder Ray McGovern on the forensics and analysis of the “RussiaGate” affair is on
I believe there is enough evidence to point to Robert Mueller as the thread that runs through many past and present secret operations against the interests of our nation. Mueller ran a coverup of 911. This has recently come out into the open because the BROWARD BULLDOG independent news org. sued the FBI for discovery of over 80,000 pages of intelligence the FBI gathered on the 911 hijackers who were living in Florida at the time. Mohammed Atta was subsequently the most popularized of the hijackers who were living near Venice, Fl, but the details of which were kept secret by Mueller and then his successor James Comey. Why would Mueller and Comey engage in a coverup of 911 unless they were protecting someone? Could the answer be found in the presently ongoing attempt to remove Donald Trump from office? Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has a history of dirty hands in political frame ups. He was a key player on the task force that railroaded Lyndon LaRouche into prison. Is Robert Mueller nothing more, nothing less, than a trusted old hand associated with the “Deep State” parallel government apparatus currently going after President Trump? If taken all together, 911, the LaRouche frame up, the Russian hack job, and the current assault on President Trump, Mueller’s name comes up in all them. Robert Mueller could be the thread that unravels this whole dirty apparatus?
Thomas Simpson
Former Army Security Agency Specialist
Thomas Simpson — shouldn’t a citizens’ petition be started demanding that Mueller be relieved of this appointment? Where is the peoples’ voice in all this? It doesn’t have to be Trump who fires him.
If you know so much, then why haven’t you appeared on Fox News to share your story? Why haven’t you made it your personal crusade to tell the truth?
I’m a hacker, I’m a hacker…
Although, I’m at loss to understand what’s really meant by this short word.
The West says I’m a hacker and they know best of any in this world…
Ballet isn’t all we can roil,
Us, hackers, there’s more than crude-oil, –
Preparing advanced Russian folks for the good of the world!..
I’m a hacker; I’m a hacker…
You think that’s our custom and the very best of fun we’ve ever known –
To crack the servers and the sites of Pentagon right after fields are sown…
On weekends, we go and hack,
No one will have time gasp or crack…
We’ll pass Trojans through like three good farewell vodka shots…
I’m a hacker, I’m a hacker…
This word is signifying our Russian old historic prowess and glory.
Recall our Pete the Great who hacked the hapless Swedes without single worry,
And Alex Suvorov hacked servers
Of Ishmael strong Turkish fortress,
And user Kutuzov chased French back as bunch of trampled kids…
I’m a hacker, I’m a hacker…
I learned a sunny song about Jamaica just this very early morning…
Yet, by your words, our infants crack your passwords way before the potty-learning.
It doesn’t matter what you are – a smith, a lawyer or a hair-cutter.
Take closer look – and, Oh My God! – It is indeed a fearsome Russian hacker…
The Sun does not rise on the West; the dollar’s lost its shine and turns to muck… –
Without a doubt, that’s the result of Russian hackers’ terrible attack…
Let’s hackerly frown and inquire
– Guys, are you for real, dear squires?..
Please stop being silly and let’s get together and sing
– Jamaica, Jamaica, Ja-ma-a-aica-a-a…
That is what Russians think about the Russian-Hackers hysteria..
OK — So what does VIPS mean when they say — this is their 49th Memo ??? Does that mean they’ve written Trump and the DOJ about this 49 times? Or, are they referring to “49 published articles” ?? If they contacted Trump about this 49 times, I will flip my fricken lid, if he hasn’t done something about this yet !! Why does Trump not jump on this and make it public ?? Why doesn’t he invite the entire panel listed above to come forward and hold a press conference or seat them before Congress ?? At this point, if Trump does not bilk it for all it’s worth …. Hey, come what may. You can’t fix stupid. I’d be smearing this all over the Democrats’ faces and the media’s till they choke on it.
It’s A Sigh of relief that these citizens show us the correct view to be had , for the majority of citizens whom have not given themselves the opportunity to be involved in this important work ! Although the view is somewhat dry in it’s presentation , that is a good thing as we are all tired of the emotional & nonsensical ways the maj media propanganda sources propagate known false info given to them. As a born Navy , almost died Navy veteran I am given hope by the continued service these men & women give the nation ! May God Bless Them & Their Loved Ones ………. They deserve Blessings as they stay in the gauntlet and let our enemies both within and outside , we stand guard and will protect our families …… Cordially , Nick LST-1195 William Richard Nicholson , NavyBlueSmoke
Dear Ray – The US media are going to do their very best to ignore the revelations in this excellent analysis. But now Europe is hopping mad about the destructive sanctions that the US is about to impose, the putative basis for which is the Russiagate hoax.
Do you think that some major media in Europe might be more interested in picking up the Russiagate hoax story now? Do you or your colleagues have connections with European media?
Just a thought. Love your work!
Here’s my take on the Russiagate issue:
mark, your link leads to your VERY useful wrapup; quite an effort; recommend all feel free to use as reference tool. Koudeaux! ray
Guess where the Russians’ compounds are? The east coast of the U.S..
Guess where all the Intel offices are! The east coast of the U.S.
And by the way — It was a local “download” — meaning someone sat inside the DNC office and smacked it onto a thumb drive. Last time I checked, the Russians didn’t have an office inside the DNC. Hahahaha. Nice try.
This will never find its way onto the pages of our corporate fascist controlled mainstream media.The odds of mainstream coverage of this story are about as good as a July snow storm in Cuba.
That’s why it’s up to Trump to put it out there !! He can very easily call the whole panel in and hold a press conference. Why hasn’t he done that yet ??
The irony is that Obama-Rice-Brennan-Lynch committed felonies–and treason–to protect Hillary who they despised. A desperate attempt to protect their legacy which will inevitably serve to bring them all down unless they can impeach or… Seth “Panda” Rich can finish that sentence. Even the casual observer cannot help but notice the coinkidink between Trump receiving this memo Monday and his going immediately on the offensive: against his own AG and his own leaking-like-a-sinking-ship staff. Kelly was a brilliant pick as DJT now needs his generals checking his six–and his flanks. It is always darkest before the dawn. The White House had better put itself on a war footing. The win-win strategy of a businessman has no currency in The Swamp where the deep state plays a zero-sum game. Somewhere a man named Flynn must be working back channels like the president’s life depended on it.
Premeditation is the right word this! Guccifer knew what he was doing…but who send him to leak this?…that’s the question!
The Pakistani fraud seems to dovetail with the claims by the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Huh!
Please give this to The President of the United States and his family and to Alec Jones and to Sessions or to his assistant. President needs to twit his defence and stop saying witch hunt since there’s witches!!!
Lots of respect for what you do! However, this is normally the job of the government, i mean to tell the truth and inform us well, but as you said ‘thes are highly politicized times’.
Hahahaha !! You mean “the government” who never even looked at the DNC server, nor went anywhere near it, and actually allowed a “small business owner” — a mere vendor — to SCHOOL the FBI on a …[quote] … “Catastrophic attack against our democracy” … “”
You mean that “government” ?? Surely you ask a lot.
This memorandum is consistent with a lot of hard working citizen journalist investigations. However, recent evidence connected to DNC leak, which based on new facts and evidence that links to 80 Democratic Congress representative and their computers who used the same IT Staffer that has funneled data off site. All the dots now present a clear word picture and will flip this entire matter; and is far to big to cover up. If the FBI Special Counsel looking at meddling into the election follows the facts wherever they lead, this will be by far the biggest scandal in United States history. More importantly, it must all come out so that we can fix it so other countries will trust our intelligence community, and our law makers learn how to never let it happen again. Great work Vets, as a retired First Sergeant who served 25 years; I can fully appreciate your yomen efforts. May God Bless you all.
Thank you for this. The American Public is at wits end with this garbage. You are all true Americans to get this information to the POTUS for TRUTH & JUSTICE. It is good to see there are still good guys out there who will rise and stand.
Agree with you 110 per cent.I too am so fed up everyday turning on the Tv and seeing the presstitutes continually spew forth the garbage you refer to .Unfortunately we represent a small minority since I believe 90% of the population have been effectively brainwashed with this constant barrage of the same old lies.
This comment is a modified comment of another comment that on wrote my opinions of this matter.
There is an Interesting News Article, and the following are some of my opinions on that News Article at .
I think that some of the approach of that sample Letter was good in my opinion, but I think that it lacked basic humility on certain matters and occasions, and was overly and unnecessarily generous as to character and motives of the special prosecutor and his team, and the President was the boss of the former FBI Director, and we Know what happened there, and I would be more ambiguous and flexible regarding time frames that the sample Letter mentioned, because in my opinion, ambiguity with sufficient flexibility with time frames and with wording gives more options with future maneuverings, and I would criticize the special prosecutor for delaying to reply to my Letters, if he was delaying, and give him Many Letters with maybe only one or a few Questions in each of them, along with some of my opinions of this matter, and if they were Not answered Sufficiently and within a reasonable amount of time, then I would write another Letter to the special prosecutor and to possibly one or more Democrats and possibly to one or more Republicans, and I would make a ‘mountain’ of Letters if necessary, because there Could be some Self Incrimination by what those Letters say or omit to say, or with what Others omit to say or do, because they are Puppets of the Shadow Regime, and the special prosecutor and possibly Others could Reply to each Letter reasonably quickly, and if he did Not answer in a reasonable time, then that Could be Used as one reason Why he was Unfit for that position, and is it because the special prosecutor and his team want to keep their Snouts in the Public Trough at , and take More Taxpayer Funded Salaries, and did the special prosecutor or any of his team work for Corporations write Legislation for Bribed Establishment Democrats and Establishment Republicans, while there are Many Homeless Americans who Need that Money much more than the Rich special prosecutor and his Rich Clintonite team, who are working for a Coup on the Legitimately Elected President, and there may be a special prosecutor page on the White House Website that deals with this matter, and that could be better than the Department of Justice having a page on their Website of this matter.
The matter concerning writing of Letters to the special prosecutor Should in my opinion, be assisted with 2 Lawyers assisting with those Letters, and where the Letters take at least 3 days to complete, and where Much of a Letter can be written on the first day, but where the rest of that time is used for Deliberations and for Modifications, and most or even All of the times, there is a Need for slight to significant Modifications to the original draft of those Letters, and that sample Letter said: I intend to release your response to the public, which must have full confidence in your investigation if it is to put to rest these baseless allegations, but I would have written or modified that as: I will release your response to the public, who would like to have confidence in your investigation, given the controversial and unusual nature of the circumstances that led to your appointment.
The Questions seem good, but my first letter would be to Establish contact and to receive a reply within a Reasonable time, which might regrettably present an opportunity to criticize the Unprofessional conduct and to question the competency and impartiality of the special prosecutor, and where the special prosecutor could easily reply to any letter promptly and Sufficiently, because a prompt reply to an easy Letter suggests that the special prosecutor is following the Presumption of Innocence Principle, which is Vital for any special prosecutor to maintain public confidence, and where the Public Knows that an Information Website would contain the Letters that were written by the President and the special prosecutor and All of his team, and possibly some Establishment Democrats and Establish Republicans, and that Website may contain the Questions in that sample Letter in that News Article and other Questions that will be Asked of the special prosecutor in time, and where there will be mention of the Improper Leaks that have occurred, and so the Public is reading these things, and Knows where to go for updates, and the following is how I would modify that sample letter.
I am writing to you, because the American people think that it is proper that we should write to each other. The Deputy Attorney General appointed you to investigate what we all now know to be the baseless and politically motivated claims of collusion with a foreign country during the Election campaign for which there is No Evidence, and the American people think that if you know of any such evidence, then that should be the first thing that you mention in your reply which should be a prompt reply under such circumstances. There are many Americans who have expressed concern over those improper leaks to the Media that have occurred from your team, which we can be discussed in another letter, and I will cooperate with this process of propriety in Elections, and this letter is proof of my commitment to that. As you are aware, promises were made to the Voters, because I did not want the Trans Pacific Partnership, that would have created an economic recession in America, and the reason was because it is easier to prevent a dictatorship in a country if it prosperous. The American people will read this letter since it will appear on a website, because there are a few matters associated with your investigation that needs your explanation in order to provide better understanding, and the public can read this on a website, because the public would like to have some knowledge of this process that does not come from the unreliable and dishonest mainstream media. The American people need your reply to this letter, and I hope you share the American people’s aspirations that the process be fair and proper and legal, because many Americans think that this matter should be handled through normal Department of Justice investigatory channels. Please reply to this letter reasonably promptly, because the American people would like to know your perspectives on this matter, because they know that the mainstream media is known to lie, and they could lie when they say they are quoting you, and they lie at times when they say they are quoting me, and this is why our correspondences will need to be only in writing, and so your signed and dated letter, will be a public service to the American people.
The special prosecutor is a Lawyer, and may answer his Letters in Legal Language that is Understood Only by Lawyers.
It would require that Lawyers assist with writing to the special prosecutor, but those Letters would be understood and agreed with by the President that they are Essentially his words, because his Signature would be on those Letters.
Situations of laziness in replying to Letters, or of Not being able to provide proper answers, or providing meager answers for various reasons, including being Deliberately Evasive, or being Biased, and of exceeding the Proper boundaries in pursuit of Illegitimate areas of investigations where Lies have been set up in place to be ‘investigated’, and where some People could be Bribed or Intimidated to provide false evidence, and such behavors and attitudes and Lies and Unprincipled Methods would be viewed as the special prosecutor being Unfit and therefore Unsuitable for that job, because there are Many Americans who Realize that the Founding Fathers Knew that Corruption in High Places would bring Troubles to America, and these are Valid Reasons to Dismiss a special prosecutor from his position, as long as the American People have been given time to Understand that, by means of a Website that explains this matter, and where a National Address to the Nation on this matter by the President Could be Placed on such a Website.
There are Americans who want to better Understand this matter of Definite Public Importance, and a Website would help them in this regard, because the Founding Fathers Knew that there was Real Potential for situations of Intrigue and Cunning and Subtle Duplicity that could arise and threaten the Republic and Democracy, and there are Many Americans who Know that this has been occurring recently, and People can read the Admonishing Quotes of the Founding Fathers on this matter, such as that Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.
The Presidential Pardon is used to Exonerate Innocent People, and there is not much need to speak of Presidential Pardons, except in speech that seeks to acquit and make amends to the Innocent, or that Quotes the Founding Fathers Concerns against attempts at a Coup on the Government, and one of Several Reasons that Presidents were given the Legal Right to Pardon People, was to Prevent Coups by Cunning Unprincipled Traitors, and speaking of Presidential Pardons without a defined context could give the wrong impression of guilt, because People Realize that the the President Can and Should Pardon People to Protect the Republic and to Prevent a Coup by the Shadow Regime and their Treasonous Puppets.
We Know that the FBI was readily granting People Immunity from Prosecution, and those People then Pleaded the Fifth Amendment or did Not show up for questioning, and is the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General investigating this or are they committing a Crime by taking Taxpayer Salaries and Not doing their jobs, and Perhaps the former FBI Director who Admitted in Public and Under Oath to Leaking material that was Not given a chance to be accessed as to its level of Classification, before it was Improperly Leaked to the Media by the former Director of the FBI, then this material will be Retroactively accessed, and there may be Classified Information in those memos, and the former Director of the FBI may be given a Pardon for Testimony that the special prosecutor is a Puppet of the Clintons who Should be Dismissed from his position, and that the special prosecutor can see how the current Attorney General should Not have Recused himself from his Duties, but this may be Complicated, because the Shadow Regime has Secret Films of their Puppets, and the American People may think that former Speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert, may be able to suggest ways to help prevent (S)Elected Representatives becoming Puppetized by the Shadow Regime, and he Knows that if there were term limits for (S)Elected Representatives, then he would Not have become a Criminal in such a Despicable manner, because he was Corrupted by the Corrupting Influence of Washington, and of the Unelected and Unconstitutional Shadow Regime.
There was No reason for the current Attorney General to have Recused himself from the investigation of the Lie that Alleges that Russia meddled in the Election, because the Attorney General is Not a Traitor, and some Americans Need to speak with the Ambassadors of different Countries in Person in order to evaluate from their spontaneous answers that is accompanied with their body language, and then they can have better understanding of some things, and there is No reason why any Authorized American Citizen such as the current Attorney General should have Recused himself for doing what was an Essential part of his job description, which Needed the Personal approach, and that should Not have been neglected for any reason, even for something such a long Election campaign.
We Know that the Corrupt Puppets of the Shadow Regime will use even Legitimate Activity of the Attorney General and Others and try to make it appear wrong, because they want to try to commit a Treasonous Coup, and if these Traitors were honest or patriotic, then they Should All say to the current Attorney General to Either Unresuse himself and Oversee the investigation of the Lying Allegation of foreign meddling in the Election, or else he Should do the Proper thing and Resign, because there is No reason why he should be a part time Ineffectual and that means a Compromised Attorney General, and if the Attorney General Resigns, then Perhaps he Should take some Establishment Democrats and some Establishment Republicans of the Shadow Regime including some Mainstream Journalists to Court for Compensation for Pressuring him to have to Recuse himself from his Obligations, and make himself Effectively a Compromised Attorney General, or even for Possibly having to Resign as Attorney General.
There are Americans who think that the Attorney General Should take this matter to Court to Legally Establish his Right to speak to foreign Ambassadors, if that is what he is supposed to do, and his Civil Rights were Violated in that Regard, and the Government might Charge those Criminal Shadow Regime Puppets with Violating the Civil Rights and the Constitutional Obligations of the Attorney General, and let them Answer in Court.
There was also No valid reason for the current Attorney General to Recuse himself from investigating Hillary Clinton, and his Flimsy and Personally Convenient Lawyer’s excuse was that he was part of a different Political campaign during the Election, and will the Deputy Attorney General Recuse himself, because he is a Rino and a Clintonite.
This is because it would be the FBI who would be Conducting any Investigations, and it would be the Courts that would Examine what is presented as the Evidence, and the current Attorney General has been Pressured to Inappropriately Recuse himself on these matters, and this is More than Sufficient for the Attorney General to do the Honorable thing and Resign, unless he Could have an Impartial Deputy Attorney General, because the current Deputy Attorney General is an Establishment Rino and a Clintonite, and the Establishment Republicans Know these things, and doing what is right will make it easier for Attorney General to be Offered a Position to serve the Country in some other capacity, and there are Americans who think that there is an Understandable yet Untenable reason Why the current Attorney General did that, even as the former FBI Director Knows of the Clintons, but such a reason while Very Understandable is also Untenable for an Attorney General, and the longer the current Attorney General remains the Attorney General, or does Not Reverse that Highly Inappropriate Recusal or Reinstate himself so that he can investigate Crime in America wherever it is, then Americans have more chance of Correctly Speculating on Why the current Attorney General Recused himself from investigating Clinton Crimes, and a Resignation would be an option, as would having an Impartial Deputy Attorney General, and the current Attorney General Should be persuaded that Resigning if necessary means that he can Credibly have a different Career path with the Government to serve the Country, and there are Americans who think that the Founding Fathers Knew that Corruption in High Places would bring Troubles to America, and that there Cannot be an Attorney General who has Recused himself from Investigating Crimes and Corruption that Any American Citizen may have committed, because the Attorney General Should be Impartial, and if he is Not, then he Should Resign or be Dismissed, and the same Applies to the Deputy Attorney General, and there are Americans who want a National Address to the Nation by the President on this matter, and a Website on the Attorney General, where the Letters between the President and the Attorney General are Published, and the special prosecutor can observe that, and Why there may be a Need for someone else to be the Attorney General, and that a Resignation by the current Attorney General is the more Honorable way to do that, if the Puppets of the Shadow Regime do Not Insist that the Attorney General Unrecuse himself from investigating Crime, given the circumstances that the President has an Obligation to both the Integrity of the Office of Attorney General and to the Country.
This is because the Shadow Regime may be Blackmailing or Threatening the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General Not to Resign, because they want the messier option for the Country that they want to be the Dictators of, and Perhaps the Shadow Regime has Blackmailed or Threatened the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General and the special prosecutor and his team with Consequences if they Resign, and they may Secretly be Wanting the President to Dismiss them from their positions, so as to give them cover that they can say to the Shadow Regime and to the Establishment Democrats and to the Establishment Republicans that it was Not their fault, and Americans Should Know these things.
The Shadow Regime has given the American People and the Legitimately Elected President the option of a Coup either by being Improperly Impeached on one way, or of a Coup of being Improperly Impeached on another way, and if the President does Not cooperate with the Coup on him by the Shadow Regime, then the Puppets of the Shadow Regime will perform a Coup on the President that they will try to disguise as a legitimate Impeachment at , and at , and so it is No secret to Many Americans that the Shadow Regime and their Puppets, who are the Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans and their Bribed and Corrupt Puppet Mainstream Media, want an Illegal and Illegitimate Subtle Coup on the President.
There are Many Americans who Should be receiving Pardons, because there are Great Injustices in America, and if a President wants to Pardon those who the Shadow Regime is setting up, because of an attempted Coup on the President, then if that President has a long track record of Pardoning People including Dennis Hastret, then it will appear as nothing unusual for him to Pardon those other People, because the Others have Provided a type camouflage for this, and if the Attorney General is dismissed from his position, then it would Not be because the Attorney General Recused himself from investigating the Lies of foreign collusion in the Election, because Everyone Knows that the President did Not collude with a foreign Country to win the Election, but it would be for the More than Sufficient and Very Serious Reason that the Attorney General Improperly Recused himself from Investigating the Clintons, because the Founding Fathers said that Corruption in High Places will bring Troubles to America.
