Almost 15 years ago, warnings of an Al Qaeda attack were flashing red amid evidence of Saudi complicity, but George W. Bush ignored the alarms and the 9/11 attacks changed history, a mystery that 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser continues to plumb.
By Kristen Breitweiser
Over the weekend, the New York Times published an article by Mark Mazzetti regarding Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks. The article describes some important facts and circumstances surrounding the support that two Saudis gave to two 9/11 hijackers (and recounts how Saudi consular official Fahad al-Thumairy stonewalled the 9/11 Commission by insisting that phone records and other evidence tying him to the hijackers must be wrong or fabricated).
However, there is more to the story. In addition to the reporting on Thumairy, there is also an FBI and CIA report that indicates that Khallad bin Attash (an Al Qaeda operative now imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay) was in Los Angeles in June 2000 — compliments of “diplomatic arrangements” provided by Thumairy.
To understand the relevance of this key piece of information, it is necessary to have some context. In 1997, Saudi intelligence arrested Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi as they attempted to bring weapons into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. From that point on, the Kingdom monitored the activities of these known Al Qaeda operatives.
In other words, these two men were not just random young Saudis who had a passing interest in jihad. They were “known” Al Qaeda operatives who planned and participated in Al Qaeda attacks — and, more importantly, they were being closely watched by Saudi intelligence.
Also around that time, U.S. intelligence (and quite possibly their good friends at Saudi intelligence) came across the Yemen Switchboard. The Yemen Switchboard was a calling station where Al Qaeda operatives around the world checked in and passed information back and forth to one another — especially to Osama Bin Laden who was up in the hills of Afghanistan.
Essentially, if you listened to the conversations going back and forth on the Switchboard, you had the Rosetta Stone of Al Qaeda’s movements, activities and plans for terrorist attacks around the globe. Admittedly, some information might have been spoken in code; but nonetheless, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency discovered the mother lode when they started listening to the conversations on the Yemen Switchboard.
By eavesdropping on the switchboard, intelligence agencies discovered information regarding: the African Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the bombing of the USS Cole, the attempted bombing of the USS The Sullivans, and the 9/11 attacks. The problem, of course, with having the Rosetta Stone in their pocket, was not letting Al Qaeda and Bin Laden know that they had it.
Unfortunately, instances like this cause collateral damage. Much like in “The Imitation Game,” when the English cracked the German Code. In order for the Germans to not realize the English had cracked their Enigma code, the English had to allow some attacks to happen — innocent people had to be sacrificed for the greater cause.
For example, the German bombing of the quaint little town of Coventry that killed 600 innocent people, illustrates this harsh reality. So, too, do the possible 3,239 people killed and 10,539 people seriously injured as a result of the Embassy bombings, the USS Cole, and the 9/11 attacks.
Terrorist Summit
It was via their monitoring of the Yemen Switchboard that U.S. intelligence learned about the now infamous meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, also known as the “terrorist summit,” held in January 2000. U.S. authorities tracked Mihdhar and Hazmi to this meeting when they traveled there with Al Qaeda operative Khallad bin Attash.
U.S. intelligence agencies monitored this meeting with help from certain foreign friends, Malaysian intelligence, among them. Whether our good friends and allies over at Saudi intelligence were also involved in the surveillance of this meeting remains unknown. Also attending the Malaysia meeting were Al Qaeda operatives: Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Ramzi bin al Shibh, and Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri. At the meeting in Malaysia, the 9/11 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole were discussed and planned in great detail.
After the meeting wrapped up, Mihdhar and Hazmi flew to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on Jan. 15, 2000 — and quite possibly, according to one FBI report, so did Attash. Recall that the period between December 1999 and January 2000 was a time of extreme high alert in Al Qaeda threat reporting and warnings because it was the Millennium period.
On Dec. 14, 1999, Al Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ressam was arrested at a Seattle, Washington ferry crossing. Ressam was arrested with explosives found in his car, on his way to blow up LAX as part of al Qaeda’s Millennium attacks. Ressam — without the use of torture, I might add — immediately and completely cooperated with U.S. authorities, sharing vital information about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda’s attempts to attack the United States.
Indeed, several of the things detailed by Ressam were likely included in the Aug. 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,” as well as the top-secret documents that Clinton National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, scandalously stole from the National Archives.
These highly classified and apparently very damning documents were permanently destroyed by Berger — so, we’ll never know what was so secretive and problematic in that Millennium after-action report that Berger stuffed in his socks. Perhaps a Saudi role? Who’s to say? Berger is dead, and he certainly didn’t leave any clues behind.
We do know, however, that some of Ressam’s information was used in the indictments of several Al Qaeda operatives who carried out the Embassy bombings, the USS Cole bombing, and the 9/11 attacks. Clearly, Ressam knew a lot. And, he shared that abundance of information openly and willingly with U.S. intelligence agencies — starting in December 1999.
Al Qaeda’s Connections
More notably to me, of course, is that Ressam detailed his connections to known Al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah. This is relevant because after 9/11, by Zubaydah’s own admission (albeit through torture), Zubaydah acknowledged having direct connections to Osama bin Laden, Saudi intelligence and the Saudi Royal Family.
So, let’s review what we have so far: the 1997 arrest of al Mihdhar and al Hazmi by Saudi intelligence (our allies); Saudi monitoring of the two Al Qaeda operatives from that point onwards; monitoring and eavesdropping of the Yemen Switchboard by U.S. intelligence and quite possibly Saudi intelligence; the Meeting in Malaysia where the USS Cole and 9/11 attacks were further planned and discussed; the arrest of Ressam in December 1999; the cooperation of Ressam and his sharing of boatloads of Al Qaeda information with U.S. intelligence; and the eventual arrival of Mihdhar, Hazmi, and potentially Attash into LAX on Jan. 15, 2000.
So now, let’s get back to Mazzetti’s article. In addition to the material Mazzetti discusses in his article is the curious evolution of facts surrounding the arrival of these 9/11 hijackers on Jan. 15, 2000, and precisely how, when and why Saudi agent Omar Bayoumi met them.
Right after Sept. 11, 2001, the media, the Joint Inquiry, and several well-respected authors routinely and regularly reported that Bayoumi met the hijackers on the day of their arrival at LAX. Indeed, to this day, the FBI’s official timeline of the 9/11 attacks, has the hijackers being met by Bayoumi and living with Bayoumi for the first two weeks of their stay in the United States.
The fact that Bayoumi met the hijackers at the airport on Jan. 15, 2000, has been, not surprisingly, softened, glossed over, and morphed by the Saudis and their allies into the notion that Bayoumi merely crossed paths with the hijackers by coincidence at some random, Middle-Eastern restaurant some two weeks after their arrival into the U.S. It is perhaps not a surprise that given the millions the Saudis have dropped on lobbyists, PR campaigns and gifts that this narrative is still being pressed by those who want to obscure the Saudi role on 9/11.
Hoping to leave a fantasy saleable to the U.S. public, the Saudis want us to believe that Bayoumi was just being a good Muslim when he “coincidentally” met the two operatives.
By the way, the frequent excuse and invocation of “just being a good Muslim” employed by Saudi agents and officials when it comes to their connections to the 9/11 hijackers needs to be properly addressed. Muslim culture does not entail offering your home, phone, and/or money to complete strangers. Nor does it call for Muslim Saudi royalty to randomly and wantonly write $150,000 checks to unknown acquaintances.
Typically, Muslim tradition entails some sort of introduction or connection being made first by a trusted intermediary or third party. So who “vouched” for the 9/11 hijackers? Apparently, no U.S. investigator wants to know.