America has become a Corrupt and Unjust Country during the Bush and Clinton Dynastic Dictatorships which Includes their Puppet Obama Administration, and this is because of a lack of sufficient Vigilance by the American People that the Founding Fathers spoke of, because Psychopaths do Evil to other People regardless of the Cost to Americans at , and America has More Prisoners as a percentage of its Population than any other Country, and the current Attorney General is one of those Responsible for that, and the Clintons are also Responsible for that, and there are People who think that the Democrats will Primary All Democrats who are Members of the Congress, and if those Democrats who are Members of the Congress do Not give way to those Democrats who have contested them in those Primaries, then Many Democratic Party Voters and Independents will Not Vote for those Democrats and a Republican could win that Congressional District, because they Know that the Best way to win Republican held Districts in the Congress is to Prove to the American People that the Democratic Party Swamp is being Drained, and there are People who think that Democrats will Primary All Democrats who are Members of the Congress, and if those Democrats who are Members of the Congress do Not give way to those Democrats who have contested them in those Primaries, then Many Democratic Party Voters and Independents will Not Vote for those Democrats and a Republican could win that Congressional District, because they Know that the Best way to win Republican held Districts in the Congress is to Prove to the American People that the Democratic Party Swamp is being Drained of its Corruptocrats, because Americans do Not like some of the Policies of the current Attorney General, which they consider to be Evil, Unjust, and Very Unamerican, and they will be Real Election Issues for the 2018 Election, unless the President can speak to him on these matters.
There are People who think that Republicans will Primary All Democrats who are Members of the Congress, and if those Republicans who are Members of the Congress do Not give way to those Republicans who have contested them in those Primaries, then Many Republican Party Voters and Independents will Not Vote for those Republicans and Democrats could win those Congressional Districts, because they Know that the Best way to win Democrat held Districts in the Congress is to Prove to the American People that the Republican Party Swamp is being Drained of Establishment Republicans.
There Will be Republican Voters who want their Swamp Drained, and they Could Vote for the Democrats in those Districts where it it is applicable.
There Independent Voters who think that the order for Reforms should be that Mueller and his team should be Drained from the Swamp first, and then it should be the Deputy Attorney General, and then the current Attorney General, and they are Patient with the President that he leave the current Attorney General for last on that list, because the Deputy Attorney General may appoint another special prosecutor to investigate that, even as he did with the Dismissal of the the former Director of the FBI, even though the Deputy Attorney General Recommended that the former Director of the FBI be Dismiss from his position, and then appointed a special prosecutor to investigate that.
There Could be Americans who think that the President Should Pardon Dennis Hastert for any other Possible Crimes that he committed in the past, and say Nothing more than that he is a good man who had a weakness, and that the President does Not want those Issues to be made Political, and that Compassion for a Retired Politician was the motivation Reason for the Pardon, while other People may see other Benefits to the Nation concerning matters of Compassion and of Good Government for America, because there are Americans who think that the president Should have some history of Pardoning People, given that the Shadow Regime is attempting a Coup on the President.
There is a former CIA Officer who has said that President Barack Obama has a few Billion Dollars in Offshore Accounts for being a Puppet of the Shadow Regime, and Puppets of the Shadow Regime like to purchase Nuclear Shelters at .
We Know that the Puppets of the American Shadow Regime want the President to sign a piece of paper that contains a Lie, and one Senior Democrat said that there was No evidence of Russia meddling in America’s Election and this was said in May of 2017 at .
There is No evidence that Russia meddled in the Election, or hacked the DNC Servers, and President Donald Trump won the Election Legitimately, because he did Not want the Trans Pacific Partnership, that would have made America a Third World Country, and this is Why the Shadow Regime wants to commit a Coup on President Donald Trump, because the Dictators of America Know that a Dictatorship is easier to achieve in a poor Country rather than a Prosperous Country, and this is Why the Shadow Regime wants bad Trade Deals along with unnecessary Socialism and there is Necessary Socialism which is Necessary Government Spending.
There are People who think that if the President is persuaded by Deceptive arguments to sign a Lie, then the Unprincipled Will use this as an Admission of guilt that there was collusion with a foreign Country, and then use that to attempt an Impeachment, or if the President is Pressured to sign that Lie, then this would Further Undermine the Public’s trust of the Shadow Regime and of their Unprincipled and Treasonous Puppets, and the Republican Voters Will Organize Primary contests against those Republicans for the 2018 Election, who would try to deceive the President, or who would pressure the President to sign something against his will, and it is a Criminal Offense and a Violation of a Person’s Human Rights to make someone sign something under Duress, but these are the Unprincipled and Dictatorial methods of the Puppets of the Shadow Regime, because they are Not the Servants of the American People, but they are the Puppets of the Shadow Regime.
The Shadow Regime by means of their Puppet Mueller wants to ‘investigate’ the financial dealings of President Donald Trump before he became the President, and if they find or allege any financial wrongdoing with regards to Complex Taxation Laws that are handled by Accountants, then American Voters Know that the Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans have Genuinely done Far Worse than that, and are Much Less fit to serve the American People.
The Shadow Regime keeps track of Influential Americans by meaning of Spying, and they can have Secretly Compromised Business Associates or Secretly Compromised Accountants of a Person or Persons that the Shadow Regime does Not Control as their Puppet(s), and these Business Associate(s) and Accountant(s) will do wrong things, so that the Shadow Regime has a set up in the future if an Influential American ever became President against their wishes or Schemes as President Donald Trump has, and the same Applies for someone who is working in another capacity for the American People, and which is disapproved by the Dictatorial Shadow Regime.
This is Why there are Many Americans who want President Donald Trump to have his own Political Party for the 2018 Election.
With the spectacle of John McCain casting possibly the most vengeful vote in American political history we can only hope Trump sees the writing on the wall and launches The Independence Party of America. He can appoint Pence as titular head of the Republican Party for the mid-terms and invite the Tea Party organizations to join him thereby creating a national apparatus overnight. This would fracture the Republican Party, like the Whigs of yore, and lead to a new coalition of Freedom Caucus members and conservative libertarians. We may be at the point of now or never…
Mainstream media is in business of creating the news rather than reporting it. This is very dangerous!
It’s actually quite obvious why they would blame Russia for this “hacking”.
They knew that when the leaks came out, that the DNC had cheated Bernie, they needed a story which could deflect from that and, with the help from the media and the intelligence, kill it fast.
They also knew that the Rinos hated Trump and would hate him even more if “Putin and the evil russians” had helped him in his campain.
So thats why it became “Putin and the russians”. And to many it obviously sounded reasonable, since this lie still floats.
Now the DNC, the RNC, the media and part of the intelligence still use it. But this time to take down Trump.
But after all – it’s what they do. That trick have been used so many times before so now they don’t even think about it.
The difference is this time they’re trying to use it on a president – mostly because they underestimate him. But I have a feeling he’s a fast learner so it wont work.
That’s my two cents
Now everybody has forgotten about Bernie
Now that we know the Pak IT guys had access to Wassermann-Schultz’s iPad, what are the chances that was the vehicle for downloads at the DNC instead of a thumb drive? Be a neat trick to use her to get them a trusted fast internal DNC network connection and then bring the data back to capitol hill for them.
Hillary hired Wassermann-Schultz into her campaign immediately after she was fired from the DNC. Wonder what that iPad had access to there?
A local D.C. connection sure is plausible and would explain why NSA is the dog that has not barked on web traffic to Russia.
F.G. Sanford has a point. Please read the contents of this article.
Some points:
1) There was no hacking here. The leak that occurred (it was a leak, not a hack) was designed to look like a hack, specifically from Russia. The article provides conclusive evidence (with links) that a hack could not have occurred, and that the contents of the retrieved files were altered with NSA software, to make it appear as though Russia was involved. (By planting digital fingerprints.)
2) On motive:
a) In a hypothetical situation, any foreign power with influence in the US would have some motive to gain unauthorized access to info that may affect them, BUT that is not what happened here.
b) WikiLeaks: While still on the topic of motive, the DNC and allied persons/entities were looking to frame Russia for “hacking” the DNC servers, in preparation for the WikiLeaks releases on Hillary Clinton, in order to delegitimize WikiLeaks and put the veracity of their publications up for debate. (To protect Clinton and help get her elected, of course.) “Guccifer 2.0” tried to pass himself off as a “hacker” who provided documents for WikiLeaks, so this scheme was designed to work with that story as a common theme.
c) Trump: In addition, the DNC and allied persons/entities attempted to connect Donald Trump with Russia, as collaborating in some sort of nefarious scheme; also, at the same time WikiLeaks announced that they would be leaking documents on/involving Hillary Clinton, MI6 agent Christopher Steele was retained by Fusion GPS to dig up/create dirt on this sort of Trump-Russia connection. Steele later produced an error-ridden and mostly factually false dossier that was heavily cited by DNC and sources favorable to them, particularly after Hillary lost to Trump in the election. It may have appeared to have worked well as a source of leverage in the beginning, but in light of the truth, it is now falling apart.
3) The “Occam’s Razor” approach does not work when it comes to matters of intelligence; if anything, this is exactly what malicious forces in the intelligence community want people to do. (Through subtle means, without making this too obvious.) Putin is intelligent enough to know that a Russian hack would eventually implicate the Russian state and put his role into question. Intelligence agencies in general are knowledgeable enough not to leave their calling card embedded within the evidence.
4) [READ CAREFULLY] Lastly, Russia was being pointed at as “having the most to gain” from this “hack”, because the DNC and their allies had/have been actively hostile towards them; the portrayal being played up in the media was that in light of this, Russia would naturally want Trump elected and not Hillary. (Now, that’s likely true, but work with me here.) Trump was being portrayed as having illegal and unethical dealings with Russia, which would fit into this carefully crafted story. Enter Christopher Steele. Whether or not Russia actually wanted Trump elected is immaterial to whether or not there ever was any hack – motive without proof or evidence means practically nothing. But the DNC had a convenient solution – fill in that gap by creating the proof, and creating the evidence, to fit the motive. Once you see the pattern of deception here, and the level of PsyOps at play, then one begins to realize the sheer folly of “Occam’s Razor”.
The article should be more prominent in the front of the homepage, added with banner/ advertising like “breaking news” or like that.
Crazy story from outsiders that is missing 1 very important point: Motive! Who wanted to hack and why? Would Obama or Clinton hack their own server? Or were the Republicans in charge of this hack and they later hacked their own server just for the fun of it? I tend to apply Occam’s razor here and say that Putin thought he had the most to gain from this hacking.
You’re supposed to read the article before making comments.
One answer. A disgruntled Sanders supporter, Seth Rich.
George Norcross and his Comgressman brother Donald Norcross hired a Russian troll factory in several countries to track, hack and manipulate internet news. They have sites page parked on the top of google and hyperlink to duplicate content, images etc. the Norcross brothers have paid off media news sites which they exclusively control via their holding company’s.
The stories are designed to be one sided stories and protected by members of Cadre tech to keep stories controlled on google that are designed to destroy those the Norcross brothers and his cronies seek to viciously hurt and destroy online
Norcross had his failing insurance company invest in a concert that invited no press except his daughters media blog. Norcross has Lewis Katz murdered. It’s a mess in NJ and no one is doing anything about it. Norcross is selling out so many people. It’s a damn shame. He should be in prison
Given there are over 300 comments at this point whatever I may add will undoubtably end up in the ether. But I will try to make a couple of very important points to me (of course)
Since Madam Clinton is coming out with a new book on how she was screwed by Russia and the FBI I think it’s time for many to rise up in their home papers and reprint the above article for more consumption. It is guaranteed that most people will roll their eyes at download speed vs a USB memory attachment to a computer, but the topic should still be known. It seems everyone, or most everyone have taken for granted Russia’s involvement in the election while Clinton is still whining her way to more funds off those who believe in unicorns. This would be a mystical animal of 1s and 0s of her own creation. If she had Seth killed, wouldn’t that just be too bad for her book publishers?
To refine the debate, let me mention the news that may have drifted under the waters edge. The “hack vs copy” of said docs involved an old Ukrainian software. Given the fact that Crowdstrike was the arbitrator of justice should wake anyone up after their bio is read. The FBI did not have access to the servers and yet she blames them?Before Clintons book is published a good international lawyer should weigh in on the funds Clinton took from various countries for her campaign, laundered through her ‘foundation’? This was, and I believe still is against the law.
I have mentioned many times, after the release of vault 7, that the NSA can mimic any country of origin in their hack and only the experts can find the bogus trail. We, as an ignorant country are blaming Russia for things our own NSA may have done. Perhaps they didn’t want Clinton after all, and using a self indulgent buffoon without government skills was a good set up for their own agenda, which was never a product of the American voter.
What a shame, after all these years I still read on the comment section here who one voted for, as if that has any meaning whatsoever. It may be a good beer conversation but it has no meaning in today’s USA.
Russia did not do this and they didn’t have the access nor motive to play this roll. Please tell your friends that they are being lied to regarding the Russia myth, and please tell them that the murder of Seth should be solved before any release of Clintons book were to happen. She has so much blood on her hands, a singular fellow who may have tried to warn the Democrats about the huge game played against Sanders, three bullets from an operator would be nothing to her.
Also, try to gently as possible tell them the difference between a hack and a leak. Russia is smart enough to know releasing Podesta emails about insider notations, and the DNC actually undemocractically erasing Sanders from a list of candidates would not work to Russia’s advantage. All it would do would make the DNC as despotic as it already is, with the designated despot still spinning the web of lies. People, don’t applaud her, jeer her for her past record on bombing and everything else she has lied about. Please.
They never solved the murder of Mary Pinnchot Meyer, either. It’s almost exactly the same MO repeated fifty years later. They tried to pin it on some clueless black guy, but by the hand of God, he got a young, inexperienced lawyer who turned out to be rather a genius. But the plan was to pass it off as a “robbery gone bad”. The case will never be solved…but I have few doubts about who dunnit.
Curious let me repeat what you said
We, as an ignorant country are blaming Russia for things our own NSA may have done. Perhaps they didn’t want Clinton after all, and using a self indulgent buffoon without government skills was a good set up for their own agenda,
And boy has the buffoon found out the full force of his fake reality….they need to pay the matrix author more money
Regardless if these supposed allegations are true! Russia is our adversary and like it or not the facts are clearly pointing to Trump and cronies being deeply imbedded in Putins money trail!
All I’ve seen on these threads is nothing better than Breitbart conspiracy bs!! Truth??? Who’s to say what that truth is? What makes this website any more factual than any other???
At the end of the day you’re either an American or not! Choose your poison so to speak!! You love Russia or any other one of our enemies?? As the saying goes do t let the door hit ya in the ass!!
Governments are all corrupt in one way or another but I’ll be damned that I as an American will allow someone like Donald Trump, who would sell out his kids to take us down!!
Golly, you must really believe in all this bullshit.
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
– Joseph Goebbels
You have been bought by the MSM parrots. This Cold War mentality that “Russia is the enemy!” ought to be obsolete, and yet, it continues because corrupt factions are conveniently scapegoating the “boogeymen” of the past, to their own ends. They think this mantra has legitimate staying power. But this ploy will not work.
Why blame the Russians? In politics, the bottom line scenario almost always tends to unfold by following the money…
Now ask yourself if the Clinton Foundation and friends ever benefited from promoting political upheaval and regime overthrow? Doesn’t take much research to conclude indeed they have and are still doing so…
For example, take a look at their latest venture, Syria. That country’s infrastructure, major cities and people have been devastated for the past 4 or 5 years and if Assad could be removed from power, the Russians would be forced out and the vacuum left would allow the Clinton Foundation and friends to come to the rescue like they did in Haiti after the earthquake, carpetbagger’s all…
Just think, with Hillary being President of the United States, can you imagine….
Of course, others would plunder their people and natural resources too, but the Clinton’s would rein as the true puppet master and reap enormous wealth.
Thank God for the sanity of the American people who brought a “Maverick” into the Oval Office. Although scorned by the “dark state” elite on both sides of the aisle, his direction with the help of groups like VIPS, will temporarily stop the insanity of our country’s world conquest and allow us to do the right thing; take care of our own problems here at home.
Circle the Wagons
You’re a complete idiot if you honestly think Trump gives two shits about the people of the US!! Give me a break!! His mentality of how to run a country is
That of a two year old playing in a playground!
Good luck with your devotion to a mentally I’ll dictator wanna be!
It should be obvious to all that it was not the Russians. This country is being run by madmen
Hold up, the theme that zionists control the Democraps and not the Repuglicans is a fake meme. I seem to recall that both Bushes were repuglicans and the attack on Iraq began with one bush and commenced with the other. Obomba was the fall guy to take the slack of the now evident revelation that the Devil had come down amongst us in 2000
The kkk cloth from which the repuglican party is cut from is nothing but a death cult with messianic devilry as its standard
Someone get me started
You know that there is Triple IPA now for people that need just a little more kick. I suggest you try Ishmael Ale and Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
WOW! a space for reason. Have I found it
A quick glance and I note Rational has buggered off without nary a word. I am reading all the comments and savouring a little bit of, well a whole lot of actual reality and less nonsense
Thank you, guys, for your service to our country – to the citizens of our nation.
God, save the United States of America. Bring us back to Your Son, Jesus.
Thank you all so much for exposing the BIG LIE. President Kennedy, after being set-up at the Bay-of-Pigs in 1962, wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.” Maybe, this time, his wish will come true. Wake up America; time is running out.
CIA has it’s own financing mechanism, apart from billions hidden in the US budget, the NDAA and from BS accounting tools any administration can use to finance covert operations.It’s like a secret Vatican Account that was originally created with German and Japanese loot , especially gold, taken after WW II. This is as Conspiracy Theory as I go. The Gold is floated whenever and wherever a few few dozens of bribe money are needed and they don’t even have to tell the Saudis or anybody else to do it. . Why was it that Germany couldn’t get it’s Gold back, it’s legally deposited Gold back a couple years ago. they have to wait 20 more years for it? Simple. It wasn’t where it was suppose to be and no doubt Germany knew this when they asked for it. There are untold tens of thousands of tons of the stuff spread around in vaults and elsewhere all over the world that can be produced in a day in any region of the world. Try and reign the CIA in? Who actually controls the CIA? Certainly not the CIA Director ,the President or Congressional and Senatorial oversight. . They have privatized themselves like a robot that achieves consciousness from Artificial Intelligence. It was done long ago when guys like the Dulles Brothers were figuring out what to do after the USA took over the world back after we made the bomb.
Thank your for this information. I will try to make it known in German News.
Been looking into the alleged DNC hack lately, essentially the foundation of Russiagate, and came across this Forensicator analysis. Didn’t really know what to make of it. Has anyone verified his/her findings?
This is an excellent Memo and should be widely disseminated as well as sent to the Mainstream media in the U.S. (CNN, Fox News, CNBC, New York Times) and U.K. (BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph), and the U.S. Congressional Committees. Otherwise, the false claim that Russia hacked the DNC and colluded with the Trump campaign will be repeated ad infinitum. I really hope this will be done so that the truth can finally come out.
OK Here is where perhaps some of you can help.
I would guess that many of you are a lot smarter than most of us VIPS regarding how to get things into the mainstream media. If you happen to fall into that category, PLEASE BE OUR GUEST AND TAKE THE INITIATIVE.
Meanwhile, the Internet has growing potential, which even I can observe almost every day. I keep hearing, from younger folks, Hey, This went “viral!”
Please, those of you who know how to do that, well, we need all the help we can get. VIRAL
Thanks Ray, Had President Kennedy had a 2nd term, the CIA would have been history..
Yuck, … you’re still using gmail.
Check my security advice in the comment section of your article “Hiding the Ugly Business of Torture”.
A few minutes ago I had written down some influencers who may help to spread your message (comment: Joe Average, July 26, 2017 at 3:34 pm).
Although I’m no specialist in “marketing” (a nice euphemism for propaganda aka “public relations”), my observations of news gone viral are that the content has to be outstanding in one way or another. In many cases something extraordinary cute or embarrassing gets lots of attention. The statement that “sex sells” is true as well, but a nice décolleté may distract from the message. In some cases some viral videos get additional attention by MSM (for example the video that included the CNN logo or a BK ad that activated “OK google”). Search engine optimization (SEO) could be of help as well, although it might be prevented by google / yahoo.
After quick brainstorming I came up with some additional youtubers and an idea for getting widespread attention.
Youtubers Casey Neistat and h3h3Productions also have large groups of followers. If you could get the attention of one of them, then you could reach larger audiences. With the help Casey Neistat you would circumvent the officials at CNN (his company had been bought by them).
A way to advertise your web site could be to use the tactics employed by PETA or streakers. If you could find some female supporter (or someone who’s desperately trying to get into media) who would be willing to show off, you could promote your web site by body painting or the person holding a banner. Before I’m getting backlash from female readers I want to point out that you could also collaborate with males.
Ray this isn’t salacious enough to go viral. Too much truthiness leaves Millennials in a horrible state of staring at their phones looking for a place to eat or a club or beer garden in the vicinity.. Anything else….,
please correct the spelling of “justify” above. Thank you for your good work.
I might believe this memorandum were it not addressed to Trump. By doing so, these “intelligence professionals” have aligned themselves with the leading enemy of American democracy.
Evidence for the massive attempt by the alleged Russia hacking is nowhere to be seen. The truth is the truth and whether it supports Trump or not is immaterial to the means by which anti Trump forces have aligned themselves with an even bigger enemy of the people which is our propaganda state media. I can cite examples. Their complete lack of coverage of the biggest threat to humanity Global Warming is one such example. This issue transcends our national politics. It pales in comparison to lousy government initiatives like Trumpcare which will affect millions of lives. Global warming will affect billions of lives. The Russia gate story supports the military industrial complex which will use anti Russian sentiment to further inch the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight where the possibility of a nuclear crisis between superpowers might end civilization.
Think carefully about the seriousness of this possibility and why all the fake news about Russia, the recent proposed sanctions against Russia and the Russian phobia gripping our government can lead us into military conflicts with Russia.
Where are the stories about the Clinton camp’s secret meetings with Russians about how to tie Trump to the Russians. Why don’t we call that collusion with the Russians an attempt to influence the election.
Where are the rebuttals in the media against their false claims that Russian aggression was responsible for the events in Ukraine? It was Obama and Clinton and the CIA and our Congress which imposed harsh sanctions for the events in Ukraine and Syria when in reality the USA was the sponsor of these crises. We are responsible for those events not the Russians.
Are you really suggesting we look past all our wrongdoings and the lies being foisted by the press in a totally unsubstantiated 24/7 media blitz trying to blame the Russians for the shortcomings of the democrats who simply lost by the laws of our electoral process.
Is it not obvious that the real influence on the election was the media’s support for Trump? They gave him approximately 3 billion dollars in free advertising and now they are trying to shift the blame to some foreign power like so many tin pot dictators before.
It is time for the media to admit that it was they who influenced the election and we should blame them not the Russians.
Let’s fix this the right way based on what really happened rather than being led by the nose in an attempt by the media to coverup their guilt. Let’s align against the real antidemocratic force in our country which is our media.
That is the best way to get the government we want and not the best democracy money can buy which is what we have. The Russians have nothing to do with it and supporting fake news to support the lie that the Russians are at fault will not serve the American People nor align us on a correct path for a better future.
It starts with telling the truth which is what VIPS is doing. There is no shame there nor do they bear any blame for aligning themselves with anti democratic forces. Democracy begins and ends with an informed electorate which cannot happen in a propaganda state where giant corporations which control the news get to make stuff up in order to get themselves off the hook.
No good will come from turning the election results into an attack on Russia. The manipulation by the press if it is successful is the greater threat to democracy.
I agree, for the most part. Regardless of whether one likes or doesn’t like Trump, attempting to subvert the Democratic electoral process by using the tools of Manufactured Consent to blame a state actor without any actual evidence (made worse by fabricating claims or evidence) is at the height of wrongdoing and ethical misconduct. In sum, it is (the equivalent of) treason. If the deep state (composed of unelected officials in intelligence agencies and the like) is allowed to succeed in effectively staging a coup, we’re substituting a significantly flawed institution with a virtual dictatorship. Once unelected officials are allowed to run the country, we are finished.
Where I disagree, however, is on the source of the issue itself. The media, who I’ve often labeled the “Fourth Branch of Government” , isn’t the source of these issues, but is nevertheless an important propaganda arm of the necrotic forces within the establishment. The media serves as an amplifier. The real sources of the issues facing us are the interests aligned with Wall Street, and the globalists whose sole purpose is to loot and plunder. George Soros and the Rothschilds immediately come to mind, and financial vultures like Paul Singer of Elliott Management are right behind them. We also need to do away with offshore tax havens, where virtual oligopolies store all their assets, to use as leverage as they see fit.
It’s a very complicated matrix of collusion, corruption, usury, and theft, which attempts to ultimately use the rule of law and corrupt judiciaries (or simply “smash and grab” tactics) to rig the system in favor of a preferred globalist elite. The media’s role in this is to keep the citizenry ignorant, to eradicate their ability to think critically, and to create a self-fulfilling reality (or the illusion of one) that didn’t necessarily exist in its initial state.
Partisan politics and its dogmatic influences have effectively divided the citizenry against itself – instead of allowing ethics and morals to dictate their politics, it has unfortunately worked the other way around. Now, it won’t be easy, but if Democrats, Republicans, and Independents/others can somehow be brought together via a sense of mutual understanding and empathy, instead of relying on disinformation from the media to inform their opinions, just maybe, we can all finally see who the real enemies are.
What’s worse is that this fake information is being used to sanction Russia, and now, we are told that the response to these additional sanctions will lead the parties into unchartered waters. The Russians are saying that our diplomats may be sent home. This is an act that is traditionally done right before a declaration of war. What does this mean? This means that the person who left these false Russian tracks, that this lie is leading this country to war withRussia.
Was the Russian hack an inside job?
The fabricated story of the Russian hack was an inside job. (There was never a Russian hack here to begin with.)
I’m surprised nobody mentioned this, but it was actually in June of 2016 when Christopher Steele began actively working with Fusion GPS to compile and publish the error-ridden dossier against Trump. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the announcement by WikiLeaks on June 12, 2016 was the impetus for this extremely unethical operation, which was done concurrently with other Pro-Hillary, anti-Trump operations aimed at getting Hillary elected by any viable means possible.
Thoughts? Please do chime in.
Looks like I was right…
From Wikipedia:
“In June 2016, after the Democratic National Committee had been hacked [sic – we know this is bullsh*t] and its emails began to be published online, Fusion GPS retained Christopher Steele, a private British corporate intelligence investigator and former MI-6 agent, to research any Russian connections to Trump. Steele issued a series of memos from June to December 2016, which became the document known as the Donald Trump–Russia dossier.”
Analogous to the phrase “follow the money”, I urge everyone to follow the sum of the patterns of all of those who participated in the massive Pro-Hillary, anti-Trump disinformation operations.
thanks AGAIN, you all. Please don’t stop! ray
And thank you very much, sir, for your service to this country, and for upholding the ideals that we as Americans ought to stand for together! In the end, the truth shall prevail.
Thanks VIPS. We owe a lot to your courage and honesty. Although sometimes it feels like pissing in a hurricane. The MSM and the democrats stopped looking at counter evidence long ago. Everyone seems to be asking the question why the Russians? I’m fairly sure they are ginning for a fight with a nuclear armed superpower. The democrats and the media are no longer just the enemy of the people here in America but they are the enemy of all humanity! They would rather start a war rather than face the fact that they lost. If only they had let us know they were planning to destroy the world in a pouty temper tantrum sooner they would have gotten ZERO votes.
We can sure none of this will be reported by the main stream media.
What motivated Reality Leigh Winner to leak her document to The Intercept?
What part, positive or negative will it play in culpable liability / innocent?
vis-a-vis the passing of a Classified Document to a known Broadcast Source?
What Top-Secret language opened up an exposure to US gov/t subterfuge?
What is the reason we’ve not heard a peep of/from her since the disclosure?
Is her brain being washed?
I gotta make one more comment. This article and the interpretation it adduces makes one thing perfectly clear. The so-called “intelligence assessment” was obviously a fraud. There’s a nautical term for this kind of behavior which most sailors will recognize. It’s called “gundecking”. Gundecking does not refer to doing a “half-assed” job. It refers to a job done with a lack of integrity or an intent to deceive. Generally, the things being “gundecked” are official reports constructed to conceal misfeasance or negligence. At sea, gundecking can have fatal consequences. It represents a character deficit, and may result in specification of charges…such as “falsifying official documents”. It is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I wonder what charges are applicable to the drafters of the fraudulent “intelligence assessment”?
When will Fletcher Christian set Captain Bligh adrift?
I just noticed that this article has been posted on That is the biggest outlet so far to publish it, as far as I can tell. According to (May 17) 295,000 (June 17) 379,200 (May 17) 436,000 (June 17) 774,000 (June 17) 8,849,000
breitbartcom (June 17) 14,864,000 (June 17) 40,484,000 (June 17) 42,408,000
I don’t know why the figures for OEN and ZeroHedge are for last month instead of this month, and the nyt figure must be wrong somehow, but the relative figures for the other outlets should be close enough. They give us some idea of how the news in this article is spread — namely, only in the four smallest sites (not counting the nyt figure, which as I say cannot be right).
In view of the information and arguments in this article, the question can no longer be “Did the Russians do it?” The questions now are:
1) Why are not more people getting this information?
2) Why are not more people reacting to it in a way commensurate to its importance?
These are the same questions, of course, that we have been asking about 9/11, JFK, and many other events. The evidence is in, the arguments have been made. And still the band plays on.
One “progressive” editor wondered if this information could help Steve Bannon “politically exploit” the information, but how could he do that? In any case, it seems clear that Trump and his people are not going to use this cannon that has been put in their hands, and for me at least that is the biggest puzzle of all.
How refreshing…a glimmer of True Truth.
Congratulations World!
This forensic investigation could have been performed long before the past year of finger-pointing at Russia, “media heyday” alleging the same.
Thank you.
How did the group of former U.S. intelligence officers get access to the DNC system to run an independent forensic investigation?
I’m not very savvy at IT stuff, but I believe they got the information from metadata from the Guccifer 2.0 releases. I don’t think they had physical access to the DNC system. There are a couple links at the beginning of the article that give more detail, and a mention of a more detailed report by Skip Folden “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers”. From what I hear William Binney is one of the smartest guys around on this stuff, and IMHO of unimpugnable character, and he endorses the findings. That’s good enough for me.
Christie former us attorney general and George Norcross cyber intel agency he owns with former dept homeland d security Michael Chertoff
These men are deceitful and dirty
The wash of bullshit rhetoric is so thick out there in MSM that it is very difficult to get this msg through.
This story is leaps and bounds ahead of what is being reported, but I wonder if the tide can be turned.
Influence peddling is a big industry and the MSM knows how to make it shine.
I’m not sure how this story will trickle out but I have hopes of a changing direction.
Interesting and valuable stuff. Too bad the creature in charge doesn’t read anything, it might help him in this time of multiple investigations of his White House. No, he’d rather shoot his mouth off through his Twitter account or rail against his enemies to the Boy Scouts. His mouth shall bring him down.
A general sincere thank you. I’ve read through all of your comments; they have been most helpful and instructive.
Thank You!!! The hard work you do standing up for truth in an effort to bring peace to the world is a great service. You are an inspiration and a real American Hero.
To respond to your previous HELP comment :
This very important article is far too long and complex to appeal to The Donald,
or to many Millennials for that matter. Their brains are different; they do not respond
to printed material and we cannot expect them to. Someone needs to create a concise
video of the basic facts. Not a “Bombshell” type presentation, but catchy and short.
Then the video needs to be posted to youtube and forwarded until it ‘goes viral’.
Also (too) it should be sent directly to The Donald’s Twitter account.
The MSM and the Politicians are far too invested in the “Russia Hacked the Election”
meme to give any credence to this report. It just won’t happen. And they have
repeated it often enough that most of the population believes it. The antidote
is an “anti-meme” which consumes the meme. The antidote vehicle is video.
Good idea, irina. Maybe somebody at VIPS knows someone who could put together a youtube video that would appeal to the younger generation and get it out there. One thing I have noticed here at CN is it appears to me that the average age of a commenter is probably over 60. I’m 61, and sometimes I feel like the youngster in the group. It’s a great bunch of folks, but like Lin Cleveland said “we’ve been sequestered into a sound-proof free speech zone”. A video might just be the ticket.
‘Flashmob’ events are very popular and ‘flashmob’ videos even more so.
What about a ‘news flashmob’ where someone starts reading excerpts from
The Memo aloud, from their smartphone, in a park or other public place ?
And then others chime in with other important info, for example someone
working on their laptop, someone reading something ridiculous from one of
the big NewsPapers and being rebutted by more info from the VIPS, etc.
Hosted by Ray McGovern if at all possible. Funded by Crowdsourcing if
necessary. Most flashmob videos are less than five minutes, which is brief
but allows enough time to get the main points across in an engaging way.
Thanks, Irina.
Funny you should mention the need for a video, especially for the younger folks.
I hope this will help any of our commentators who might wish to take your very helpful advice:
(the following is from
Sadly, RT is about the only outlet that will interview me. Interestingly, NO ONE at RT has ever asked me for a “pre-interview interview,” like ALL th other outlets normally do. So RT never knows what I’m going to say.
Amusing. When the RT producer called me early this afternoon to ask for the interview, she started reading me “this article by retired intelligence officers.”
Given my past work and interviews with RT, she figured I would be able — and probably willing — to comment on the subject, but had no idea I was one of the drafters. (She had not read down far enough to view the list of signers).
Fortunately, I can get to the RT studio in 15 minutes; so only an hour or two intervened before I was on site to do the interview.
Anyone know how I can get on CNN? or any of the others?
Forget about CNN and other large Main Stream Media of the West. They don’t seem able to report in a balanced way. You would need some benevolent western oligarch(s) to further your cause (by strong-arm those media outlets).
A month ago you have talked to some rational thinking woman with a certain amount of influence. Her youtube-channel is called “Sane Progressive”. Sadly too few of her videos reach more than 10000 views. Nevertheless she has been able to reach some like-minded people (read the comments below the videos). Youtuber Philip DeFranco seems to be a reasonable person. His videos are professionally produced and he has a large crowd of followers – probably lots of millennials. Another youtuber with great analytical and video editing skills is StormCloudsGathering. There are lots of people who realize that we’re being played (this includes those if the Identitarian movement as well, although they’re agitating against those refugees produced by the West’s wars).
Abby Martin does an excellent job, too. Maybe she could give you some “airtime” (youtube-time) to spread your message. Sadly newsbud decided to publish their content behind a paywall. They haves some nice high quality videos.
With regard to Europe (more precisely Germany) I would recommend to do an interview with KenFM (maybe in German and English for a greater reach). The publishers of the German Nachdenkseiten also seem to have some range of influence – MSM is trying hard to denounce them as fake news. With regard to alternative media of other European countries, I would recommend to gather contact information of alternative news outlets. Probably some of the commenters on CN can help you with this task.
On a side note: Did you read my comment (below one of your recent articles) regarding safety measures for secure messaging?
Thank you, Ray. I watched your RT interview and shared it. We here at CN want to share the word, and are asking how. Keep contributing here.
Have you heard back from the whitehouse? Has your letter been acknowledged? Write another one condemning the sanctions bill.
I guess these experts have never read a Le Carre (007) or other spy novels. If they had, they might appreciate that spies personally steal data with thumb drives and such while innocents are distracted.
The experts also overlook that Russia had two, two properties (in the Northeast) recently closed by the WH, which were not spas, but covers for hacking. Maybe this is a forest-for-the-trees problem.
Putin: “Hackers may be anywhere,” he said. “There may be hackers, by the way, in the United States who very craftily and professionally passed the buck to Russia. Can’t you imagine such a scenario? … I can.”
I know this is serious business and the article very convincing, but the intelligence and craftiness of Putin is admirable and I have to admit very amusing.
Here’s Paul Craig Roberts critique of this VIP letter to President Trump.
It sure looks to me like PCR has seriously misunderstood things. The forensics undertaken by Adam Carter and the Forensicators on computer metadata, as summarized by Elizabeth Voss, pertain specifically to the Guccifer 2.0 documents, and not to all the Wikileaks (DNC < inc. Podesta) stuff as such. The whole point is that the Guccifer 2.0 documents were a contrived DNC and/or Crowdstrike 'leak' that was then tendentiously misrepresented to the media and public as being a hack in such a way (i.e., by the use of fake cyrillic metadata, etc.) as to implicate the Russians as the true provenance (also!, as in guilt by association:) of all of the then anticipated Wikileaks documents. The latter (also) were undoubtedly leaked and not hacked — but that's another story, which might after all involve the disgruntled DNC employee or contractor, the late Seth Rich.
Alexander Mercouris of the Duran has this to say about the VIP letter to the president.
Impressive article, and it really shows how easy it is for those that offered up” assessments ” to via the MSM manipulate the public viewpoints. While we have suffered the daily brouha-ha of the media, one has to wonder where all this noise was when at 2 separate presidential elections we had hacking by vote flipping on the lousy electronic voting machines …the ones that have no paper trail for accurate vote counts. That is a reason to be outraged , domestic vote rigging . See this – and this — . So again…where’s the big investigations about OUR electronic machines ?
After Bush lost the popular vote in 2000, but gained the electoral due to Florida, a little poetic justice would have been served had Ohio not been flipped in 2004…Kerry thus winning the electoral while losing the popular.
Truth of Ukraine War Revealed: Watchdog Media Releases Timeline Video of Ukrainian War From Euromaidan to MH-17
The other thing of note, is that the files copied off the DNC server were done on the same day that Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook for her email server crimes. Would it be reasonable to assume that a frustrated DNC staffer who disagreed with this looked for revenge?
I think his name was Seth Rich.
Watch the background of all the election fraud and other corruption taking place at that time in this documentary film:
To clarify the point of this memo, there were two leaks of the same DNC emails? The second leak was a hoax to leave false flags that implicate Russia? CrowdStrike or a DNC insider could be Gucifer 2.0? Crowdstrike or a DNC insider link Seth Rich to Russia? This group warned as about the lies leading up to the Iraq War. This is just crazy.
What was the type and the speed of the internet connection to which the alleged hacked DNC server was connected?
Another consideration, besides feasibility regarding speed and size of downloads…and one I think is more telling, is the fact that if the DNC server was hacked for material (as opposed to someone with authorized access copying to a stick), the NSA would have that evidence. They would not just have evidence of a hack, they would have “fingerprints” associated with the hack. This is something William Binney, as good an authority on the matter as it gets, has brought to our attention.
Yes, and the NSA would want to trumpet their evidence to the world if they had it. The counterargument often given, that they can’t reveal because it would betray sources or methods, is just plain weak. At least since Snowden, it has been well known that the NSA traces and archives almost everything. No news there. And if there is a source that needs protection, they can simply redact the name. Hell, they could even say “we have traces from MM/DD/YY, but we can’t divulge any details” which would be better than nothing. But after all these months, there is nothing.
Mr Trump does not want to be JFK. And he is not enough brave to be
Exlent work but unfortunately Mr Trump sold his soul already. He is not that much brave to stand against them. He tries make deal with them behind scene. He has many weak point. Do you remember Mr O’bomber told I don’t want to be second JAN. Good luck. Many many people have no knowledge what is going on in back door.
Excellent piece! I’ve been tweeting a link to it everywhere tonight so people can see it. Maybe if enough of us get the word out the MSM will have to cover it.
I’d just like to thank all of you for doing your duty by disclosing the truth when so many who are being well paid to do so do just the opposite. The true heroes of this world in these trying times are those who expose the truth when we are fed a constant diet of lies. All of you along with Edward Snowden and Julian Asange and countless others who can not stay quiet in the face of all the lies have my thanks along with I’m sure millions of others who rely on truth tellers to save them from the onslaught of dishonesty that we are inundated with.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the VIPS and to outlets like Consortium who give them a platform. Your integrity in speaking up for the truth means so much to we civilians, who look on helplessly in horror while the country is being propagandized into war with Russia on the most flimsy of pretexts.
It’s comforting to know that there are still Patriots in the intelligence community.
Sounds 100% reliable. As a report of fact I congratulate the Steering Group.
This all has the very ring of truth but Wikileaks has on many occasions not published any or just parts of the material it has received from various sources seeking to expose wrong doing by governments. As far as I know no one has put these questions of what and why Wiki publishes certain material it receives and not others. There may be much more to this event, which walks like some giant psyop across the grave of American democracy than meets the eyes of even sharpest observer.
As for the ‘vault 7’ releases some have speculated that this was intentional ploy by the American security intelligence agencies as the set up. The set up is for a false flag scenario where a massive cyber attack by one of America’s ‘enemies’ against America takes place, a’ la 9/11, and a ‘cyber Patriot Act’ already written and waiting in the wings has at its grande entrance a scripted raison d’ etre.
My last Oct. 2016 “assessment” which I could not get published anywhere…not even in Consortium News:
October Surprise: Vermont Teddy Bear Confession
Bernie backer in the basement of the Vermont Teddy Bear factory in the village of Shelburne, Vt admits to Green Mountain Investigators that she, not Putin! hacked the DNC emails to reveal that the Democratic National Committee had sabotaged her candidate. Furthermore, she explained that “Fancy” and “Cozy Bears“, about which there had been government allegation-turned-”fact” and much media speculation regarding their “Russian Identification“, are actually two of their most popular plush products. And now, thanks to all of the free media marketing, the factory is gearing up to meet the surging demand for a bear in every Christmas stocking.
Meanwhile, Goldie Lock, who was previously best known for her expertise in sewing button eyes on the bears and never suspected of being a hacker, together with her backers at the factory declare that “It Only Takes a Village” to depose an impostor and demand, “Hillary must go!” so that the real candidate and his wife, who’ve been relaxing in their North Hero, Vermont vacation home after their long campaign…can run the last lap to the White House. And what with Trump’s bubble bursting like a punctured balloon in a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and going splat on 5th Avenue in front of his Tower…it should be a Home Run. There, upon reuniting the nation which had been divided & almost conquered by the 1% & its media: let the bloodless Red, White and Blue Plush Revolution begin!
Catcher in the Wild
Plainfield, NH
This is a bit off topic, but RT reported that Al-Maliki says Iraq would like to have a strong Russian military and political presence in Iraq because of Russia’s international experience with Iraq.
The conclusive, inarguable fact is the transfer speed. It isn’t possible to transfer 1900+ megabytes in 87 seconds remotely thru the internet. This level of thru-put is only possible when directly connected to a server running a gigabit NIC, connected to a LAN with a gigabit switch backbone, both of are very common these days. This means the download was done by someone on premise, on the LAN. QED.
Regarding Russia, it’s well understood that their (and China, India) monetary independence from the global banking system presents a real problem for those interested in global currency domination. Who do we know that may feel that way? CFR? BIS? IMF? The Fed? BOE? Maybe it’s just me, but hundreds trillions in global debt fueled by fiat currency and fractional reserve lending just sounds like a pernicious system to be avoided.