The Saudi Consulate
Nevertheless, Bayoumi met Mihdhar and Hazmi after reportedly being at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles. While at the Consulate, he met with a man who fits the description of Fahad al Thumairy.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then Saudi ambassador to the United States, meeting with President George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas, on Aug. 27, 2002. (White House photo)
Fahad al Thumairy was an accredited administrative officer and diplomat at the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles. Bayoumi and Thumairy had known each other prior to the hijackers arrival. After 9/11, U.S. authorities learned that Fahad al Thumairy had extensive contacts with Al Qaeda. Evidence now points to Bayoumi being tasked as the advance man for Mihdhar and Hazmi. His job was to provide financial and logistical support for the two terrorists since neither of them spoke English, nor had they ever lived in the United States.
As such, immediately after his meeting with Thumairy at the Saudi Consulate on Jan. 15, 2000, Bayoumi picked up Mihdhar and Hazmi and drove them back to his home in San Diego where they lived with him for two weeks. Mihdhar and Hazmi stayed as guests in Bayoumi’s home until Bayoumi found them an apartment next door to his own. On Feb. 5, 2000, Bayoumi appears as co-signor and guarantor for Hazmi and Mihdhar on their rental application. They listed Bayoumi’s home as their prior address.
Bayoumi recommended Hazmi and Mihdhar to the property manager and was the co-signor and guarantor for Hazmi and Mihdhar because they did not have established credit. Upon entering the lease agreement, Bayoumi paid the 9/11 terrorists’ first two months’ rent and security deposit. In addition, according to the apartment manager, Bayoumi occasionally paid other monthly rents for Hazmi and Mihdhar. After securing them a place to live, Bayoumi then helped the two 9/11 terrorists open a bank account at Bank of America with a $9,900 cash deposit (conveniently just slightly below the $10,000 threshold for suspicious activity).
In addition, Bayoumi gave a welcoming party for the two 9/11 terrorists to introduce them to the San Diego Muslim Community. Members of that community included radical Imam Anwar Awlaki who was killed by a drone strike in 2011 and was connected to nearly 25 terrorist attacks. According to intelligence reports, Al Qaeda operative Anwar Awlaki met on many occasions with the two 9/11 hijackers and Omar Bayoumi.
During the month of February, Bayoumi apparently shared his phone with the two 9/11 terrorists. According to FBI reports, phone calls from both the hijackers’ and Bayoumi’s phones included operational calls to Anwar Awlaki, the “Yemen Switchboard,” the Saudi Embassy, Fahad al Thumairy, and the Saudi Cultural Mission in Washington D.C.
For example, between January 2000 and May 2000, someone using Omar Bayoumi’s phone made 32 calls to the Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C., 37 calls to the Saudi Cultural Mission in Washington D.C., and 24 calls to the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.
Frequent Travel
Bayoumi also traveled often to the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles, to the Saudi Consulate in Washington D.C., and to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during this same time frame. Exactly whom Bayoumi met during these trips remains a mystery since apparently no investigator has ever bothered to ask about or look into these trips.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia and his entourage arrive to greet President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 27, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Because of this frequent travel, Bayoumi arranged for the hijackers to have a “handler” for the times that he was away from them. This handler’s job was to help the two terrorists obtain social security cards, driver’s licenses, purchase a new car, and arrange for their flying lessons so they would eventually be able to fly AA Flight 77 into the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11.
Also of significance is Bayoumi’s connection to a Saudi named Osama Basnan. During the time that the hijackers were living in San Diego, Omar Bayoumi was in constant contact with his close friend and Saudi associate Osama Basnan. Like Bayoumi, Basnan has been alleged by U.S. intelligence agencies to be a Saudi agent.
Basnan lived in the same apartment complex as Bayoumi and the two 9/11 hijackers. From the time that the two 9/11 hijackers arrived at the apartment complex until the attacks, Basnan signed over to Bayoumi’s wife, checks totaling some $150,000 for the alleged support of the two hijackers.
Basnan received this $150,000 from Princess Haifa al Faisal, daughter of Saudi King Faisal, and wife of Saudi Ambassador to Washington, Bandar bin Sultan. Princess Haifa says that she was merely being a good Muslim princess and sending money to Basnan to help defray the costs of Basnan’s wife’s alleged thyroid ailment.