Without question: These insane bastards are out to get Trump removed. “Trump needs people now” like the above who are in a position to help clean out these people in the White House who are traitors.
The so-called Russia Hacking vs. Trump’s backdoor financial deals –
Trumps chessboard excellence is founded on principles of Self-Projection
Those loyal to a (now antiquated) concept of Equal Justice Under the Law,
Thrown under The Administrative Bus and subjected to Rule of Law edicts
The so-called Russia Hacking is insignificant compared to backdoor financial deals.
Trumps chessboard excellence is founded on Churchillian principles of chirping
Through Tweets and manipulation of subjects via algorithmic rearrangement
Testifying through ready confidants/confederates;Power of the Regulators’ rule.
Trump: The Tyrant of MAGA.
I only hope and pray that the DoJ and FBI can unbiasedly investigate this information. Sadly, I’m not confident that that activity will occur. But, believe-it-or-not a lot of people know about this, so I am slightly confident that there may be a chance of this information becoming widely known.
The e-mails were on their way to being exposed via Seth Rich-Wikileaks when the fake-hack-blame-Russia obscurantism was deployed. Two separate events by two separate entities. Now does the fake hack make sense?
Yes !
Breaking Bad, or Breaking Good? The Trump yardstick of anti-Deep State progress. Three writer-bloggers across the political spectrum: (1) Catherine Austin Fitts, (2) Robert David Steele, and (3) Dr Steve Pieczenik, each share an anti-Deep State sentiment. Importantly whenever they invoke their frequent criticisms on Trump and his administration, or against the Deep State, there is always an inclusion of global reconciliation without a religious test nor a sustained sense of vengeance in their equations. It’s more about getting on with Peace and Prosperity.
Alternatively, under an assumption that harsh assessments are absolutely correct on President Trump and the Trump Administration, it would seem to follow that a useful strategy to deal with the Deep State would be a strategy that is non-confrontational, unified, massive and global in its application, and peaceful in its processes. Our best path for peaceful planetary change in what most of us who respect Trump’s anti-Deep State rhetoric, would likely consider a positive direction, are the CE-5 protocols of Dr. Steven Greer, MD. The single most transformative event (short of our collective enlightenment) will be the emergence of suppressed zero point energy devices. Become the change.
You’ve named the four biggest disinformation loons on the planet in just one comment. Child sex-slave colonies on Mars? Really now, you must be joking.
No more or less a joke than licensed realty in California: “you remember little after emerging from somnambulistic trance”
This is all very fascinating. Let’s do a Bayesian analysis. If we previously believed the intelligence community and we believe all the latest revelations coming from the Trump camp then we would believe, with confidence, that Russia was involved. Now VIPS is upending this with a completely different perspective. It was all a leak and instead of a conspiracy on Russia’s part with possible Trump collusion, we have a conspiracy on the DNC side with collusion with the intelligence community. This would have to be a massive conspiracy from the intelligence community. They have repeatedly said, with confidence, that Russia meddled in the election. They must surely have looked into what VIPS has been saying and checked it out. Are they under some kind of groupthink that forces them to avoid questioning their own sloppy conclusions? Or are they actively involved in framing Trump? Either way it would require believing a whole lot more than an 87 second download. It would also mean Trump is the perfect foil for all of this. Who would have predicted a year ago that Trump would act so guilty and provide so many false leads.
I am still more inclined to believe that Russia was involved to some extent but it was not as big as the media coverage would lead a superficial analysis to believe. But that being said, Benghazi and emailgate were huge nothingburgers as well but one would never have guess that if they viewed only certain media sources. At this point the likely scenario is that there was a mix of collusion and luck. Some emails leaked, some hacked. Some fake stories planted, some by Russians, some by GOP fanboys. Trump probably met with Russians and he probably did bend his policy preferences, not based on what is good for the country or on any intellectual grounds, but because some Russian business friend convinced him it was a good deal. If he had extensive business dealings in Iran he probably would have warmed up to them by now. It may not be criminal but it is certainly not impressive and it is cause for worry. And it is certainly still cause for media coverage. If we don’t cover this Russia stuff and yet we were willing to go down the Benghazi rabbit hole for 4 years then we are all chumps or a massive degree.
Did I not already categorize your kind as “where there is smoke there is at least some fire”? But you are confident enough to bamboozle us with science (statistics) to give credence to your uninformed ramblings. “A mix of collusion and luck”, yours is a salad of empty quasi-scientific speculation with a spoon-full of Russian dressing in it.
“Trump probably met with Russians and he probably did bend his policy preferences”. According to reliable British information Trump did meet with Russian prostitutes with full bladders over Obama’s bed, and wet policy preferences are easier to bend, right?
If you previously believed the intelligence “community”, particularly the so-called unprofessional, unpolished, “hand-picked” “assessment” replete with disclaimer and tripe “filler” about RT, then you’ve already gotten off on the wrong foot, blindfolded and bamboozled.
VIPS didn’t just come out of the blue with a “completely different perspective” to “upend” some well-established and credible narrative. Given facts that can be credibly ascertained along with a plethora of circumstantial evidence, it is much more plausible that what Assange released was “leaked” rather than hacked. Leaving the DNC aside for a moment, the issue with Clinton using a private server in her capacity as Secretary of State is very much a somethingburger as are the revelations from the DNC and Podesta e-mails.
No “massive conspiracy” is required for certain influential intelligence officials to operate political agendas in underhanded ways. Brennan and Comey, and for that matter, Clinton, the DNC, and the intelligence “services” in general hardly inspire confidence.
Kiza, I probably should have just soaked up the enjoyment of your response and let it go at that…but sometimes I can’t help myself with my two cents and all.
Nothing wrong in having a laugh sometimes, especially if it is at commenters who take themselves too seriously.
If we can make “smart bombs”, how come we can’t make “smart politicians”?
Be careful what you wish for: but then we already have drones in office.
The bigger story here is where did this disinformation campaign about the Russians originate from? Was it Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? Is it a conspiracy? Why is John Brennan still hitting the talk show circuit to spread his disinformation? Is this appropriate for a former CIA Director? He paints an extremely dark picture of the world…”the sky is falling”. Brennan looks dishonest and rotten to the core. Brennan is “in” on the whole thing..
Bill – that’s what I’d like to know. Of course it’s not appropriate for a former CIA director to still be parading around the talk shows. It sure smells like a conspiracy.
Which still proves precisely nothing about the person/people who orchestrated the data copying and exfiltration. So the Russians snuck in? Had a sleeper agent? Bribed an employee? Coerced an employee? Used cutouts to send the data to Wikileaks? Russian state? Russian Mafia? Kazakhstanian partisans? This is a joke.
I think you all lost a lot of credibility with this one.
It is ‘interesting’ that the time the files were copied were just hours after Comey announced Hillary Clinton would not be charged over her email server. The timing itself tells us something.
First, Russians commonly use domestic locations for hacks. Second, an offer from Russia to supply information to Trump’s campaign is documented in Donald R Trump’s emails. Third given these facts, it seems to me entirely possible that this is one more attempt at disseminating fake news against the Democratic Party. What we are facing is not so much bad behavior on the part of Russians (who can blame them for trying?) but on the part of right wing Americans who will collude with anyone to gain power. Now it seems, as in the Weimer period, the alt left has joined forces with the alt right. And yes, as then, this puts us in danger of fascism now.
Now you know that you can’t say anything about any hacker’s “locations” when they can use servers anywhere, or hijacked PCs. Did you read the article? You did not make any point at all about “fake news.” Nor is it true at all that the alt right joined the alt left in Weimar Germany: when the Reichstag burned, Hitler said “Des ist der werk der Kommunisten!”
This IS a very interesting analysis. But what do we do with the JUNE release of DNC documents by “Guccifer 2.0,” which followed soon after the meeting between top Trump folks and that Russian group?
Another useless rehash from CN.
For some real insight on something important…and I’ve got to say that Trump maybe be on the right side of this one ( Amazingly ).
It is hard to be polite with a faker like Stiv, who apparently did not read the article let alone its links.
Glad to see that the Forensicator has been corroborated by VIPS expert. The explanation for the “Guccifer 2.0” statement as part of the effort to deflect the truth of the WikiLeaks releases certainly seems convincing. We need to draw a line and put anybody who propagates this phony conspiracy propaganda as permanently beyond the pale of legitimacy. I’ll admit that I will find it hard to ever vote for any Democrat who ever voiced support for this and view with contempt any person who drinks this propaganda Kool-Aid. Those propagating these myths are traitors to civilization, since nuclear war is the logical endpoint of this propaganda. They are either dangerous fools, knaves, or both.
You know when I lost faith in the “Guccifer 2.0” story? It was when the MSM started reporting it. I know my decision making is as weak as hell, but if CNN, MSNBC, Wapo, NYT, and like others report it, then it must be fishy. I’m sorry that’s where my trust, and belief in our news media, has ended up in the credibility dumpster. How’s that go, fool me once, fool me twice, well just don’t fool me no more….and no I don’t miss George W., but we Americans have been treated to the worst fabrications of lies for so very long, that it’s hard to keep buying their D.C. bull. Now I sound like an old man, but you get my point.
Good comment backwardsevolution Joe
Unfortunately President Trump either cannot or will not read information from intelligent, knowledgeable citizens. 140 characters seem to be enough for him (even George W Bush had one-page briefings to enable his monumental decisions).
Facts have no influence on the present Administration or its alternative in the Hillary Democratic Party.
How anyone can observe the antics of the “US Congress” and believe that this is a genuine modern democracy is beyond me.
Israel has without doubt the most obvious effect on US policy, yet the Congress not only is producing more “sanctions” on Russia for its non-existent crimes, but is preparing criminalization laws for Americans supporting BDS, a non-violent, voluntary, peaceful technique for pushing Israel to follow international law.
There is little doubt that what is running Washington, unelected but running it, is going to get us into WWIII….Just a matter of time now….
The CIA should have been disbanded when Kennedy planned to smash it to a 1000 pieces, (it is basically a criminal enterprise and has been for a long time, Murder Inc. as President Johnson called it–and he knew all about murder)….Instead Kennedy got his own “Russia did it” via a bullet….This time the Deep State decided not to use a bullet and are using a lie and the Globalist Media and finally the “fixer” of 911 — the “honest” Mueller to remove a President who they think might interfere in their power, finances, and having us in war all the time….God help us! He needs to fire Mueller and take this to the American people Trump has no chance as things stand now– I did not vote for him or ever like him but this needs to be stopped before WWIII is caused by these Neocons, Deep Staters, and cretins….
That is good, understandable information that unfortunately has not been broadcast or written about in the usual outlets, NYT, Washington Post etc. It does make one wonder, but it is consistent with their recent embrace of the government and their budding partnership in misinformation and hiding the truth from the voters. It does surprise me that with this information available to people like myself, why there isn’t more exposure? I tell some of my friends this stuff and they treat me like the guy wearing the aluminum hat to fight off micro waves. Get the info out there, voters need to see this.
Michael K Rohde see Abe’s link on “a short leash”. Especially the sponsors.
Again. HELP us do that, please!
Been helping you get the word out since the 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev, the rise of ISIS, the downing of flight MH17 and Israel’s bloody invasion of Gaza.
Is there a single connection between all these events?
Yes > There > IS.
I know enough to know we ain’t quite getting the word out.
Let’s spell it out fully from now on.
And say it out loud.
… before the next ghastly “incident” happens in Ukraine or Syria or …
There are at least a couple of places where you typo’ed 2017 instead of 2016. You need to proof this.
We can mostly all agree that neither Clinton nor Trump were worthy of a vote. That what we had during the election period was a political revolt by the American people attesting to that fact – the American voters tried to get the attention of the two major parties of the dissatisfaction with “business as usual.” Yet, today, neither party will acknowledge that. In both political parties, it’s what the leadership wants, not what the voters want that counts.
Yes, the Democratic leadership threw out Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and a few others (for show), but the leadership of both parties continue today as though nothing happened. It’s STILL, “business as usual.”
The Democrats are counting on the failures of the Republicans to win in the 2018 and 2020 elections; they have no agenda rather than “business as usual.” (APPARENTLY THE SUCCESS OF BERNIE SANDERS TO RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL POLITICAL DONATIONS HE DID BY TALKING ABOUT ISSUES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE CONCERNED WITH ARE OF NO IMPORTANCE TO THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP).
Clinton didn’t lose, and Trump didn’t win because of Russian hacking.
The rest of what we have TODAY is some financial collusion of the “Trump and Friends” financial empire in return for political favors already paid or expected to be paid to the Russian mafia.
I encourage everyone to read “Overthrow” by Stephen Kinzer, and “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins.
Also read, via the internet William Blum, “Overthrowing other people’s governments; The Master List.”
To close; it’s not that other ‘agents’ in the CIA, FBI, etc. do not know these facts, it’s that they have families and cannot afford to be whistle blowers.
Thank You Dennis!!!
The only open clarity I’ve read since about 2001!
“Clinton didn’t lose, and Trump didn’t win because of Russian hacking”–sorry, this is garbage….There was “leaking” by an insider, two as stated above, Seth Rich probably the first one….The CIA had the means to put a trail to Russia working with the DNC and Crowdstrike in their phony “investigation”–under Brennan it is probable they did so….The Russian hacked nothing but war looms over this lie….
“it’s not that other ‘agents’ in the CIA, FBI, etc. do not know these facts, it’s that they have families and cannot afford to be whistle blowers.”…very plausible
The list of former analysts headed by technical expert, William Binney is impressive. The language of the report makes it difficult for this layman to decipher all the facts among the technical jargon but certain facts remain clear…
A- Crowdsource deliberately tampered with the evidence in order to please their benefactors at the DNC; this seemed to me a bit like a mafioso’s attorney being entrusted with evidence that implicates his client’s guilt.
B- The VIPS authors are not very confident about the competency of the current CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, who has already prejudiced himself against Wikileaks and Russian cooperation with remarks that seem to have been directed toward ingratiating himself with the nest of neocons that occupy the agency.
What was not clear is why the report seemed to dismiss the Seth Rich connection…or, did it simply not want to go any further into an issue that could have conspiratorial implications?
… I neglected to mention the most obvious thing proven,,,it was a leak and not a hack!
Well done .
Since the hacking of the DNC by Russia is the keystone supporting the entire demonization of Russia this expose ( if true – and it reads convincingly ) is critical . The destruction of all independent-from-the -USA governance looms now for Iran and Russia .
I hope the The Intel Vets have done their best to disseminate their findings throughout the world .
Thanks, John Sadler;
In a word, we have done our best to get the word out. AND the discussion here is very helpful.
BUT we are the first to admit that OUR EFFORTS TO GET OUR WORK OUT MUCH BEYOND THE PROVERBIAL “CHOIR” HAVE HAD ALMOST NO SUCCESS. This is precisely where we need EVERYONE who can pitch in to come up with the kind of imaginative ideas that could help us break through!
Facts speak for themselves.
This is what is needed. More of this!
Definition of Insanity:
The “unintended consequences” were likely to be catastrophic should the U.S. attack Iraq and “justify” the war on intelligence that retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
The “unintended consequences” were likely to be catastrophic should the U.S. attack Libya and “justify” the war on intelligence that retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
The “unintended consequences” are likely to be catastrophic should the U.S. attack Syria and “justify” the war on intelligence that retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
The “unintended consequences” are likely to be catastrophic should the U.S. attack Iran and “justify” the war on intelligence that retired intelligence officers can readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
The “unintended consequences” are likely to be catastrophic should the U.S. attack Russia and “justify” the war on intelligence that retired intelligence officers can readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
Sane veteran intelligence professionals can readily see that the consequences are intended in all cases, and that today’s fraudulent “open source intelligence” is no less driven by a war agenda.
It’s time for a “VIPS Memo” on Bellingcat
A grim but useful case study: the US/NATO “little masquerade” about MH17
Have you ever heard of an investigation which has been going on for three years and has not identified even one culprit by name? Does this not smell of a cover up? Only TWA 800 compares. The satellite images of the Russian MetroJet explosion in the Egyptian dessert were published a few days after, but three years later we still do not have one single satellite image from the middle of the war zone in Ukraine!? How can the satellite over Egypt not be secret, whilst the one over Ukraine is secret (it could even be the same thermal-imaging low-orbit satellites)? Then professional reporting replaced by “citizen reporting”.
If it looks like a false-flag, quacks like a false-flag and swims like a false-flag, then it probably is a false-flag.
Read this…..
There maybe even more to the DNC crimes that what we first thought.
So…in other words, the IT guys for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Awan and Imran, are now living in a cave in Afghanistan. The previous occupant of the cave was some guy named Al. Yeah, Al. That’s the ticket. Al Kayda. It’s all coming back now. What a bargain! It only cost the taxpayers five million bucks to hire these IT experts.
I wouldn’t trust Debbie Wasserman Schultz to organize a 3 year old’s birthday party, let alone let the incompetent bitch take charge of the DNC Election Campaign Committee. Just think, Wasserman Schultz is another fine example of how Hillary’s mind works…this is more proof to how we all did dodge a bullet, by not electing this corrupt and stupid team into the White House.
Joe, don’t tell anybody I said this…but my best guess is that Arwan and Imran were Pakistani born Mossad agents. That’s how they got the DWS hookup in the first place. I guarantee this story will never make the six o’clock news.
This story is getting an update to the original story which received no coverage. It isnt hard to point out to the editors the ignorance of such a story is journalism at its worst, but this would require that the editors feel compelled to report the news at its most honest and fullest. William Randolph Hurst mixed with Allen Dulles has percolated through out all these years to give us what we got, a control the masses media. Joseph Goebbels, could not have done any better.
When I read the story of the IT brothers, my first thought was: either 911 Saudis or 911 Mossad.
Kiza you keep that up pretty soon we’ll be calling you Sherlock.
None of these episodes of deceit and lies ever has the Mossad or the Saudi’s too far away from it implementation. Wow, you wouldn’t think that, oh no do you suppose, the Israeli’s, the Saudi’s, no never their our trusted allies. Yeah, but the D.C. Politician is their Trojan Horse.
I still see Wasserman Schultz as being a bungling ass kisser. I also see haphazard Debbie as the Zionist representative behind Hillary’s rise and deflation…oh no, did I say that? I’ll stop hitting on Deborah’s short comings, because maybe she with her screwing everything up is more of a help than a hindrance, for our persuasion of thought to more than we know. So maybe she’s a good thing ….not!
Original story from Luke Rosiak, investigative reporter for the Daily Caller
Speaking of Pakistani born Mossad agents, Huma Abedin invited Anthony Weiner back home.
Here’s a further update of the Wasserman Schultz IT aids…..
Things are really starting to heat up.
I’ve never had any need to get paranoid about an old hard drive, but If I ever did, the steps I’d take would be pretty drastic. A person never really knows about internet stories, but in the past I’ve read that a UK Intelligence outfit grinds their hard drives to dust, then stores that dust for many years.
For those people who think the Russia story is a something burger, are they not aware of the CIA’s record of covert and overt operations since its inception by Donovan and Dulles, including assassinations?
Great comments, F. G., the can of worms is vile and putrescent.
The reason the Dems are changing their message now is because the new sanctions on Russia have passed and they can start to let go of the Russia hacking scenario..
I am glad that on this site there are only few American binary brains who would interpret the report as supporting Trump , despite explicit disclaimer by authors.
This report clearly shows that entire cyber security crowd is a fraud by claiming that they can defend something they cannot. What they take money for is malicious hacking,stealing info for blackmail, lying and blaming others.
As Wikileaks political intend out they hack mostly manufacturers of operating systems from PCs to networks to clouds, personal devices only if specifically targeted or specific algorithms implemented widely.
This whole Russians did it nonsense is delusional, reveals desperation of political puppets fearing irrelevance and oblivion and hence they kick and bite and torment people psyche with a pure absurd.
I agree with VIPS’s conclusion about hacking. But Russia-gate to me is not really about hacking, but more about Trump’s financial interests.
It is a shame that everything gets mushed together by the media.
I’d say Congressional financial interests are much more worth looking into. Besides the murk of campaign bribes, (er, donations) are the stock portfolios that include, among other vested interests, health insurance giants. Real policy affecting real Americans at stake as opposed to run-of-the-mill business ventures.
I agree with you mostly, though qualitatively they are different. The way Congressmen take money are legal. It is a shame that campaign finance law has become so relaxed (e.g., Citizens United) that money pours into Washington. Trump on the other hand is breaking many laws along the way.
Should we be more angry about straight repeal of healthcare by GOP/Trump or with the likes of Cory Booker who are supposed be our side, but taking money from big pharma? I don’t know… If I had a spouse, I’d take an offer to move to Tasmania.
I think you are jumping to a conclusion that the ways congressmen take money are legal. I believe that insider trading investigations, for instance, would reveal a treasure trove of wrongdoing. I’m not excusing Trump, and I don’t like him, but Israel’s influence and corruption of our electoral process far outweighs anything the Russians have done.
..”.Israel’s influence and corruption of our electoral process far outweighs anything the Russians have done. ” well said, Skip, and Saudi Arabia’s also
They are very different ‘Russian hacking’ has the dual function of exonerating Hillary and creating a Cold War frenzy. It also takes the Democrats away from creating any policy discussion. Trump’s financial blunders are just that: lacking political ‘reach’, they take a back seat, no matter how implicating.
You guys are probably right that Trump’s obvious wrongdoings are too convenient of distraction for other more sinister acts.
Yeah, Libby, the “Russian Hacking” could be a small payback to the MIC for all the money it invested into the Hillary Campaign, this could even turn out to be the principal reason it has been chosen despite its horrible lack of credibility. Another new DNC motto to its investors: “Even in opposition we deliver!”
PS. I always wondered why they call them donors when they are investors.
if it were about Trump’s financial interests, they would also be looking into his dealings with Deutsche Bank. Since the focus is solely on Russia, you can assume it’s about confrontation with Russia.
The above interview between an NBC “journalist” and the Russian Foreign Minister is embarrassing to watch but is instructive with regard to the level the corporate media has descended. On the other hand it shows Sergey Lavrov to be a patient, mature and dignified diplomat.
Yes Stephen, great link Thanks. What I see there is a True Statesmen. A smart personable and diplomatic person who represents, unfailingly his Country’s positions, will evaluate honestly your positions carefully, and agree where there is consensus. For me it is thrilling to behold, because seems to be the only way that sovereign states can come to agreement. Probably this was the original thought behind the UN before it too was corrupted…
Well, my first comment is awaiting moderation. I tried to keep it as short as possible and still adequately illustrate my point. Sometimes. I think it’s mere length that triggers the censorship. But, I feel that I should add what I originally left out.
Unless this evidence finds some vehicle by which it can be introduced into a court of law, the mass media will effectively suppress it. Even then, there are no guarantees. Symptomatic of trends indicating collapse of the empire, notable examples in which the “rule of law” is either subverted or outright ignored may be cited. James Clapper lying to congress is a notable example. Hillary Clinton’s flagrant mishandling of government documents is another. If we are to believe Edward Snowden, all of the documents she deleted remain intact and retrievable in the NSA’s archives, but they have been withheld. The NSA and related agencies remain unanswerable to the elected government, an obvious attribute of a de facto coup regime. So far, no charges have been specified against James Comey for leaking to the New York Times. No charges have been specified against Susan Rice or Samantha Power for so-called “unmasking” of surveillance targets. No charges have been specified against Loretta Lynch for potential “obstruction of justice” in the Clinton investigation.
As per my previous comment, it would appear that the intelligence agencies have the media coverage of these issues on a short leash. Our government agencies could inspire dozens of potential prosecutions based on the events of recent past; nobody has been charged with anything. The can of worms is so large, vile and putrescent that the apparent strategy resembles a cafeteria food fight. Accusations are hurled. In the end, nobody will be held responsible for anything.
I wonder that the VIPS might best serve the cause of truth by offering their services as “expert witnesses” to the litigants in the civil fraud lawsuit against the DNC. Even our courts appear to be corrupt in the struggle for justice against abuse of power, but they may be our last hope. The media will not serve the cause. They are wholly owned and operated by the intelligence agencies.
Your pointing out the many violations and crimes committed, and these incidents going unpunished, is the foundation for all of our country’s problems. The many things you mentioned F.G. get ignored from any media in depth reporting, and because of that, the American public stays locked away from the truth. Meanwhile, our media lays on the Russia-Gate story to wear us all down with their 24/7 reporting of it. Then we people who bring up this lapse of truth telling, are ridiculed for being conspiracy theorist, and that’s the way it is this 24th of July 2017.
Great comments F.G. Joe
A short leash:
“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. If human equality is to be forever averted—if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently—then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity.” – British novelist, essayist, and journalist Eric Arthur Blair, 1949
The controlled insanity is getting out of control.
Lately the Pentagon itself devotes a lot of thought (and worry) as to how “the High can permanently keep their places.” See Their answer is not very creative but just to double down on what they’ve already been doing, including on fighting facts with propaganda.
Naturally, the end of the US Empire does not mean the end of US unless they pick up a big fight with Russia, China or both. The end of the Empire would probably mean a new beginning and a new chance to do things right this time (without California, of course).
I wasn’t aware Snowden had said this, but it has been quite obvious to me from the very beginning of the email story. Unless they have some kind of systems failure, I believe they’ve harvested and stored every single email which has passed through the internet for a great many years.
Yes, Michael Kenny–I agree. That’s why it is important that Mueller’s team have a copy of this report so they can put the piece in its proper place in the puzzle. Nothing is proven or disproven YET. Correlation is not necessarily causation, although it may turn out to be both.
If true, this would prove that either the Russians or the Trump campaign have a “mole” inside the DNC. If anything, that would seem to make matters worse! In any event, MacronLeaks proves Russiagate and Junior’s admissions confirm MacronLeaks. Thus, “hack v leak” doesn’t seem to matter. The end result is the same. Persons claiming to represent the Russian government met members of the Trump campaign team and offered them DNC “dirt”. Subsequently, DNC “dirt” did actually appear on the internet. The logical conclusion is that the material was provided by the Russians who met with Junior and others. Where or how they got the material changes nothing in that regard. The authors’ argument is like someone pleading not guilty to a charge of shooting someone to death on the ground that he had in fact stabbed the victim to death!
Please refer to my comment above about the DNC logic.
How about an alternative way of filling in the blanks: the representatives of the Hillary campaign met with the representatives of the British government (retired for plausible deniability) who offered them dirt on Trump (most of it figments of someone’s frustrated libido) for a good payment. Subsequently the Trump dirt did appear in the Democrat controlled MSM, no matter how unbeliveable it was.
The commenter’s argument is like someone projecting own proven deeds into the unproven deeds of the opponents.
Inferences that lack a reasoned basis and standards of proof that begin and end with said inferences are a hallmark of Kenny’s braindrool.
The fact that he keeps coming back with the same BS leads me to believe he’s being paid. And I doubt his paymasters are much more intelligent than he is. He does, however, have a bullet-proof ego. Gotta admire that.
you’re probably responding to some grunt in the headquarters of NATO, the US military or GCHQ. Taking into consideration the illogical way of reasoning the only conclusion can be it’s some low-level employee (maybe even outsourced to some private contractor).
The next thing you, the DNC crazies, will claim is that the Russians killed Seth Rich, the Russian spy, to cover the tracks that he delivered them the goodies on Hillary.
Kiza, I’m waiting for the day the DNC goes along with the leak story, and then make claims that Seth Rich worked for the Russians. Then to top it off, these lying bitches will blame Russia for young Seth’s murder.
I’m even upset with myself for thinking of such things, but after all that has occurred in our dark halls of the U.S. Government, would you not put it a pass them to do such a thing?
For the time being, it is more opportune to ignore the murder and cover it up with pressure on the family (blackmail). But if Seth Rich’s murder would ever reach MSM (I am not holding my breath), both you and I are obviously sure that it would get spun into: the mean Russians/Putin have killed Seth to cover up the source of their dirt on Hillary (the dirt which was real btw), just as they kill all the opposition journalists in Russia (link back to the “established truths”, as the propaganda manual advises). They might even dig out some dead witness to spice up their new story. Is it not impressive how the MSM masters of discourse turn innuendo and fact-free speculation into reality by endless repeating? Could they not do their usual with Seth Rich’s murder?
Just having this conversation gives me the creeps. I don’t want to father any ideas, as if I would, but it’s always good to play it safe when talking out loud.
History is littered with changed narratives along with hidden deceptions, and surmising such deceit isn’t far from a possible reality of these lies springing into a real time maturity. This is why, and where, an independent media is most needed. Yet you and I know Kiza the U.S. is far from having that honest media we so desire.
Would it be likely that if this Rich Russian Spin is first brought up by the likes of people as us, that by us saying it first, would ruin or hamper any Deep State propaganda campaign from having any quality substance with which to base such accusations on? Like for example we said; and oh yeah next you’ll be telling us citizens that Seth was a Russian spy (so there in your face with that)?
Corky, I know, but again my contemplating of such evil probably means I’ve read too many JFK assassination novels, and retained far much more of David Talbot’s ‘Devils Chessboard’ than was good for my aging brain to handle. You know what I’m talking about Kiza.
I feel for the Rich family, and I do honestly wish them well.
Stay well Joe
BUT… What about the FACT that the DNC derailed Sanders? How can anyone trust ANY information coming out of an organization in which it utterly cheated the US voters (Democrats) of their choice? This is the REAL crime, the one which no one is really talking about.
People with Hot Summer Day IQs are going to continue to ‘trust’ the DNC. In my opinion that organization is more responsible than any other for putting Donald Trump into the White House.
Bernie Sanders would have been at least as bad as Trump on the Foreign Front, but on the Home Front I’m fairly sure he’d have been vastly better than either Queen Hillary or Trump.
Yes, that is the real crime. We should have a president Sanders today, and Hillary and the DNC deprived us of that. Even if Trump were to be impeached (for whatever reason), Bernie Sanders lies outside the line of succession. Do we want a President Pence?
There is no hope for our future without the elimination of the Deep State, no matter who is president. Our only hope now is for this revelation by VIPS to “bubble up” into the MSM. Tucker Carlson, are you listening?
Skip… somehow I don’t think Tucker is one to chew the leash that ties him to his master.
Bob H-
If not him, who in the MSM? For years I loathed everything about Fox News, but Tucker Carlson I see a s a possible bright spot. He’s had Stephen Cohen on, and he’s battled some neocon lackeys. I certainly wouldn’t expect anything from NPR or PBS.
“For years I loathed everything about Fox News, but Tucker Carlson I see as a possible bright spot.” Skip, I may be underestimating Tucker, I did see the Stephen Cohen interview(via CN) and he seemed to have grown up(Hey,he even ditched the bowtie). Most of the news from MSM I now get through RT America. Lee Camp features several relevant clips on Redacted Tonight(usually poking fun in a similar manner to what John Stewart used to do on The Daily Show.
Yeah, RT America is available in some places, but I think their viewership is too low to count them as Main Stream Media. Unfortunately, many would see something on RT as just “Russian propaganda”.
True, Skip…and allowing sponsorship on NPR and especially PBS has turned them into a shadow of MSM. I often wonder whether the sponsorship is actually needed for public stations to function or whether this has simply been an excuse to control the message. We know some of those sponsors are also contributors to Aipac.
“If true, this would prove that either the Russians or the Trump campaign have a “mole” inside the DNC.”
There were many people who could have an interest in getting out information from the DNC to the public. The most obvious group are progressives who were disgusted about the DNC’s unfair behavior towards Bernie Sanders. After all, the leaks hardly contained extremely damaging information (and therefore hardly had a big impact on the general election), they mostly confirmed negative things about the primaries and the Clinton campaign’s collusion with the media many people had suspected anyway – exactly the kind of information, whistleblowers often want to get out to the public.
“MacronLeaks proves Russiagate”
It is really amazing that there are still people who claim they can support Russian hacking allegations about the US with Russian hacking allegations about France after the head of the French cybersecurity agency has denied that there were traces of Russian hacking:
“The head of the French government’s cyber security agency, which investigated leaks from President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign, says they found no trace of a notorious Russian hacking group behind the attack.
In an interview in his office Thursday with The Associated Press, Guillaume Poupard said the Macron campaign hack “was so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone.”
He said they found no trace that the Russian hacking group known as APT28, blamed for other attacks including on the U.S. presidential campaign, was responsible.
Poupard is director general of the government cyber-defense agency known in France by its acronym, ANSSI. Its experts were immediately dispatched when documents stolen from the Macron campaign leaked online on May 5 in the closing hours of the presidential race.
Poupard says the attack’s simplicity “means that we can imagine that it was a person who did this alone. They could be in any country.””
When people who support the “Russian hacking” allegations about the US refer to the allegations about “Russian hacking” in France even after they have been denied by the head of the agency that investigated it (without even mentioning the fact that these allegations have been officially rejected in France), this can, in my view, tell us a lot about the low level on which most proponents of the Russiagate theory in the US argue, they ignore obviously relevant facts.
Of course, it would not be appropriate to draw any conclusions from the rejection of the Russian hacking allegations by French officials about the hacking allegations about the US. But it seems at least plausible that in the US, evidence for an attribution of the hacks to Russian intelligence services is equally lacking as it was in France, but the US intelligence services (or rather the handpicked analysts from there) that investigated the allegations were much more politicized than the ones in France.
There were similar allegations about Russian hacking and meddling in Germany, and they were also rejected by the German intelligence agencies that investigated them:
So when people attempt to use hacking allegations about France or Germany, which both have been rejected by the respective European intelligence services, for bolstering the claim that DNC hacks can be attributed to Russia, they reveal that their case is very weak. Of course, neither in France nor in Germany, it has definitively been excluded that Russia might still have been involved, there is just no good evidence for that allegation, and it could have been many others. If someone wants to challenge the findings of the French cybersecurity agency or the German intelligence services, he or she can certainly do so, but if people are so misinformed that they do not even know that the allegations about “Russian hacking” and “meddling” in France and Germany have been rejected by the agencies that investigated them, they are likely to be misinformed, as well, as far as their claims about the US are concerned.
“The head of the French government’s cyber security agency, which investigated leaks from President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign, says they found no trace of a notorious Russian hacking group behind the attack.”
…and yet the very authors of this article claim that if Russian had hacked anything, they would have left no trace. Oh the irony.
“Persons claiming to represent the Russian government met members of the Trump campaign team and offered them DNC “dirt”. Subsequently, DNC “dirt” did actually appear on the internet.”
That looks very much like an attempt to force facts into a certain pattern into which it does not fit very well. Rob Goldstone’s e-mail to Donald Trump Jr suggested there were official documents from a Russian prosecutor that implicated Hillary Clinton in a negative way – something very different from e-mails allegedly obtained from the DNC via hacking or phishing (which contradicts the recent analysis about local copies).
People tend to see patterns everywhere, but unless there is evidence, separate events generally should be treated as if they were connected. For example, a plausible explanation is that the DNC e-mails were leaked by an insider who disliked the DNC’s behavior towards Bernie Sanders, and that the Russian lobbying efforts against the Magnitsky Act (whether initiated by the Russian government or by a Russian oligarch – some of them were affected much more by the sanctions than the Russian economy as a whole) had nothing to do with these leaks. Of course, there are other possibilities, but if someone claims that these two events were connected, there should be evidence for this. (The lobbying against the Magnitsky Act as such is hardly very remarkable, probably both campaigns were contacted by various lobbyists all the time.)
It would certainly be interesting why Rob Goldstone wrote about Russian government efforts to support Trump – something Russian officials have consistently denied and something that would hardly have been necessary to get Donald Trump Jr interested (what piqued his interest was probably the hint at documents from a prosecutor where Hillary Clinton was allegedly implicated in a negative way, not the suggestion about a Russian government effort). It will be interesting how Rob Goldstone explains this – as far as I know, he has not made any public statements, yet. It could have been just some exaggeration on his part when he wanted to get Donald Trump Jr interested in the meeting or it really looks like a kind of trap – these words about a Russian government effort were hardly needed to get Donald Trump Jr interested, and if there really had been a Russian government effort to support Trump, it looks more likely that they would not write so openly about it from the start, but if it had been planned to leak these e-mails later, this kind of wording is, of course, ideal.
Adrian I think people are grasping at straws with this Donald Trump Jr colluding with the Russians accusation. All the media keeps harping on, is how young Trump Jr, Jared, and Manafort, met with the Russians…oh the Russians, we better hide ourselves under our beds. What drama.
What does seem interesting though, is how neither Junior, Jared, or Manafort, unveiled anything from whatever the Russians had to say in their meeting. Would I be liable for slander, if my neighbor on the left of me told me dirt on the neighbor on the right of me? Add to that, I didn’t breath a word of this rumor, but still I was accused of being guilty of such gossip. Actually considering that nothing came of this meeting with the Russians, I think Hillary Clinton owes someone in the Trump entourage a big thank you.
its more than that…Sessions, Trump JR, Kushner, Manafort, Ailes…all claimed to have not met any Russians. All were proven to be lying. Please explain.
Now why you are lying? Veselnitskaya and the other gentleman never “claimed” to represent Russian government. You were good before in manipulating, adjusting, data, but now you just lie? What happened?
Speaking of (as Ray says) this “bubbling up” in the MSM, I just googled the title and got only 145 links, including this site, none of them anything close to mainstream. I presume it will show up on, and I hope some other “alternative” sites, but I will be curious to google it again in a few days and see how things change.
How about Breitbart, by the way? I know people who actually rely on it for “news,” and since Breitbart is at least not part of the “giant Wurlizer” (or is it?) wouldn’t that be a viable outlet?
Also, isn’t there some way to obtain acknowledgement from the White House that they have at least received the memo, e.g. by “certified mail, receipt requested,” or is that now a thing of the past? Ditto for congressional recipients. Wouldn’t it be possible to get Rand Paul or somebody to read it on the floor of congress, and get it into the Congressional Record? Is there a law prohibiting anything but propaganda and official lies? Is there no interest even in maintaining the illusion of truth and factual investigation? There must be some such “fools” left in the govt.
Seems to me that this — not being heard — is a fundamental issue in itself. If it is not possible for these highly credentialed authors to obtain assurance that their opinion has at least been heard, what does this say about “freedom” and “democracy”? What good is it to be right, to have all the evidence and logic on your side, when you are ignored?
If that means “stooping” to Breitbart or Fox News, so what? At least they don’t pretend to be objective, like the hypocrites at the NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc. And where is The Donald when we need him, and when this info supports everything he has said about the media?
Somebody in the media recently said, “You know, Mike Pompeo graduated first in his class from West point. That means he’s a genius.” Having worked with many more than one “ring knocker” in my career, I would hesitate to go out on such a limb. First, it would be necessary to establish whether or not such institutions legitimately qualify as “academic”. Based on the performance I’ve seen, that would be quite a stretch. Whether or not Pompeo could grasp the intellectual argument herein put forth remains conjectural. Then, we must examine the extent to which the media will portray these forensic analyses as legitimate “news”.
A few recent examples may shed some light. Jake Tapper apparently ridiculed this new guy Scaramucci for not “coming clean” and admitting that the Russians hacked the election. Keeping in mind the irrefutable existence and contents of CIA Dispatch #1035-960, it is not hard to imagine that all across the media, “marching orders” have been issued in order to insure that the punditry presents a united front to belittle any arguments to the contrary. I believe it was Larry Elder who recently ridiculed Maxine Waters in a Tucker Carlson interview. Mind you, there’s a lot there to ridicule, but Larry went after the one thing Maxine absolutely, positively, without any doubt…got absolutely right. He said Maxine falsely claimed that the CIA was somehow complicit in Contra Cocaine smuggling into inner city Los Angeles…”and that claim has been completely debunked by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other sources.”
Of course, no such “debunking” has ever occurred. In fact, published CIA documents iterated by historian Alfred McCoy thoroughly document it. Gary Webb broke the story, and authors such as Douglas Valentine and Jeremy Scahill have provided corroborating information. Tucker, regarded recently by some as “courageous” because he questioned the wisdom of notable neocon troglodytes Ralph Peters and Max Boot, offered no contradiction to Larry Elder’s pathetic fantasy.
Unless and until this evidence shows up in a court of law, the media will treat it as irrelevant. Of course, the media failed to cover the trials of E. Howard Hunt and the assassination case of Martin Luther King. The evidence is irrefutable if you understand it. The public will get no opportunity to try.
As usual F. G. Sanford, thanks. The near total corruption of academia, also by big money has rendered institutions such as The Military Academy’s and prominent Universities, subject to institutional corruption as much as political institutions…
The article states, “Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2017, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.”
Shouldn’t the article say July 5, 2016″?
In terms of credibility, the VIPS have it hands-down over the politicized intelligence agencies, so I am inclined to give this information a lot of credence. The writers were very careful to be clear the readers knew exactly which link on the chain of evidence their concerns go to. a lot of the comments appear to use this report to throw out the whole case against the russians. Even assuming that the russians did not hack into the DNC computers, that in no way exculpates them, ipso facto, from the multiple other ways they have been accused of influencing the election. This is a part of what Mueller’s investigation is supposed to look at. I am thankful that this report was sent directly to Mueller–that’s where it belongs. But l don’t think the report nullifies the entire concern about ‘russian hacking/interference/collusion in hijacking the 2016 election.
People are “influenced” constantly…obviously by “sums” of past experience and by the flux of new experience. A person can cast a vote based on any range of flimsy to studied notions, philosophies, or preferences. All kinds of views and “information” are continually propagated from many different angles and with varying degrees of factuality and disingenuousness. It is absurd to suggest that some “Russian” influence had some kind of “unfair” or undue influence that caused the election results to be, with any statistical relevance, different. I could suggest some “undue” influences from some very influential quarters, including our bought-and-paid-for chattering class …but even so, the individual voter pulls his or her own lever so to speak, and has the personal responsibility for separating the wheat from the chaff in making personal decisions. The Russians didn’t do a mind meld on voters who punched Trump’s ticket. The DNC releases, even if they had been caused by Russian state hackers, which they weren’t (and yes, THAT would have been something to crow about) are factual…and factual information is precisely what voters SHOULD possess.
It is fairly apparent to me that Seth Rich leaked copied (not hacked) material to Wikileaks and was killed for it. The leak was then made to appear to be something else by shady means. This is what should concern you.
Gregory your insight is your strength, too bad most Americans don’t think into this messy stuff the way that you do.
Thanks Greg, for what it’s worth, I agree…
Your validation, and Joe’s as well, is worth a lot to me Bob.
Yes Gregory-
That’s it in a nutshell. I had a conversation with a friend last night, and he is still concerned that Trump may somehow be beholden to Putin based on financial ties to Russians. I see that as a completely separate issue, and mentioned to him that financial ties to Israel are vast and obvious throughout the executive and legislative branch of our government, but we manage to give that a pass. Other than relieving the unfair sanctions on Russia, and allowing them to fully engage in the world economy, what would Trump do as a result of being in debt to Putin? Allow the Russians to invade? The whole mindset of the “evil Putin” is so entrenched by the MSM that it has become axiomatic in many American’s eyes. The MIC just must have their bogeyman, and the MSM carries their water.