No investigator has asked or answered whether Basnan’s wife’s ailment was legitimate. But, in this case, don’t blame the intrepid investigator — she was fired before she had a chance to investigate and answer those questions.
On May 31, 2000, Mihdhar and Hazmi moved out of Bayoumi’s apartment complex and moved into the home of an FBI informant. The FBI informant denies knowing anything about the 9/11 attacks. During the time frame that the hijackers had contact with the FBI informant, Bayoumi paid regular visits to the hijackers and the FBI informant had regular meetings with his FBI handler.
Unfortunately, the FBI did not capitalize upon these opportunities. Mihdhar lived with the FBI informant for 10 days until he flew back overseas on June 10, 2000. Hazmi lived with the FBI informant for nearly six months until he moved to Phoenix to live with Hani Hanjour, another 9/11 hijacker and the pilot of AA Flight 77 that flew into the Pentagon.
Mini-Terrorist Summit
Another key piece of information is the “mini- terrorist summit” held on June 9, 2000, in Los Angeles. The mini-terrorist summit took place at a hotel near the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles and was held on Mihdhar’s last night in the United States. The meeting was attended by Mihdhar, Hazmi, and Khallad bin Attash.
According to CIA and FBI reports, this mini-terrorist summit might have been facilitated by Saudi Consulate official, Fahad Thumairy. This information is particularly damning since Attash was, at the time, a very well known, very well identified lethal Al Qaeda operative. In addition, Attash, Mihdhar and Hazmi had just traveled together (and been monitored by several intelligence agencies) five months earlier, in January 2000, when they attended the larger terrorist summit in Malaysia.
Recall that the 9/11 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole were planned at this larger terrorist summit in Malaysia — and, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the mastermind behind 9/11, and Ramzi Bin al Shibh, the bagman behind 9/11, were also at this meeting. So, the arrival of Attash into the United States should have set off HUGE alarm bells. It did not.
And, even more alarming, is the information “surmised” by the New York City FBI field office that Saudi Consulate official — likely Thumairy — escorted this known Al Qaeda operative into the United States to evade the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Customs procedures and protections.
According to the report, “certain diplomatic arrangements exist at various airports which allow diplomats to meet incoming foreign nationals at the baggage carousels — before entrance into Customs. New York FBI opined that it may have been possible that someone from the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles may have met Khallad at the airport and escorted him through customs.”
Clearly, this explains how a known Al Qaeda operative (and the alleged mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole), Khallad bin Attash was able to enter the U.S. without anyone knowing about it. It does not explain, however, why the bombing of the USS Cole was not interrupted and 17 innocent U.S. sailors were killed.
Incidentally, Mihdhar and Hazmi were also named as co-conspirators in the USS Cole attack. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Fahad Thumairy were not. What needs to be understood by anyone who looks at just these facts surrounding the Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks and the USS Cole bombing is that the Saudis and their relationship to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda have never been fully investigated — by anyone —either before or after 9/11.
The result of the failure to expose all these facts? Before 9/11, if there was behavior by Saudis that raised red flags or caused some concern, those questions and that investigation were shut down. Former Joint Terrorism Task Force Agent John O’Neill (who warned about the growing Al Qaeda threat and lost his life in the World Trade Center on 9/11) certainly knew how that felt.
And, on 9/11 and the days soon thereafter, what happened to questionable people, known associates, family members of Al Qaeda operatives and Osama bin Laden? They were quietly whisked out of the country, and warmly protected by the blanket of sovereign immunity — because the Saudis, though not perfect, are our “allies.”
And, in the 15 years since the 9/11 attacks? What has happened to the Saudis and their ties to the 9/11 attacks? Any real, unfettered investigation? Any genuine accountability? Any clear answers? Any truth? Not one bit.