The individual voter pulls his own lever you correct in that. Who puts the name on the ballot that is the question that needs to be answered if it is the same organization or group that puts the names on the ballot what choice are you really making? I suggest that AIPAC has more say than anyone as to whose name appears on any ballot at any level of voting in the USA. If that is democracy so be it. You all have a nice Peacefull day.
Discussing the election hacking with a DNC supporter is a game if wack-a-mole. If you successfully counter one of their arguments, they come up with another, and all this endlessly. Reminds me so much of arguing against the AGW, if one successfully brings down the rise in the sea level they come up with the dust bowl argument and so on and on, in circles.
The new inscription above the entrance of the DNC should be: “Abandon logic all ye who enter here.”
You’re quite right Kiza. For instance Chuck Schumer is all about blue collar labor in the NYT’s this morning, as though it were a new thing. Again good cop/bad cop…
It seems that you still do not require evidence to support the “multiple other ways they have been accused of influencing the election.”
And this evidence is…..?
My point is that there is none yet, so one shouldn’t believe the accusations until there is evidence.
Okay. Good comment.
Before the election did any American feel that his or her vote was based on anything other than the words, policies, and personalities of the candidates? I never suspected I was a dupe of Russian propaganda. But I do think we are victims of someone’s propaganda.
The importance of this information cannot be overstated. If the mainstream media will not make it available to a very confused public, we need to do all we can to make it so.
Guillermo Calvo Mahé is a writer, political commentator and academic currently residing in the Republic of Colombia although he has primarily lived in the United States of America (of which he is a citizen). Until recently he chaired the political science, government and international relations programs at the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. He has academic degrees in political science (the Citadel), law (St. John’s University), international legal studies (New York University) and translation studies (the University of Florida’s Center for Latin American Studies). He and can be contacted at or and much of his writing is available through his blog at
Excellent. Please CORRECT THE DATE IN THE FIRST LINE FROM 2017 TO 2016 !!
Thanks. I did mean Rand Paul, of course.
Wishful substitution. :)
It’s Rand Paul, not Ron Paul, who opposes new sanctions on Russia. He’s one of the few sane Congress people. And the EU response from Merkel is that US should coordinate with EU on what sanctions to impose, since previous sanctions hurt EU business with Russia.
I hope someone sends a German translation of this to Merkel. Maybe she will begin to see the light — and get out of Big Bro’s shadow.
Hurting Europe is a feature not a bug. The biggest threat to US/Israel ruling elite is a united Europe and Russia. This is really what all the Russia bashing is all about. Hopefully, the Europeans will soon wake up to what their true interests are.
This is interesting information, but I wish this ‘memo to the president’ had provided more detail on why the writers believe the info on the DNC that Assange refers to on Jun 12 came from inside the DNC. The memo makes a plausible argument that the July ‘copying’ of DNC data was done to attribute the pending Wikileaks publication to the Russians, but provides no info at all on why they think the info Assange claimed to have came from inside the DNC.
If the info was copied rather than hacked, it means the perpetrator had physical access to a DNC computer and used a thumb drive. The only other possible explanation would be a break in at the DNC offices, or possibly the home of a DNC member if the info was on a laptop.
Good point, but the intricacies would no doubt be hard (or impossible) for non-experts to follow, and counterarguments based on technical data would probably be equally hard to follow. I wish that were not the case but I’m afraid it would be. So I am willing to take William Binney et al.’s word for it. The burden of proof still lies with the accusers, and that is clearly missing.
The most guilty parties, then, are the media, who have reported the accusations as fact, when they clearly are not.
Whoops, I take it back — not a good point because the links to the technical stuff are in the article (sorry, did not check them out on first reading), and as I suspected, are over my heard but I’m sure not over the heads of Binney et al.
But for an appeal direct to Wikileaks (@WLTaskForce), I would not know where to find what I now refer to. But I am perfectly certain that, at some point early on last summer, Assange and/or Wikileaks asserted on the public record that he/they had no direct knowledge of the identity of this Guccifer 2.0, and had had no communication with him/her/them. And this after Guccifer 2.0 had publicly claimed, in effect, to be the source of [the] DNC documents transmitted to Wikileaks, as by then eagerly anticipated by many in the immediate wake of Assange’s first announcement on that score (and, presumably, the DNC’s [or Crowdstrike’s] imminent discovery that its data-domain had indeed been violated). —- Clearly, Assange’s and/or Wikileaks’ express repudiation of any connection with Guccifer 2.0 should properly have been addressed in the VIPS memo, and would have added yet further weight to its fundamental cogency. All the same, I am ecstatic about the publication of this memo, want to thank all the signatories of it (and Consortium News) with all my heart, and venture to predict that it will not go unnoticed by Trump and his team — not by any means. And nor, come to that — and following upon the latter — by the inert and depraved MSM.
the “link” between whomever “stole” the files and those who gave the files to Wikileaks should not be presumed … there were several (at least two) hacks of the DNC computers (phishing) .and — additionally, separately — the files wikileaks received may have been — utterly separately — downloaded … there may well be no link at all.
As I understand it, the person who gave the files to wikileaks outted himself to others and said the file had been downloaded/copied not hacked. As with Manning, it does Wikileaks no “good” and incurs a lot of responsibility to acknowledge knowing the identity of a leaker … So Assange can know that “john doe” outed himself as the person who gave the file to wikileaks … but they still don’t know (in any meaningful way) who the leaker was…. . gossip… could be a delusions of grandeur or attention seeking.
Don’t forget Assange put up a 20k dollar reward leading to any information towards solving the Seth Rich murder…..why would Julian Assange do that, if Rich meant nothing to him?
Because Rich presented an alternative narrative that was written off entirely almost immediately. Rich might have been the downloader but not ALSO the person who handed the files over to Wikileaks … who knows what Assange “knows” and best if Assange not be harangued by people insisting he “divulge” what he has gone to great pain to “never know”
I hope Susan you understand I wasn’t harangued that Assange should reveal anything. I just pointed out that Assange acknowledged Rich’s crude death, and found that coincidentally interesting.
Dear Susan, I’m not sure I understand where you’re coming from and just what you wanna say but, in case you or others need it, here is something by way of clarification if need be:-
(1) Assange indicated in advance of any publication of such that Wikileaks was in possession of HRC/DNC materials. (2) Next thing, just a few days later, a mysterious Guccifer 2.0 promptly published on line a number of (innocuous enough) DNC documents, some of these already in the public domain, and sought to paint himself as the source of the eagerly anticipated Wikileaks’ materials. (3) Assange indicated that he and Wikileaks had had no direct communication with this Guccifer 2.0. (4) Wikileaks then proceeded over time to publish its (own) DNC documents, which included of course the deeply compromising Podesta emails; and it was later on asserted — by, for instance, Assange’s U.K. buddy Craig Murray –that all of these actually had their provenance in a leak, not a hack (cf. Seth Rich?). (5) Meanwhile, largely on the basis of cyrillic metadata found in the Guccifer 2.0 documents, members of the DNC & HRC campaign plus (compliant) representatives of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DNI sought determinedly (employing guilt by association, as it were, that traded upon Guccifer 2.0’s claim to have been Wikileaks’s source) to impeach the Wikileaks dump (sic!) as having been derived from a Russian hack (sic!). (6) All thanks to the computer geek(s) Adam Carter, the Fornicators, and Elizabeth Voss of Disobedient Media — and with the recent endorsement of the likes of Bill Binney and his fellow VIPS — Guccifer 2.0 has by now been exposed as a fake ‘Russian’ entity created virtually overnight by the DNC (and/or its vassal Crowdstrike), once it/they realized in the immediate wake of Assange’s statement that its/their data-domain had been violated, in a desperate PsyOps attempt to blacken the Wikileaks material as the illicit fruits of a Russian ‘hack’ and, hence, ipso facto, of a highly dubious authenticity (sic!). (7) Hence, here we have a case of tendentious misattribution by displacement (off of so-called Guccifer 2.0 and on to Wikileaks) that was absolutely seminal to the whole ‘RussiaGate’ psychosis that has burgeoned and, like a veritable psychical epidemic, possessed the American Mind during the year since. — It was several months back, fearing that his findings would get overlooked or outright trashed, that I sought to alert readers of the Comments section of Consortium News to the cogency and significance of Adam Carter’s then newly published thesis as to the true ‘fake identity’ of Guccifer 2.0. So I am perfectly overjoyed that others have since expanded on his work and that, as of now, the VIPS have awarded all of this erudite if esoteric investigation their unconditional endorsement.
Finally!! I hope this gets spread around enough that the MSM can’t ignore it. I can’t wait to hear of Rachel Madcow’s meltdown. The pieces have been here for a while now. I had already heard that the speed was too fast for a hack, and I had already heard that vault 7 releases showed that the CIA could fake point of origin. I just pray that Trump has enough smarts to get some good people around him and really go after these bast**ds. It’s time to clean house.
As everyone here knows unless you are new to the comment section, I am no fan of Trump’s domestic agenda. I do however pray that he succeeds in draining the swamp in the hope that our next president is not hamstrung by these same criminals of our so called intelligence agencies. Wouldn’t it be great to see John Brennan and his ilk go to jail!
Hey I think you meant to say “July 5 2016” in the beginning instead of “July 5 2017”
Yes, this immediate date typo in the report makes it easily dismissible by the not-yet-convinced. Please tell the authors of the report to fix it, Mr. Parry!
Chuck Schumer is now admitting that Clinton’s loss should not be blamed on Russia, it is Clinton herself who should admit having no coherent message. The Democrats are now realizing that the public does not believe the Russia hack story. Nancy Pelosi hasn’t gotten it yet, but I think there are signs that something physical is occurring with her health. Schumer has stated that the Democrats are changing message to focus on middle class issues and the economy.
The trust in MSM is at all-time low, apparently. Also, a Pew study, I believe, comes up with a 41% figure for Americans who want Trump impeached, did not say on what grounds.
And McCain has a brain tumor, a glioblastoma, which can be very fast moving in later stages and it sounds like his is advanced. Intuitively I doubt he will be back to promote his bomb-bomb-bomb agenda.
Scaramucci taking the WH coordinator of communications position is interesting.
And I just found “The Putin Interviews” with Oliver Stone published in book form by Skyhorse Publishing, “the full transcripts, including material not in the documentary”.
Could the winds be shifting?
Thank you Jessica K. I totally agree, I think we’re on the verge of a paradigm shift. I would only add caution that when that becomes obvious, then we have to look out for obfuscation because our political parties are simply playing a game of “good cop bad cop”, that is why nothing ever is really accomplished. So, much careful work is ahead. At least, we have this organization, the VIPS, as a reliable narrator… By the way, thank goodness for Skyhorse Publishing!
The world will be a safer place when John McCain has left it. He is still an officer holder who votes, which trump any presume power of either Clinton. This is also largely a status-quo supporting battle for the “hearts and minds” of the Democratic party, deflecting some blame for the election result is part, but it’s probably more about controlling the media-saturation, getting equal time (or more) with Trump and the Republicans.
I’ve seen Maddow admit that the lastest moutain-out-of-molehill doesn’t actually constitute a crime and/or that “the significance” of certain “revelations” is “uncertain”. …
Reminds me of the Princess Diana/JFK Jr. Death coverage … but now for months on end … terrified of losing audience share … and the other issues that are not being covered are horrific — Mosul, Yemen, Afghanistan … even longsimmering crises like the opioid epidemic and voter disenfranchisement and/or gerrymandering … beyond “seriously” exclaiming how “bad” these things are … crickets
….or the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars and passing them out to the “ethnically privileged” so that they can buy up everything that they don’t already own and charge rent for the use of them by the rest of us.
Jessica, I do not trust anything which Chuck Schumer says. He is at the center of this whole strategy of Russia-Gate scam they are perpetrating.
If they are prepare for the government to double down. Our ‘enemies’ will be even more evil and threatening.
“Chuck Schumer is now admitting that Clinton’s loss should not be blamed on Russia,”…Yes, i noted that on the news. His resignation should have accompanied that statement…it’s a bit like admitting you’re an arsonist but promising not to do it again.
When dealing with the practitioners of propaganda and deception, one learns to read between the liness and parse every sentence, every single word for double meanings and equivocation.
‘The January 6 “Intelligence Community Assessment” by “hand-picked” analysts from the FBI, CIA, and NSA seems to fit into the same agenda-driven category’.
How many people have read or heard that phrase, “hand-picked analysts” (a rather foolish choice of words, actually, because the analysts are not daisies) and quite naturally understood that the very best analysts were picked?
But consider an alternative. What if the analysts were “hand-picked” for pliability, lack of honesty, and excessive concern for their pension rights – or desire to join the ranks of the wealthy as soon as possible?
See how a perfectly innocent expression, in everyday use, can appear to mean one thing and yet – potentially – mean exactly the opposite? Apparently it’s still deemed useful to maintain plausible deniability.
“Just so,” said the wise farmer to the little pig; “Just so.”
I think one thing the analysts were certainly not picked for is their knowledge about Russia. The intelligence report published in January does not contain any details about the hacking allegations, but it contains quite a lot of “assessments” that require some basic knowledge about Russia, Russian politics, and the Russian language. I am not a specialist, but I have studied Slavic studies, I know Russian and two other Slavic languages quite well, and I follow Russian politics. A number of things in that report immediately struck me as odd, e.g. that Zhirinovsky (an extremist clown from the nationalist party LDP) is treated as a “Kremlin proxy” and it is pretended that it is possible to derive something about the Russian government’s intentions from his words (Zhirinovsky says many crazy things, e.g. that the US has to give back Alaska to Russia or that all migratory birds should be shot in order to prevent bird flue). The report also repeats the widespread canard that Putin had allegedly praised Trump (this had to do with an obvious translation error anyone with a good knowledge of Russian should easily recognize). Masha Gessen (who is, by the way, a strong opponent of both Putin and Trump) describes many of the flaws in that intelligence document in an excellent way:
If already what can easily be judged by anyone with some knowledge about Russia is so bad and flawed, and basic things are wrong in the large part of the document about RT (shows are mentioned that had stopped much too early to have any influence on the 2016 campaign, and basic information about them was wrong, apart from the fact that most of what is written about RT is completely harmless – it is hardly a scandal when a program hosted a third party candidate debate for the 2012 elections and reported about protests about fracking and Occupy Wallstreet), it certainly does not suggest that those parts that are hidden in the unclassified version and can therefore be verified by much fewer people will have a better quality.
It seems likely that the US intelligence services do not have so many people with a good knowledge about Russia any more (the DIA probably still has a significant number, but it wasn’t involved, at all). After the Cold War, the number of Russia specialists probably decreased gradually, and the idea that Russia could be important for the intelligence services only reappeared on a larger scale in the last few years, and this is hardly enough for building up knowledge again that was probably lost gradually in the time in which they thought it would be a waste of time to devote much time to studying a “regional power”. Still, there must be some people with a relatively good knowledge about Russia, and the fact that the report they produced is of such low quality, as far as things that can be verified on the basis of publicly known information are concerned, shows that they were hardly involved. So, the criteria for handpicking must have been something else, probably that they were people from whom it could be expected that, on the basis of their general attitudes and opinions, they would support the politically desired conclusions.
Intelligence report findings include things such as : RT reported Occupy Wall Street protests and hosted third party candidates debate.
They should have thanked RT for doing it because MSM did not want to air it. Also, it is ironical to note that whenever twenty or thirty demonstrators appear in the Red Square in Moscow, it is front page news in all major newspapers in U.S. and the top news on all major TV networks. And they are blaming RT!
It is pretty obvious that the people who have the power and who run this country have taken leave of their senses and live in their their own some sort of fantasy world.
Why do we even need to spend time and money on intelligence experts on Russia? The government knows what they want us to believe and that is what we will hear about. Ditto for every other country that we consider friend or enemy.
the answer is revenue sourcing and occupational funding. anyone who gets laid off from rt can readily find work near our southern border assisting the law to exclude Native Mexican Americans. yes, you heard it first here. no more latinos or chicanos. let’s get real.
As if facts have any meaning to the powers that be. They rely on the ignorance of the American people.
Know what we’re missing?
“Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
But today, Congress unanimously passes another dangerous and unnecessary anti-Russian sanctions bill, with Ron Paul as its only opponent (Sanders was opposed too, but *only* because the bill includes Iran).
No sense of decency – but a substantial bank balance, which many people have come to regard as far more desirable.
yeah, like a fleet of pirates surrounding putin’s luxury yacht.
Although I like the old man a lot better, Ron Paul has retired. I think you mean Rand Paul.
don’t blame coleen…another techno ploy from the tehran ubercoders.
This article is well timed, appearing almost simultaneously with the news from the Aspen Security Forum featuring the chief culprits, Brennan and Clapper.
The dates cited in this article are cause for concern–a couple of references to July 2017 dates, when, clearly, 2016 is meant, raise doubts about the authenticity of the poece.
I find it funny that your criticism of the article based on a typo also contains a typo. Is your comment authentic?
…when, clearly, 2016 is meant…
I don’t see any references to July 2017 dates in the article. (It’s possible they’ve been corrected.)
The only 2017 dates I see appear to be accurate: The January 6, 2017 “Intelligence Community Assessment” and the March 7, 2017 WikiLeaks publication of the “Valut 7” archive.
Can you clarify?
Yes, the mistakes were quickly corrected. But I for one apologize for the faulty proofreading.
… and they stand for their claims, and admit their errors, and that they corrected those errors. Transparency anyone?
As one of the signers and proofreaders, I can vouch for its authenticity, Rich. It’s amazing how those simple mistakes crept in and evaded our proofreadings.
not your fault, coleen. it was clearly an iranian hack.
David Stockman wrote a pithy article that touched on this issue amongst others.
A brief excerpt:
“…in the National Security Agency (NSA) there is a subsidiary entity called TAO (Targeted Access Operations) with a budget of several billions and more than 1,000 employees. The latter predominately consist of high-powered civilian and military hackers, computer geeks, intelligence analysts, targeting specialists, computer hardware and software designers and electrical engineers—-whose job it is to do exactly what Russia is being accused of.
Namely, to hack and electronically infiltrate the communications and operations of nearly every government on the planet, and most especially those of IC designated enemies and adversaries such as Russia and Iran. Indeed, TAOs motto says it all:
“Your data is our data, your equipment is our equipment anytime, any place, by any legal means.”
In any given 24-hour day, the TAO hacks and deposits more disinformation and malware into its targeted foreign networks than all the low level Russian probes that were intercepted by NSA during the entire Presidential campaign.
In other words, Washington is the mother of all hackers and cyber-warfare operations, and what Russia and other nations do is only a small potatoes version of the same. Yet the overwhelming share of these digital cloak and dagger operation by all sides is a huge waste of national resources; and most especially it is of no value at all to the safety of the American people.
That [is] because Russia, China and Iran—-the principal targets of the IC’s massive surveillance and cyber warfare activities—are no threats whatsoever to America’s security.”
You mention that Russia China and Iran are no threat to American security, and I fully agree with that assumption. There is a country that starts with. I that I believe is a big threat to American security. So let’s take a look at the countries that start with the letter I. Iceland, India. Indonesia. Iran. Iraq. Ireland. Israel. Italy. These 8 countries have a combined population of 1billion 742 million population about 30 percent of the worlds population. Now I ask you which of these countries is the biggest threat to the stability and security of America. I will give you a hint it is one of the lesser populated. You all have a nice Peacefull day
I think I got it!
‘Now I ask you which of these countries is the biggest threat to the stability and security of America.”
The US Congresspeople have decided to put First amendment after Israel First.
‘In March of 2017, bills were introduced in the US Senate and House of Representatives which would criminalise support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as well as other organisations which advocate for a boycott of Israel and Israeli products. Journalist Rob Wolfe summarised the effects of the proposed legislation as follows,
“The bill, which goes by H.R. 1697 and S. 720, would prohibit American businesses or individuals engaged in interstate or foreign commerce from ‘supporting any boycott fostered or imposed by an international organization, or requesting imposition of any such boycott, against Israel,’according to a congressional summary”.
This would have the effect of criminalising both small and large businesses run by Americans and/or businesses based in the United States from participating in or encouraging other businesses and individuals to boycott Israeli products, divest assets from Israel and advocate for sanctions of Israel.”
Any questions? The traitorous scoundrels who support this bill should be tarred and feathered and expelled from the US.
Yes, this bill is corrupt and unconstitutional. I have expressed my strong feelings to my Congresswoman who is one of its sponsors. She is a Democrat. Like many others here I have resigned in disgust from being a lifelong Democrat. Imagine that expressing your disfavor of Israeli policies in regard to Palestinians by withdrawing your investments in Israeli businesses or not buying Israeli products may become against US law! This bill alone shows how much power Israel has over American politics and the consequences for the American people.
The US Congress is Israeli occupied territory, as is the entire government. Those that control the money supply, control our politicians, simple minded greed monkeys who have no idea of the treason that they are committing against the American people, nay the world’s people. Israelis the 51st state after all.
I am not sure if Israel is the 51st State, or are we Israel West. Either way it comes down as the same mish mash.
yeah, but sometimes the hacks are not enough and the job needs to be finished up by mossad. mi6 couldn’t function without the lads and neither could putin’s ‘retribution squad’. time to send rover.
Those crafty Icelanders!
Should I note that I don’t recall any of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) being interviewed by the Propaganda Broadcast System News Hour or Charlie Rose show.
On July 20, 2017, the News Hour on the Propaganda Broadcast System implied that Russia had hacked the California primary in 2016
It is too bad they didn’t interview the young woman who made a YouTube video May 18, 2016 in which she described how poll watchers on being instructed how to operate on election day were being misinformed by the supervisors giving the instructions as how to deal with no party preference voters. It seems the poll watchers were being told to give such voters provisional ballots, almost all of which would never be counted. California law was to give those, at least those wanting to vote in the Democrat Party, a “cross over ballot.”