So what’s left? The murder of more than 3,000 innocent people. Two wars. Thousands of U.S. military killed, and thousands more seriously injured. Countless innocent Afghans and Iraqis killed and injured. And, a burgeoning ISIS still hell-bent on killing Americans because of our values, our beliefs, and mostly our failed intelligence and foreign policies.
The bottom line is that it has been 15 long years and the 9/11 families, as well as the American public, are growing extremely tired of this endless battle to uncover the truth.
Kristen Breitweiser is a 9/11 widow and activist who – working with other 9/11 widows known collectively as the “Jersey Girls” – pressured the U.S. government to conduct a formal investigation into the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. 9/11 widows Patty Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinberg, and Lorie Van Auken also sign their names to this blog, which previously appeared at HuffingtonPost and is reposted with permission, Follow Kristen Breitweiser on Twitter: .
“No evidence of a crime points anywhere out side our borders and everything points inward.”
That is an utterly stupid statement.
Dear Kristen Breitweiser,
I come to this site a few times a week to read something in an area of interest and then write up a comment. It’s an exercise in which I enjoy participating. Well, imagine my surprise to stumble on this article by you!
First off, I want to thank you and your fellow “Jersey Girls” for insisting that there be an investigation of 9/11. Bush and Cheney thought we shouldn’t have one because it would distract us from efforts to defeat terrorism. Had they had their way, there would be no investigation.
I suspect some of the folks reading and commenting on Consortium are under 30 years old. If so, they were at most only 15 when all this razzmatazz unfolded about having an investigation or not. If they were that young, they likely won’t realize that your fellow widows and you forced an investigation. At first it was a Congressional investigation and then it was shifted over to the 911 Commission. (I vaguely remember that the Congressional investigation was just beginning to make headway when the joint commission took over… was this a successful underhanded strategy to block the Congressional investigation from moving “too far” ahead?)
You put the “Yemen Switchboard” front and center in your article. I don’t recall it from the early days. Did I miss it? Was it something you referred to in 2002?
The switchboard raises and interesting issue. You wrote that “if you listened to the conversations going back and forth on the Switchboard, you had the Rosetta Stone of Al Qaeda’s movements, activities and plans for terrorist attacks around the globe. Admittedly, some information might have been spoken in code; but nonetheless, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency discovered the mother lode when they started listening to the conversations on the Switchboard. You point out that this source of information only works if Al Qaeda and Bin Laden don’t know that the US has cracked this source wide open
In WWII the English cracked the German’s Enigma machine. But it was important that the Germans didn’t know it. If the English were able to block every German move, the Germans would begin to wonder whether the English had cracked their code. The only way to make sure the Germans wouldn’t get suspicious was let some very costly attacks to go through “For example,” you wrote, “the German bombing of the quaint little town of Coventry that killed 600 innocent people, illustrates this harsh reality. So, too, do the possible 3,239 people killed and 10,539 people seriously injured as a result of the Embassy bombings, the USS Cole, and the 9/11 catastrophe?
First MAJOR QUESTION: Are you suggesting that US intelligence knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened and let them unfold so that the bad guys wouldn’t realize that the US had an open window into Al Qaeda communications?
In a couple of pages, you write the fact that “Bayoumi met the hijackers at the airport on Jan. 15, 2000.” You add that, “not surprisingly, [this fact has been] softened, glossed over, and morphed by the Saudis and their allies into the notion that Bayoumi merely crossed paths with the hijackers by coincidence at some random, Middle-Eastern restaurant some two weeks after their arrival into the U.S”
Why would they want to downplay that this was an arranged meeting?
Skipping ahead to a different context and different actors, you write that “no investigator has asked or answered whether Basnan’s wife’s ailment was legitimate. But, in this case, don’t blame the intrepid investigator — she was fired before she had a chance to investigate and answer those questions.” Second MAJOR QUESTION: Was this a cover-up firing, much like what Sibel Edmonds experienced?