Other stories at the time indicated that in some counties in California instructions were being given not to give a crossover ballot unless the voter specifically asked for one using the exact wording provided by the County.
Rather than Russia’s Putin having so much power over County officials in California, I think a simpler explanation would be that Hillary Clinton supporters holding those offices decided to sabotage Bernie Sanders campaign in California.
I mean, the fact is that in California as 2016 Presidential primary votes were being counted some had “white out” on them.
in the above YouTube you have Greg Palast
Here you have a photo of Putin ordering his minions to hack the 2016 election
And here you see Putin’s operative hacking the election.
Now, as for me I think the proof of Russia hacking the election comes from 17 (becomes 3) US intelligence agencies channeled Nancy Reagan’s astrologer, then sent their agents to Colorado to obtain “high confidence.”
As for the white out in the California Primary, I think that Putin sent large numbers of Russian blondes to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primary in California and to mark their ballots with “white out.”
It’s a really good thing you bring up this DNC shenanigans, which played out in the California primaries. The news media certainly ignored this awful story. So thanks Mike for mentioning it.
And the humor is good as well!
Joe, It seems to me that This Bill and Hillary are one of the most corrupt and unprincipled political couple in U.S. History. Bill (and Hillary) Clinton fooled us big time in 1992 as did Obamas in 2008. We were kind of those life long democrats. Not any more. I quit in 2011, after Obama and Hillary’s destruction of Libya and start of the Syria regime change. The Politicians like Clintons and Obama are basically very clever ConMen.
Dave I didn’t vote between 1972 & 1992, and then I voted for Ross. Now I’m back to my 72 to 92 voting status, if you know what I mean. You might say I’m partyless once again…ah to be free.
They are war criminals, murderers and thieves. They need to brought before a War Crimes Tribunal.
you miss the point. the politicians are irrelevant. the war machine calls the shots. think about it.
THE ZIONISTS call the shots. period. For a real eye opening, watch: Christopher Bollyn, 911. An investigative journalist who pieced together the VERY zionist plot that was 911. Absolutely, positively nailed it. ANY question you might have, he answers, with proof. Real proof. Not supposition and theories. PROOF. Watch it and get others to watch it. Freely available on You tube.
VIPS does it again. Indispensible.
When they doctor intelligence this only proves that there is no more intelligence, the one of the other kind.
They doctored intelligence to prove that Iraq had WMDs and successfully got an attack on Iraq. But for some reason, I feel that if they successfully get a war on Russia after doctoring the intelligence on the “Russian meddling in US elections”, the outcome will not be as happy. But then, maybe this is a good time for US to receive a payback for its unprovoked attack on Iraq and dozens of other nations.
A bully will go around blooding noses until someone bloodies his nose back.
VIPS are a rare voice of sanity.
Yes, the VIPS deserve credit. But their report does not examine why the alleged hack was blamed on Russia instead of any other group, which is also very significant. The DNC only had to blame it upon some allegedly hostile entity, much more likely a Republican IT operation, of which there are undoubtedly many hundreds. And no doubt the Repubs infltrated the Dems and vice versa. So why focus on Russia?
The US has no cause whatsoever to vilify Russia, as it is nowhere in any necessary conflict or viable competition with Russia as a nation. Only the zionists and Saudis and West Ukraine nationalists have objections to Russia. Both the zionists and Saudis are primary DNC “donors” and hence motivated to attack Russia, which they planned to do after the election via their puppet Hillary. All of Hillary’s top ten “donors” were zionists, and the Saudis were major “donors” to the Clinton Foundation. If the DNC represented the people of the US rather than zionists and Saudis, it would not be opposed to Russia. If the mass media were not controlled by zionists, they would not promote the anti-Russia propaganda.
So the targeting of Russia proves the corruption of the DNC and the mass media by the zionists.
Russia-gate is in fact Israel-gate, and this is the story that the DNC is trying to cover up.
The targeting of Russia is for the purpose of preparing the public for war with Russia, which is a preparation of war with the entire Eurasian Bloc which includes the Economic juggernaut China, which poses a lethal rivalry to the intended reign of the financier syndicate operating out of London, Wall Street, Amsterdam, other financial “capitals” in the countries of Europe ( see Executive Intelligence Review search box; “Tragedy and Hope, May 7th webcast”, and “Inter-Alpha Group”). Lyndon calls this the “Anglo-Dutch Liberal Financier Empire” which is derived from Venice and their style of money manipulation and business Empire (small “c” corporate fascism). And Venice itself was derived from the wealthy survivors of the owner/operators of the Western Roman Empire, who rose, Phoenix-like, from the ashes of collapse. So don’t think they wouldn’t dare launch WWIII to knock out the last big rival to the global reign of the Western financier syndicate. THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE teaches them that you can come back from catastrophe and utter collapse, and get back on top, as their descendants (and those “outsiders” they’ve mentored in to the operation) have.
The problem here is the very well known and admitted zionist control of mass media and the DNC. If obscure mystical London financiers wanted to attack Russia and had the weapons, they could have done so long ago.
There is no ‘coming back’ from an all-out thermonuclear exchange. That is the difference that nuclear weapons have made in the World and why there has been no WWIII.
Brad: You hit the mark. Very true. But would they – this West’s Financial Oligarchy – be that reckless to go all out for domination even at the peril of World War III? China is building up fast. It seems like that China will almost catch up in military capabilities in ten years. From my reading of the West’s history, they want to be the Masters. And they – the Ruling Establishment, which is dominated by the Neocon Jewish Financial, Media, and Entertainment Oligarchy – are going for a confrontation with Russia and China. They want to control the World Finance at any cost.
The US oligarchy is primarily zionist/Saudi/MIC controlling foreign policy, and includes business groups in domestic policy. While business/financial oligarchies are in collusion in politics, the notion of an ancient western financial conspiracy against the world, merely distracts from the well-established zionist control of the DNC and mass media.
The other harassment of Russia and China on their borders by the MIC, is designed to create a right wing there to ensure permanent tensions and MIC budgets, propped up by the usual fake-patriot demagogue politicians, who must have foreign wars to pose with the flag and accuse their moral superiors of disloyalty.
Fusion GPS Dossier – YouTube
Glenn Simpson,Bill Holder, Katie Butler, Laura Kennedy, Ben Smith, Susan Schmidt and others were under the direction of Obama, John Kerry, Samantha Power and Susan Rice in order to smear and delegitimize Donald Trump and his presidency. This is sedition.
How many WSJ reporters were involved???What did Joe Rago learn? How many more Lies??
Yes, they expect only a 10% loss and they have been preparing with underground safety zones for some time.
Sam F-
I think we have to look at the whole picture of post USSR Russia. Yeltsin was a stooge who allowed the raping of Russia, and a huge amount of capital flight. They were basically doing to Russia what John Perkins described in “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. Putin put a stop to it, and only allowed oligarchs who promised to keep their plunder in Russia, and employ Russians, to remain. Russia and Putin have been the enemy of the Deep State ever since. I’ve heard that many of the looters were basically the Russian Jewish mafia, so in that sense there may be a Zionist connection. I could be completely wrong, but that’s the way I say it.
We have only to look at the campaign bribes, and the 97% AIPAC-honoring US Congress, to see that the Russia-gate garbage and all US confrontationalism against Russia is very clearly the result of direct bribes by zionists seeking to disrupt the Iran-Iraq link to Syria-Lebanon-Hezbollah.
No doubt there are a few disappointed US plunderers opposing Russia, but their dreams cannot have broad appeal, nor is conquest even slightly realistic, so I doubt that they have any credibility or influence in the US oligarchy.
It would be interesting to compare the influences upon Congress of the various groups, such as the plunderers vs. the zionists. But the near-100% control of Congress by the zionists has given us the blatantly unconstitutional anti-BDS bill, so it appears that generic plunderers are far fewer. You may well be right that many plunderers were also zionists.
Stop trying to blame “the Zionists” for stuff. No one wants a war with Russia. Go find a new reason to be an anti-Semite.
Wake up, there, Rational, and look at the evidence, for you are the one without a reason. You will find, unfortunately, that everything I have said is very well evidenced. Let us have your evidence to the contrary, or you will need a new reason to be a zionist.
The time is long past for protestations in favor of fairness to zionists: it is well proven that they are scoundrels and traitors.
It is not rational to neglect the role of ziocons in the demonization of Russia. They are livid that Syria is still alive – bloodied, ruined, but still fighting for its survival, with the help of Russian Federation. This situation is intolerable for the Israel-firsters and the dreamers of Eretz Israel.
“Rational”, you are irrational………Real Antisemitism is what the Jewish State is doing to the Palestinians…….Stop putting YOUR ignorance on display…………….
pointing out the wrongdoings of a specific group of persons of a specific religion – in this case Jewish people – doesn’t make someone a racist / anti-semite. Are those people who dare to criticize the Pope or the Catholic Church anti-Christian? A fair and balanced discussion should be possible amongst adults.
” No one wants a war with Russia” Boy, do you underestimate the perversion power of human faculties by the sin of Pride! [“Hey, we’re us; we can’t lose.”]
me thinks my lady does protest to much! Dismantle AIPAC lobby is what is needed.
Anti-Semitism is directed against the Jewish people, but not against Zionists, and it is not necessary to confuse these concepts. Zionists it is not the Jewish people, it is separate radical, financial sect from some Jews.
Semitism has nothing to do with Zionism. Your shit’s onion paper thin.
Here’s Jimmy Dore’s version… for which he says outright there’s no incontrovertible evidence, but it sounds good to me. Lots of four-letter words, but Jimmy is smart and down to earth and I like what he has to say about most things…
My comment was in response to Sam F’s question: Why Russia?
I don’t pursue videos or cussing in the forum, but perhaps you can summarize.
Do you think the intense and unrelenting focus on Russia as the “bad guy” by the DNC (and its mainstream media minions) could be an effort to throw attention off of its own (in particular, Hillary’s) dealings with the Russians during the Obama Administration?
There was little or no MSM coverage of that connection, so diversion from it was not likely a perceived goal. If they thought that a potential weakness it seems likely that they would stay clear of similar issues until it emerged.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former WSJ editor, has done a great job of explaining Russian demonization—-long before the DNC leaking fiasco. Please go read. You can go way back before the primary election to see the history of U.S. demonizaton of Russia. Russia talks broke down totally during the Obama years with John Kerry breaking off all diplomatic relations with Russia. (Trump seeks normalization of relations.) The incentives to blame Russia are many. Here are just 3 incentives to blame Russia. The U.S. made it very clear that they wanted to take down President Assad of Syria. Russia is a long standing ally of Syria. The U.S. made it clear then that they wanted to go to war with Russia over Syria. (Clinton said this during her campaign). Demonizing your enemy is a prelude to preparing people (Americans) to go to war. The CIA was funding both ISIS and Alcadia rebels against Syria with the hope that Assad would be taken down. The CIA is massively annoyed with Trump who recently put an end to this practice. Indeed, the CIA supports war with Russia over Syria. Trumps anti-war anti-foreign interventionism was made very clear during the campaign. Hence, the CIA hates Trump. Russia also has a natural gas pipeline that runs through Syria to Northern Europe. Israel (our ally) seeks to install a competing natural gas pipeline. Russia, Iran, and Syria are all outside the Western banking system. The U.S. and the G7 nations seek global hegemony with a one world cashless currency. The Russian axis of (Iran, Syria, Russia) want no part of this financial system. Iran is a true Muslim nation that has a religious prohibition against charging interest on loans (usury). Hence, they cannot allow themselves to become a part of a Western banking system that engages in usury. Assuming you want to know the truth, start here and go backwards in time.
Roxanne, the situation in Syria is of absolutely no concern to the US, it is solely the concern of Israel and KSA to block the Iran-Iraq link to Syria-Lebanon-KSA, as I said above.
The excuse about a competing Qatar-Turkey pipeline (not Israel) is propaganda because
1. the East-West route in no way precludes a North-South route,
2. those are private deals that do not concern the US at all.
Are you arguing that we should conquer nations to favor one pipeline over another?
The “petrodollar” argument for Mideast wars is zionist propaganda:
1. The US does not benefit by Mideast warmongering; only the zionists benefit;
2. The US can buy oil from whomever has it regardless of alliances, like everyone else;.
3. The US is in no position to conquer the world and force its currency to be used worldwide;
4. The BRICS are establishing their own standards and the US can do nothing about that but get the dollar rejected through coercion and warmongering.
The reason that the CIA funded AlQaeda in Syria is a separate matter: all indications are that the problem is now primarily zionism, because since the collapse of the USSR there is no other interest group served.
All of these zionist schemes predate the election: the fake Russia-gate is just more zionist warmongering for Israel. So there is no point there.
Russia-gate is Israel-gate, and no propaganda will hide that.
Watch this to see why the Democratic neoliberal policy of blaming Russia on Clinton’s defeat is engaged in pushing Hillary’s Russian Uranium scandal out of the public eye. Her concentration of Uranium supplies in Russian hands was her weakest point … and what do politicians do when they get caught… they blame what they did on others.
The VIPS report does make clear that the hack smear against Russia was to try and prevent Trump from engaging with them and normalising relationships. Why anybody would not want normal relations with another nuclear power is beyond me.
Then I am not mad or blinded by my own hubris.
Sam F,
you’ve got some valid points, but you should also take into consideration that Russia has large natural resources. The US on the other hand doesn’t. The oil reserves of the US are insignificant. Resorting to fracking and thereby destroying the environment and killing the own citizens is the only way to satisfy the hunger for energy. Other resources, for example the largest nickel deposits, are outside of the US. To be fair I have to add that the USSR / Russia didn’t really care about environmental issues either, but the awareness is rising and steps in the right direction have been taken. Sadly the idea of fair trade doesn’t seem to be favored on state level in the US. The only way to continue the looting of our planet is to subjugate any nation that is opposed to bow to the demands of the West (EU and US).
Russia and the US both have plenty of natural resources, but not all that they need, like most nations. Of course that requires trade, but trade does not require domination let alone war. To avoid looting the planet, governments must agree to international standards of conservation and resource preservation.
My view is that natural resources should be owned by the entire human population, and extraction profits should be distributed accordingly. I expect that centuries lie between us and that simple realization. Many governments would vote to have a greater share, but we shall have to convince the fortunate nations to go along.
(that in USSR / Russia not really care for environmental problems) It is not necessary to confuse and compare, (the USSR – this is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) in modern Russia is not present, either the Soviet power, or Councils as well as communism. You were till this time in a lethargical sleep and therefore did not notice what changes happened.
Putin has empowered Iran to superpower status and a great threat to Israel. Russia is among the group of nations that Ezekiel prophesied would come against Israel in the latter days. These are those days and Turkey and a host of muslim countries will join together with Russia to attempt to force Israel to give up Judea and Samaria (AKA West Bank). God will step in (Ezekiel 38,39), and destroy their armies and nations. We are closing in on that day.
Don’t worry Dave,
A few missteps and Israel will blow themselves up with all of their undeclared nukes. The Zionist land grabbers may shoot themselves in the foot, so to speak, so who needs your version of ‘God’ ?
Obama empowered Iran…with his treasonous deal. Robert Baer of the CIA and his book “The Devil We Know-A Nuclear Iran” supporting making Iran the hegemony of the Middle East is insanity. Why enrich, embolden and empower a Muslim State with only blood lust on their mind?
What is wrong with our CIA?? They no longer appear to work for the American people.
Dave, there are lots of ways to interpret the good book. For centuries western culture has hijacked and spun fairy tales from our historical records and the same has been attempted with the words of TMH. Thus you need to go back with eyes wide open to see all interpretations have been due to western mans egocentric vision of himself in a space in which he does not belong.
Identifying WHO is Israel, who is a Jew begins with the unravelling of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 verses 9, do you see the semblance
Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Plain Speak is the light of the word and only those that are written in the Book of Life can reveal the truth. It is these and their kith and kin that the nations will try to destroy and the false jew NWO has designs to create a race war to target the wrath of the nations against the children of the slave trade, their lesser brethren as spoken of in the protocols.
Be warned the Ashkenazi is not an Israelite. the Ashkenazi is not a Judean, They are not Semitic, They are the synagogue of satan who say they are jews but are just not as per new scientific reality that they are merely converts, converts who know they are fake and they were behind the slave trade, trying to get rid of REAL EVIDENCE and are still trying…giving Amerikkkan police licence to genocide two Afrikan Americans a day. Empirical FACTS in your face all day every day from way back when to now.
The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses
Eran Elhaik1,2,*
1Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
2McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Accepted: December 5, 2012
The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco–Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo–Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo–Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazars’ contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry. We further describe a major difference among Caucasus populations explained by the early presence of Judeans in the Southern and Central Caucasus. Our results have important implications for the demographic forces that shaped the genetic diversity in the Caucasus and for medical studies.
sourced from so called jewish archives….so no anti semitism here;
The following excerpt from the Protocols of The Elders of Zion in reference to the already established slavery by SEPHARDI selling THEIR BROTHERS Judah and Benjamin et al in the slave trade through the Portuguese empire and sparking the greed of Europe to vandalise Africa and Africans, where most of the southern house of Judah lived (sound familiar) The northern kingdom vs the southern kingdom same as it was in Egypt.
“for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren. I will not enter into further explanations. For this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us.”
The Lion of Judah will prevail
The present-day Israel is not the Israel of the bible…It is a construct of Ashkenazim who migrated from the region of Khazaria (which is in Ukraine now). They came to settle in the place where they are now with the British mandate around the turn of the century. Theodor Hertzl was the founder of modern-day Zionism. The occupants of the present day are pretenders who aren’t even descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Instead they are a mix of Turkic and Uighur tribes who CONVERTED to Judaism around the 9th-10th century. The modern state of Israel achieved it’s dominance over the Palestinians through a reign of terror by the Irgun Zvi Leumi and other groups. Palestinians fled before the onslaught rather than be killed. Zionist terrorists then said”they left, the land is ours now” . A key player in this was Ariel Sharon, a tank commander, also known as the “butcher of Beirut”. Modern day Israel is intent on expanding their lands beyond the mandate to include “the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates river” if they have their way. This is called Eretz Israel. See: Yinon Plan.
Perhaps this will clear the air regarding Zionism and the continuing conflict.
Dave CampbelL: you are at best delusional and at worst a liar. First and foremost, DAVE, historians (not religious folk) proved that Israel migrated into Europe some 2500 years ago. Some Israelites had already migrated into Europe long before that. Indeed some Israelites of the tribe of Dan left Egypt many years before Moses led the rest of israel out. They settled in Greece and are responsible for the Great GREEK Empire. This has been proven by Historians (not religious folk). Also, historians (not religious folk) PROVED that Jesus spent considerable time in England as a youth wit his uncle, Joseph of Arimithea.
Raymond Capt: Migrations of Israel. Look it up on you tube if reading a book is too much trouble. That Israel migrated into Europe was proven conclusively beyond any doubt over 100 years ago when Nineveh was excavated and thousands of clay tablets with history recorded on them were recovered and translated. There was already sufficient evidence prior to that time, but the excavation of Nineveh SHOULD have put a halt to ALL of the nonsense regarding jews pretending to be Israelites. Jew are NOT israelites and jews know this absolutely positively know this. Its in their JEWISH Encyclopedia wherein it states, “it is IMPROPER to refer to a jew as an Israelite,” AND, “it is improper to refer to a jew as a Judahite (member of the tribe of Judah).”
Those imposters in Palestine are NOT Israelites. They are the Synagogue of Satan referred to in Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
They are primarily Edomites and Cananites. What jews are NOT is Israelites. Never were. Never will be.
So, give your propaganda a rest.
This is a serious discussion, based in the material world, not any specific religion.. Sorry, but this sounds like delirium to most of us. Also, you should be aware that these “prophecies’ have been interpreted by your religious leaders using their own “logic,” which may not in any case be what the original writers intended. In any case, the original writers would have had no conception of the modern world. Nonetheless, I wish you peace and greater enlightenment.
Religious fanatic!
That’s because VIPS deals in facts. The “how.” As for answering the “why,” that would be speculating, and VIPS correctly avoids assumptions.
Although their is enough circumstantial evidence to draw the conclusion that apart from the goal of deflection from DNC/media collusion to sabotage Sanders’ campaign, Russia was selected to prevent Trump’s campaign promise of détente with Russia, Assad remaining in power and US repairing crumbling infrastructure at home instead of war, i.e., the DNC wanted to avert Trump;s promise of a peace dividend. It was a soft coup.
Yes, it would be speculation, but some things are so obvious that they do not need to be stated:
(1) The most obvious point is that the left, and probably some in the intelligence community find Trump unacceptable. What better way to undermine Trump than, in their desperation, to make it look like “the Russians” are at least partly to blame for his victory.
(2) Their is a long-standing U.S. enmity toward Russia based in the Cold War. It is very familiar and convenient for the U.S. Congress, the “Deep State,” and the Mass Media to revert to the old framework. Who could it be better to blame? The U.S. public is easily swayed in any case, and the Cold War is still alive in many memories.
(3) The Hilary Democrats and right-wing Republicans have bein hoping for more opportunities for new sanctions against Russia, and the alleged “assault on our democracy” is a real gift to them. You should have noticed by now that the “Russian meddling” has not been proven, nor has anyone presented any real evidence. It seems that all that messy evidence is not necessary in this case, since the government and the media seemed to have informally agreed just to declare it as a fact. Of course there are Hilary’s “17 agencies” (i.e. CIA, FBI, and 16 parrot agencies), which are totally unclear about evidence. Would anyone have trusted the CIA’s “high confidence” until recently? They don’t tell us more than that phrase, supposedly because that’s “too secret to tell.” I have never been a fan of Fox News, but Tucker Carlson is a true voice of reason on the “Russian hacking” issue. He has taken on many commentators and congresspeople on this issue, calmly asking how this is supportable without evidence, but many of them end up shrilling filibustering and desperately spurting out phrases like “17 agencies” and “high confidence.” If they are looking for something to blame Trump’s election on, I think they would do better to recall the phrase “electoral college”
Sam F – You can’t always prove motive. We all might have our guesses, but it is not factual to purport opinion. This group has laid out FACTS. FACTS that cannot be explained away by the DNC and the past administration. Their chickens are coming home to roost.
That is nonsense. Russians were blamed in order to attack Trump. Podesta created the Putin Bromance story to attack Trump and this Russian hack story buttressed this very weak campaign strategy. Ironically the consultant that the Dems used to analyze the computers and declare a Russian hack is a Russian himself.
Are the stories about Putin having journalists and opponents jailed and killed not true?
Of course not!
Why would you go that far to vilify isreal over a fake incident with russia? That is the same shit in blue.
Nobody cares about the leaks itself anymore and THAT is the reason for all the fuss.
Bernie Sanders was illegally dethroned by Hillary. Sanders was the winner of the democrats, yet hillary had bigger pockets and deeper networks.
The whole DNC blew the lid on many people who worked their butts off in a grassrootsmovement for bernie sanders. When they left the DNC in Philly, nothing of this was shown on any media. So alot of people know how deep the influence of hillary goes. That is totally undemocratic authoritarian behavior, that could lead to a civil war. Rightfully so, in my opinion. But that is the reason why the whole story was covered in this cold war revival theatre. And along with that, it is now possible to discredit any whistleblower as fake news and censor the internet, when people try to speak the truth.
Just realize the fucked up situation the land of the free, home of the brave, is in.
“So the targeting of Russia proves the corruption of the DNC and the mass media by the zionists.”
You sound like a Russian who is protective of Putin.
Guess where the Russians’ compounds are? The east coast of the U.S..
Trump won’t say a peep against Russia or Putin, but he denigrates every other entity on the planet.
Having just read Luke Harding’s book “Expelled” I have no doubt that Putin’s Russia would have the will to hack and influence the U.S. elections if it thought it was in their interest and capability. But I also have no doubt that the U.S. would have the will to hack and influence elections around the world if it that it was in the U.S. interest. Nor do I have any doubt that on matters where vital national or political party interests are involved, the U.S., or the Democratic (or Republican) Party, would be quite capable and willing to falsely attribute a hacking to the Russians. We have the Bush-Powell “weapons of mass destruction”, etc. as precedents and going back some decades the Joint Chiefs of Staff “Operation Northwoods” memorandum that ought to be common knowledge but is not.
I believe this latest report from the Intel Vets is a bombshell of important information that news media ignore to the detriment of their own credibility. Like the Intel Vets, I have no political axe to grind, but like them I want to see truth given a chance in the highly charged political atmosphere where truth and evidence are so often manipulated to favor perceived (and misperceived) interests.
Have no doubt that the U.S. would have the will to hack and influence elections around the world – because it has done so on literally scores of occasions. Never mind “hack” or “influence” elections; it has overthrown presidents, prime ministers and whole governments, changed constitutions, and thrown entire nations into violent anarchy. Repeatedly, and in recent memory.
As a US person reading books written by other US persons you have “no doubt” …
Well, I can only say that unlike the US nation, other nations have more productive endeavours on their mind than “hacking” and especially hacking of the US elections, even if this were possible which it is not. Your statement is just too nationalistic and narcissistic.
US does “hack” the elections in many, many other nations and has been doing so for many decades, but this “hacking” has always been done by bribing lots of local media and even the voters through NGOs all with limitlessly printed US$ (thanks to the petrol buying status of $US, then reserve currency status and finally the global standard for all currency transfers). Take out the petro dollar and there would be no more election “hacking” by US.
Even NSA and CIA could not hack the US elections let alone another nation because even the US elections are still not electronic enough to be hacked. Hacking one party’s email (which obviously did not happen, it was a memory stick extraction by an insider), no matter how rotten this party is still cannot justify the election loss. It is blatantly clear that the story of the Russian hacking of the US Presidential election will enter history as the most desperate and the dumbest excuse for losing an election ever invented on the whole planet. Only if DNC survives we could expect this excuse to be surpassed by another one the next election. But I do not blame the DNC and its spin doctors for coming up with such miserable excuse then the dumb voters who suck it up.
This is a wholly manufactured “existential crisis” for the same purpose as bread and circuses in Roman times … What’s terrifying is the power of the internet silos of information to convince people that whatever (and I do mean whatever) they believe is widely held belief, even CONSENSUS opinion … madness of crowds exploited quite deliberately like some modern day Orson Welles War of the Worlds radio play … this time playing on the cacophonous 24/7 “mainstream media” …
So many claim to have watched and appreciated “Manufacturing Consent” and yet seem to have failed to see how its lessons apply (and have applied) to recent and current events…
Thank you Kiza and Susan Sunflower. Everything is suspect. We need to become like suburb skeptics in order to sift through the murk…
Hello Susan, I really like your comparison of “The Russian Hacking” play with the Orson’s radio play “The War of the Worlds”. But Orson announced at the end of the radio play that it was just entertainment, whilst the current DNC play may end up in global fireworks. Totally different ending.
Most people do not appreciate how cumulative the effects of propaganda are. Also, even those who are not convinced that Russia hacked the US Presidential election will still dislike Russia because of the mindset such as “where there is smoke, there is at least some fire”. If the totally rotten US media reformed overnight and started saying now that Russia and Putin are US friends (and I know from reading polls that most Russians still do not hate Americans, a large majority still likes US and its people), it would take possibly 10-20 years for the Americans to start feeling about Russia the way the Russians feel about US.
Finally, I am repeatedly surprised by how much negative feelings keep coming from US and how inclined the US are to always create enemies wherever and whenever possible, as if it was more profitable to have enemies than friends (obviously it is for some) or at least trading partners. Right now, I am sure that US looks like a totally mad/crazy country to all outsiders, even to its useless European vassals. The attempted reform with the election of Trump appears to have failed and now only madness remains (and Trump’s roughness).
Are the stories about Putin having clamping down on gay people not true?
Kiza: You wrote: “Most people do not appreciate how cumulative the effects of propaganda are . . . it would take possibly 10-20 years for the Americans to start feeling about Russia the way the Russians feel about US.” So true.
Your comments are always very informative and on the mark. Thanks.
Thanks Dave P, I sincerely like reading your comments also.
Even less true than your previous comment.
The problem is the media that learned from the Nazis that if you keep saying a lie long enough and with such a big megaphone people eventually believe it….That is what we have with “Russia” did it–24/7 lie brought to you by the CIA and the globalist media….
the Nazis learned their trade from the US. Goebbels learned his trade from Edward Bernays. Through Journalist Karl von Wiegand Bernays learned that his book “Crystallizing Public Opinion” had been in Goebbels library and that it was the basis for German propaganda. Aside from propaganda, the Nazis learned a lot from the US. For example Mengele’s ideas on Eugenics were the result of the Rockefeller Foundation’s support of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics. Germany’s got the inspiration for its race laws in the US as well. A new book “Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law” by James Q. Whitman details the influence of US laws on Germany’s laws. Hitler’s inspiration for concentration camps had been based – at least partially – on the treatment of the American Natives – Indians. Thanks to German and US corporations / oligarchs the Nazi party gained popularity in Germany. Hitler was even given the title man of the year by the Time Magazine.
@Joe Average: please check what Time Magazine REALLY wrote about Hitler in 1938. Just looking at the cover of this issue should be an eye opener.
thank you for the information.
Looking at the cover didn’t tell me anything at first. Probably that’s because the supposed front page (Hitler, wearing an uniform, sitting in an arm chair), that can be found on the internet, seems to be a cover of the time magazine as well (a different edition). The picture looked like the authentic cover. Despite knowing that wikipedia isn’t the most reliable source, I got part of my information from this web site. The note regarding the issue “Man of 1938” didn’t hint any negative content of the article. Also several sources seem to spread disinformation with regard to the front page and omit details of the content of that time article.
I’ll quote one such misleading source that uses the picture of Hitler sitting in an arm chair:
“Many people applauded the creative director of the shoot for giving Trump a chair to sit in that looked remarkably similar to the one that Adolf Hitler was pictured in for his cover for the same accolade in 1938.”
If it hadn’t been for your information I would still think the wrong picture is the correct one. Altering keywords for the internet search finally showed up different results: original picture:and some background information ( Sadly I didn’t find any source that also contains the contents of that specific copy of the magazine.
Tomk. “The problem is the media that learned from the Nazis” You mean learnt from the Zionists don’t you regarding the lie . Zionists are the A Team when it comes to lying with their 6gazillion lie and funny enough they own the media (megaphone).
Kiza, then look to Brennan and Clappers “The Hammer” and Dennis Montgomery who told that they stealthily redistricted Florida to steal that state for Obama in 2012.
Check out his reputation: Luke Harding himself has a track record as an anti-Russian hack and lackey of the deep state.
“Luke Harding himself has a track record as an anti-Russian hack and lackey of the deep state.” — True.
He is also a traitor to the Wikileaks.
If Trump were smart, he would order the arrest of Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Condi Rice (as a start). The end game would be to place these people into an international prison for war atrocities against humanity. Then, he can start on the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton.
VIPS doesn’t implicate Seth Rich as the Manager of IT for the DNC who was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and didn’t like the fact the DNC was rigging the primary for Hillary Clinton. Tulsi Gabbard also resigned from the DNC for the very same reason.
Seth Rich was murdered in D.C. and for some reason, the investigation has been ignored to “honor his parents” wishes. Yet, the spokesman for the family was hired by the DNC to fix the crisis.
Most of Washington has been singing the same tune along with the media punditry. All of it is a deflection from the truth. Those of us in the media still holding truth to power have been pointing this out for well over a year. As the leaked emails show on Wikileaks, there was much collusion between the DNC and the media. Look at the lack of media exposure Senator Bernie Sanders received during the primary. It was an intentional media black-out. They all obliged in favor of Hillary Clinton long before the primary.
In other words, the DNC’s instructions were carried out en masse by the Elite Media. This requires serious power to control the media in concert. The same media who has ALL fallen behind the “Russia Did It” theme.
It’s not much of a stretch to say the same people orchestrating the fraudulent primary election also orchestrated a cover-up of the evidence showing the fraud.
If our intelligence community was an ethical truth seeking agency versus a pawn for the powerful, they would have made all the connections referenced above. Sadly, they’ve not been that kind of agency for decades. It also says much about our media industry as well. So much for “free” and “independent”.
If Trump wants a victory, he needs to focus on the above via speeches and social media. He promised his followers he would drain the swamp, so focus on this memo and start draining the swamp. This country needs cleaning up!
Todd the other evening over dinner, friends of mine asked me when I was going to let go of the Hillary criticism. Your post here reminded me of my answer. My reply also included how a young 27 year old might have died in the process, to unveil what Hillary and Podesta were up to. Bringing up the Seth Rich murder left my friends clueless.The best I can say about my inquisitors, is they rely heavily and solely on our lying MSM to get their news, and information. So Todd keep on keeping on, with your opinions.
Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016 . It is right after June, 2016, and July 5, 2016 events stated in this article. It seems like there is connection between these events. His wallet was not stolen. The police report says that no credit cards, cash, or any other item was not stolen from the wallet.
FBI was not allowed inspection of DNC computers after those alleged hacks took place.
Obama was the president, and U.S. attorney General, FBI director, and others were his political appointees.
The D.C. police can hardly be called independent body .
All these things point out that there is something fishy in there. In the light of this seriousness of DNC hacking issue story’s perpetuation, in the minimum Seth Rich murder needs further investigation.
Right Dave, all these things point to an irresponsible media coupled with a deceptive DNC cover up, to which the guilty hide in plain sight.
Wouldn’t it be great if this somehow all gelled and we found the murderer of Seth Rich, and the authors of Russia-gate, and had them all prosecuted and put in prison? There I go dreaming again.
Skip you and I are destined to end up seeing each other in one of these dreams you bring up.
A correction: ” . .The police report says that no credit cards, cash, or any other item was stolen from the wallet.”
Seth Rich murder: “FBI was not allowed inspection of DNC computers after those alleged hacks took place. Obama was the president, and U.S. attorney General, FBI director, and others were his political appointees.”
Obama has been a FRAUD joining the hall of shame with Cheney, Condi Rice, and Bush the lesser.
War Crimes Tribunals, a thousand times over War Crimes Tribunals. Our society is run by a gaggle of thieves and murderers, looting and murdering the world over. The number of dead in the illegal wars since Bush 1, are rapidly approaching the horrors of the Nazi Regime. Moral men, patriotic men, cannot let these crimes pass without accountability. Spread it from the roof tops, War Crimes Tribunals. Only when these crimes are exposed and punished can this country be saved.
Dave P.
The other funny thing is The D.C. Police Chief, Cathy Lanier, who was involved in the Seth Rich investigation also resigned a month after Seth Rich’s murder.
Labin T. : From all these facts it seems evident that it was not a case of robbery; that there was some other motive behind it.
Labin T.
Cathy Lanier: resigned to take a job a director of security for the NFL. Wonder how many and what other candidates were considered?
“In the light of this seriousness of DNC hacking issue story’s perpetuation, in the minimum Seth Rich murder needs further investigation.”
No. It was a Fake News story by the right.
VIPS doesn’t mention Rich only because their goal was to determine whether or not the WikiLeaks were a “hack” or a “leak”. Once they prove it was a leak, as they accomplished, the question of who performed the leak, i.e, Rich, then becomes the subject of a second article. The proof that it was a leak provides major corroboration for the Rich story, which is a massive one and pins Comey, through the FBI efforts to neutralize the Rich investigation, with serious criminal liability.
AMEN Amen and amen !!!
Condi Rice has been advising Rex Tillerson.
Indeed, cyber intelligence may soon may be passed using. The net profit from its use is probably already a loss to the country.
Perhaps it is best we return Intelligence back to military where it was placed by Washington and residing there until Truman. How many millions dead at the feet of cia/nsa since Truman? How many wars, coups, terror organizations supported, regime changes, etc., etc. has the cia/nsa spawned?
Where has it taken us? To nowhere.
Great suggestion John. But call me a sceptic for saying that “we” can do nothing of the kind. The “intelligence” organisations have grown into personal enrichment and political control mafias (money and power) and the national interest is only on the signage in front of their shops, just like a corporate motto which could not be further from the truth. No one can put this vicious genie, the evil incarnate, back into its bottle. In other words, you are suggesting that we could get rid of the Deep State.
The only chance is that they start fighting each other one day soon (like street gangs) and thus leave the people alone. The bad scenario is that they start a war on Russia which turns nuclear.
War Crimes Tribunals!
The stakes for the US, and the world are far too high. We need the President to act on the evidence provided herein and blow away the Russiagate scandal before it can derail his presidency and the peace for which he has so courageously worked. The proper remedy is to expose. prosecute and punish those responsible for this hoax and the unmasking and leaking of confidential information, punishable by up to ten years in prison. Pardons for those persons – I don’t think so.
It is probably too late. Trump is characterized as a liar so thoroughly and repeatedly that when he speaks nobody believes him or cares. The mainstream mecia is complicit. The majority of Americans are led around by their noses and can hold several contradictory opinions at the same time, without questioning any of it.
Trump is a card carrying member of the Kleptocracy. Don’t expect him to do anything. Donald Trump is no hero.
I think American politicians are just ordinarily, humanely stupid. They don´t consider consequences of their actions, they just push with the herd, and the hell takes the rest! Such a men don´t have enough imagination to understand that they will be hurt, too. They didn´t use their brains (now atrofied) for the last 30 years, because there was not need for them: US power was overwhelming everything and everyone. It is enough just to listen to Kissinger, who is coming from the time brains had to be used, and compare him with any current american politicians on the top posts. Compared to Kissinger, they look and speak as arrogant morons, actually like spoiled children, jangling on the cliff, yelling “Look at me!Look at me!”
“I think American politicians are just ordinarily, humanely stupid.”
They want nice paychecks and a lot of comforts.
At the expense of everybody else. They also consider the poor and good people in some far away countries to be the ants to be crushed under their foot for their comfort.
Yes, the policy makers like playing their geopolitical games. Winning and out-maneuvering and spinning multiple plates in the air is their bread and butter. The shattered lives of people are meaningless to them. It makes their own lives exciting and important to be at the center of the action. That’s all that matters; to keep the game going and stay ahead of everyone else. Very sick.
Kissinger is another one that belongs in a bullet proof glass box. War Crimes Tribunals!
It’s unfortunate that the main evidence for “leak not a hack” is this:
“July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is many times faster than what is physically possible with a hack.”
My work computer just downloaded that much in 18 seconds. So there’s that.
2GB from DNC HQ to Romania/Russia…. aaaand you have to account for the files’ overhead.
This Q has been extensively answered check:
I found a later comment to be more convincing, but convinced I was!
Slithering past those “multiple layers of security” with a high speed internet hack isn’t plausible to me, but with a good quality flash drive it would be a piece of cake – a simple file transfer. All it took was access.
The authors seem to have done some fantastic detective work, and have also explained it in terms even a computer illiterate like myself can understand.
The part which really needs more investigation is the second insider leak. Seems to me it took somebody with some mighty good computer skills to “doctor” that one with Russian Fingerprints. Now if we only knew of some outfit with those “skills”, with a special “Fingerprint” program, and of course, with a motive. What a mystery.
each amateur with some basic skills can manipulate the metadata of files. The internet is a rich source for all different kinds of software. Even you can create / alter files in different language settings. Just change the settings of your computer to any different language, change your time zone, open a file, enter some text and save it. Voilà, you’ve created some document of seemingly a foreign national.
Did you hack your work computer?
Was your work computer downloading from an external host on the World Wide Web through a port and Internet connection as would be required by an external hack? More likely is your “download” was a file transfer from a server on a high-speed LAN or WAN.
They did find chemical weapons in Iraq, tho. It was the media jew that hyped up everything for adshekel that convinced the goyim that there were nukes hidden in the sand and if we didn’t find them the entire operation was done on false pretense. Every single liberal, including their queen Hillary, was 100% behind the intelligence from multiple countries at the time.
Mother Jones is not a source of political news.
time and again some people attempt to spread the rumor about alleged Iraqi chemical weapons. As far as I know chemical weapons are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction. There’s no single reliable proof that anything had been found. Spreading the disinformation about finding chemical weapons in Iraq is done to retroactively justify the invasion.
Kiza: That bloody nose would be a nuclear bloody nose. Be careful what you ask for. These are the most dangerous of times even for humanity. The enemy is the London/Wall st. trans-Atlantic financial dictatorship. They are finished but believe that if they can create chaos thru a economic collapse they can maintain control no matter how many are killed. Of course many point out that nuclear war is the end of civilization, they are undeterred. They must be put to sleep like the rabid dogs they are.
Everything being done against Pres. Trump is that he, while a product of this financial system, is not accepted as one of the “elites” of that very Wall Street/London banking cabal. This axis of financial warfare has been used to destabilize with intent to destroy the USA for a long time, going back to the French and Indian Wars. That is exactly what this hoax is intended to do; keep Pres. Trump from going forward with his campaign promises to end “regime change” and the perpetual war agenda of neo cons and neo liberals. His promise to re-instate Glass Steagall is key to the coup plotters activities to impeach him and not any of the fabricated Russian interference in US elections; something the DNC is guilty of doing to Russia during the Clinton administrations.
you must be joking. you think they are going to let a lunatic into the cabal? you think he didn’t want to join them at the bohemian grove? the man is an outcast in the ‘right’ circles as much as any homeless lunatic in america. to proclaim he is too moral to wish to join the clique is like saying marilyn monroe wanted to avoid publicity.
So what about the scam that was Trump University?
Why does Trump et al lie about so many things?
bloodying the nose of a paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous. best to drive a tank over them and then wait a few seconds until they explode.
Larry C. Johnson is a former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He currently is the co-owner and CEO of BERG Associates, LLC (Business Exposure Reduction Group).
According to The New York Times, Johnson is “best known for spreading a hoax… in 2008 that Michelle Obama had been videotaped using a slur against Caucasians”.[1]
War crime accusations against John Kerry[edit]
In 2013, Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of war crimes in Vietnam, alleging that Kerry had “raped some poor Vietnamese woman.”[17] To support his claim, Johnson used a YouTube video[18] that contained audio clips from a 1971 debate on The Dick Cavett Show between John Kerry and John O’Neill. The original interview[19] audio[20] was altered to piece together words that Kerry spoke at different times during the debate, falsely making it sound as if he said, “I personally raped for pleasure.” When the falsehood was exposed by a reader of Johnson’s blog, Johnson deleted the article without apology.[21]
Allegations that British intelligence wiretapped Donald Trump[edit]
In March 2017, Andrew Napolitano spread the unfounded conspiracy theory that GCHQ, one of Britain’s top intelligence agencies, had wiretapped Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign on orders from President Obama.[1][22] Johnson was the source for Napolitano’s claim.[1][23] The conspiracy theory was later asserted as fact by President Trump, with him citing Fox News and Napolitano.[1] GCHQ responded, stating that the claims were “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored”.[24] Fox News later disavowed the statement by Napolitano.[1]