Next, you seem to accept the orthodox government story on what happened. For example, Hazmi lived with the FBI informant for nearly six months until he moved to Phoenix to live with Hani Hanjour, another 9/11 hijacker and the pilot of AA Flight 77 that flew into the Pentagon. I’m sure you know that this was an almost impossible flight path even for a very experienced pilot. Third MAJOR QUESTION: Do you accept the government account of what happened? Pushing this a step further, do you accept that the Twin Towers fell because of being hit by one airplane each AND [fourth major question] that building seven fell onto its footprint because of waste-paper basket fires that were set off from the heat from the Twin Towers?
You write that “a burgeoning ISIS still hell-bent on killing Americans because of our values, our beliefs, and mostly our failed intelligence and foreign policies.”
I certainly don’t believe anyone wants to kill us because we have bad intelligence. Since “foreign policies” can mean almost whatever we want to put into that place-holder, are you affirming Bush’s propaganda that terrorists hate us because of our values and our beliefs? I must be misreading what you wrote. As you know, in his 1998 fatwa of Jihad against Americans, bin Laden tells us he’s going after us not because of our values and beliefs, but because of our actions. The central premise of his fatwa is that “the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity, and injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders alliance and their collaborators.” He chronicles the various “injustices” and concludes that, “it is no longer possible to be quiet. It is not acceptable to give a blind eye to this matter.” Fourth MAJOR QUESTION: were you intending to endorse Bush’s statement that terrorists hate us because of our freedoms, and/or our values, and/or out beliefs?
I want to thank you again for submitting your piece to Consortium news. If you would respond in a “reply” to my several questions, I would appreciate it. OR if there is some institutional address or email account that you can give in a reply, I could submit my questions that way. Robert Parry knows who I am and I publicly give him permission to share my email address with you.
Thank you for your fifteen years of incredible patience, political organization, and your dogged attempt to get the government to come clean with the truth.
As I’ve already stated, somewhere before; A YouTube presentation produced by Telemaco, Discoventure Film Makers shows that the so called, Saudi attackers and their current whereabouts, demonstrate a contradiction in official statements released by the FBI. Policing agencies have yet to establish that any terrorist(s) were aboard those commercial jets or definitively tied to the passenger lists. I suggest that as you watch the vid, keep in mind the actions and beliefs of one, Felix Dzerzhinski who founded the Cheka and elements of the NKVD and KGB. This staged black flag event was a down right, out right- inside job. No evidence of a crime points anywhere out side our borders and everything points inward. Paul Craig Roberts supports this notion as well..He has many a vid on the net
Politically connected Class action lawyers and the victims have been trying to sue Saudi (and Iran) since 2003 for 911.
” Until now, previous attempts to sue Saudi Arabia have been foiled [Reuters report] due to laws that give foreign nations immunity for lawsuits in American courts. This bill creates an exception for foreign countries that are found culpable for terrorist attacks that kill American citizens within the US. The bill must now pass through the House before it goes to the president’s desk. US President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the legislation.
This is not the first time that litigation against Saudi Arabia for the 9/11 attacks has been an issue. In 2012 judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York dismissed a motion [JURIST report] to reinstate Saudi Arabia as a defendant in a civil compensation lawsuit by victims against the perpetrators of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The claim against Saudi Arabia was dismissed [JURIST report] in 2008 by the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit due to insufficient evidence that the Kingdom’s princes has actual knowledge that their money was going to be used in the attacks. In 2005 Judge Richard Casey dismissed [PDF text; JURIST report] Saudi Arabia, its defense minister and its ambassador to the UK as defendants in litigation stemming from the terrorist attacks, ruling that all had sovereign immunity [Cornell LII backgrounder].
On September 2, 2004, Cantor filed a civil lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for allegedly providing money to the hijackers and Al Qaeda, one of a number of organizations to do so.[15] It was later joined in the suit by the Port Authority of New York.[16] Most of the claims against Saudi Arabia were dismissed on January 18, 2005.[17]
Glovin, David (18 January 2005). “Saudi Arabia Wins Dismissal From Sept. 11 Lawsuits (Update1)”. Bloomberg. Retrieved 19 October 2012.
Gonna be a lot of rich lawyers and victims having now been paid twice, once by we taxpayers and soon to be by Saudi—and who knows Iran could be next.
I think we all know or should know what kind of lobbying has gone on between the usual suspects, the lawyers, and the politician to get this bill passed.
Its insane…..the US courts have been used by various groups to sue everyone in the universe, suing Palestine for Jews injured, to holocaust claims against France because their trains transported Jews to suing Iran for ‘terrorism’ ad nauseam .
Like any mafia org, which is all the US is now, its always about the $$$$$$$.
Why do some individuals believe the government’s conspiracy theories based just on an official’s statement or a statement of a TV talking head but request court-level and beyond standard of proof from an online commenter with no resources to conduct such National Comission level investigation into the matter? Give me proof beyond proof, then I will consider your opinion, says he.
Amazing, in this whole piece, the author and widow failed to mention the Israeli connection even once.
Not one mention of Mossad or Israel.
If you fail to mention Israel in this context, you are in my opinion, one or all of the following:
1. Very badly informed (unlikely)
2. Willfully ignorant
3. Deliberately misleading
4. Willfully misinformed by omission
5. Involved in throwing red herrings to divert the attention away from Israel.
6. Driven by ideology and thus omitting crucial evidence, data and facts as to not undermine your ideology
I cannot be unsuspecting about any discussion (regardless of the source) that fails to even mention some or even one of the most critical data in this regard.
For the israeli connection you owe it to yourself to visit Ryan Dawson of or his youtube account for an indepth analysis.
That site “Cannot be reached.” Do you have other references on the Israel connection?
Apologies, here is the correct address:
A search for 911 articles at that site required a membership to see them; the articles sounded vague. The site had a good spirit to it, but I could not see the evidence.
While an Israel connection is plausible in any Mideast-related matter, I have not yet found a direct connection to 9/11. The best method is to have a list of investigation reports by respected journalists, supported by undisputed facts.
There have been some silly 9/11 conspiracy theories, which only create prejudice against better theories. For example, the theory that the buildings were blown up instead of collapsing, written by people who know nothing about engineering and don’t bother trying to explain why so many airplanes would happen to crash into the same buildings and no others at just that moment. Those are really anti-conspiracy theories in that they tend to discredit other more valid theories. Bad theorists seem abusive or hysterical, substitute emotional certainty for argument, employ social incentives and standard logical fallacies, and merely cite each other’s rumors in lieu of fact and analysis.
So if you can find references to hard evidence and logical argument about an Israel connection, by investigators who can stick to those, please make a list and I will study them.
I believe Christopher Bollyn does the best job at connecting Israel to 9/11:
Thank You and yes, one of the best………..
Very interesting but one minor comment: Coventry was not an English “quaint little town” but a heavily industrialised part of the U.K., which is why it was deliberately targeted by the Germans.
I thought that it was bombed by “accident” because the Germans used a radio signal system (Knickebein?)
to guide them, but the English had figured it out and threw them off course.
Kristin, CIA Director John Brennan was CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia during the late ’90s when this all was being put together. His fingerprints are all over the circumstances you relate. A proper investigation will never happen because the decision-makers already know where it would lead: right back to the CIA and the executive offices of the US government.
Are we talking about the same Al Qaeda that the US Government does not want Russia to bomb in Syria? They are “moderate” rebbels now, not terrorists. I wonder if they ever did not work for the “US interests” of various kinds.
Pointing a finger at Saudi Arabia will bring compensation but not justice, because obviously more parties were involved in 911 than just the Saudis.
I can’t agree more on the compensation part. Framing Saudi with the attacks is not the answer the victims’ families are trying to find.
The families will find out who really did 911 when they reveal also who killed the Kennedys.
“Mihdhar and Hazmi moved out of Bayoumi’s apartment complex and moved into the home of an FBI informant.”
This sounds suspiciously like these two guys were being set up for ready identification by the FBI. Patsies?