Exclusive: As the Obama administration scrambles to salvage a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, the new Saudi-Israeli alliance shows off its muscles in bending politicians and policies to its will, Robert Parry reports.
By Robert Parry
What makes the potential of the Saudi-Israeli alliance so intimidating is that Saudi Arabia and its oil-rich Arab friends have the petrodollars that can turn the heads of some leaders and even countries, while Israel can snap the whip on other politicians, especially in the U.S. Congress, through its skillful lobbying and propaganda.
We are now getting a look at exactly how this international money-and-politics game plays out as Saudi Arabia and Israel maneuver to defeat an interim agreement with Iran on freezing much of its nuclear program in exchange for some modest relief on economic sanctions.

Secretary of State John Kerry addresses reporters in Geneva on Nov. 8, 2013, after arriving for what turned out to be failed talks aimed at reaching an interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. (Photo credit: State Department)
Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors lavished contracts and other financial favors on the economically hard-pressed French and lo and behold, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius showed up at the last minute in Geneva and blew up the nuclear deal. (Last summer, the French were in lock-step with the Saudis in their eagerness to see the U.S. military start bombing Syria, an Iranian ally.)
Granted, Fabius’s sabotage was aided by the inept diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, who failed to thwart the French ploy, but the most important point in understanding the motivation behind France’s sudden activism is the old one: Follow the money.
In July, Saudi Arabia’s ally, United Arab Emirates, signed a $913 million deal with France to buy two high-resolution Helios military satellites. In October, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian celebrated the signing of a $1.5 billion deal with Saudi Arabia to overhaul six of its navy ships.
Other lucrative arms deals are reportedly in the works between France and Saudi Arabia (and its Sunni allies). Saudi Arabia also has deployed its money to bolster France’s sagging agricultural and food sectors, including a Saudi firm buying a major stake in Groupe Doux, Europe’s largest poultry firm based in Brittany.
So, while the Saudis are showing again that money talks, the Israelis are doing their part by activating their impressive lobbying and propaganda networks inside the United States. Lawmakers in thrall to the Israelis amplified Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s talking points during a contentious Capitol Hill meeting with Secretary Kerry, his lead negotiator Wendy Sherman, and Vice President Joe Biden.
Afterwards, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, volunteered that he was “dubious” about President Barack Obama’s efforts to reach a diplomatic agreement with Iran, while some senators vowed to press ahead with plans to impose even more draconian economic sanctions on Iran, a move that Obama has warned could put the Middle East on course for another war.
Nevertheless, Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, one of Israel’s most in-its-pocket lawmakers, denounced the administration’s defense of its negotiating efforts as “fairly anti-Israel” and bragged about how he had just gotten briefed by the Israeli government, receiving information that he considered superior to what he was hearing from the U.S. government.
“I was supposed to disbelieve everything the Israelis had just told me, and I think the Israelis probably have a pretty good intelligence service,” Kirk said, while promising to do all he could to block a U.S. diplomatic rapprochement with Iran.
Buffeted by such complaints from Capitol Hill, Secretary Kerry went on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and stressed how warm his relationship is with “Bibi” Netanyahu.
“I’ve had several conversations with Prime Minister Netanyahu this week,” Kerry said. “In fact, literally just before coming here, I hung up the phone with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And we’re having a very friendly and civil conversation about this.
“Bibi, the Prime Minister Netanyahu believes that you can increase the sanctions, put the pressure on even further, and that somehow that’s going to force them [the Iranians] to do what they haven’t been willing to do at any time previously. We just don’t agree with that as a but I don’t want to go into the I mean, what’s important here is we stand with Israel firmly 100 percent.”
Internal Strains
Although the Saudi-Israeli alliance is again demonstrating its extraordinary potential to bend the policies and politicians of more powerful nations, the odd-couple alliance of the two longtime enemies is also susceptible to its own strains. For instance, I’m told that Israel was counting on some under-the-table deliveries of Saudi money, too, and that the Saudis have held back some of that financial assistance.
Netanyahu also faces resistance from some rank-and-file Jewish activists who are uncomfortable with even a subterranean alliance with the Saudi monarchy, which embraces the ultraconservative Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islam. In the past, Saudi Arabia has fielded and funded some of most radical Islamic militants including al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
It’s a hard sell especially to North American Jews who suspect that some Saudi royals have their fingerprints on Islamic terrorism, including possibly the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. I’m told there was a visceral reaction from some Jewish activists to recent comments made by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren regarding Israel’s support for a possible jihadist victory in Syria.
In mid-September, Oren publicly embraced the Saudi strategy in Syria, announcing that Israel would prefer to see the Saudi-backed jihadist “bad guys” prevail in Syria over the continuation of the Iran-backed government of President Bashar al-Assad.
“The greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc,” Oren told the Jerusalem Post in an interview. “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.” He said this was the case even if the “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.
The “arc” from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon is also called the “Shiite crescent,” representing a rival brand of Islam to the Sunnis, who are led by Saudi Arabia in what is seen as both a religious and geopolitical struggle for dominance in the Middle East.
The Saudis are determined to shatter the “Shiite crescent” and thus weaken the leadership of Shiite-ruled Iran. That both Israel and Saudi Arabia see their principal regional threat as Iran is at the center of their collaboration.
Yet, one source familiar with the status of the U.S.-Iran negotiations said on Friday that the strains within the Saudi-Israeli alliance may open the door for Obama to complete the interim agreement between the so-called “P-5-plus-1” the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany and Iran.
However, in the daunting challenges that Obama has faced in wrapping up that deal, the world is getting a look at what the future might hold if the Saudi-Israeli tandem keeps rolling forward.
[For more on this topic, see Consortiumnews.com’s “Israeli-Saudi Alliance Slips into View.”]
Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com). For a limited time, you also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.
How any Arab/Muslim country can ally itself with that abomination of a Zionist regime beggars belief. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States betray not only the Palestinians but Islam itself. Time for a few Fatwas on those self-indulgent tyrants.
Indeed Robert money talks, I wished you also continued that saying … BS walks !!
They also say: Money makes wonders! How true… you happen to be the best example! Otherwise how could anyone explain this tenacity since couple of months in targeting Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States in defense of a totalitarian & oppressive criminal state like Iran regardless? Your perseverance in distorting all events time after time solely in defense of Teheran “Shiaa “clan while portraying the Sunnis as devils aggressors has no essence of facts reporting journalism rather its smells as usual Iranian petro-dollars
Ben Notwiser -how apt. With your prejudiced Zionist background, I am not surprised that you care not to notice that Saudi Arabia and all the gulf states are ruled by tyrants whose records forthe mostpart are, at least, as bad as that of Iran.
As for money talking, the prime example is the government of the USA, nearly every member of which has been suborned and corrupted by Zionist favours. They even send that abominable, criminal Zionist state the billions of dollars needed annually for their corruption. God save America – from its traitorous politicians.
And then, it is the matter of Israel’s nuclear capability and that of Pakistan, and India. Iran is surrounded by nuclear-armed countries and should have its own nuclear deterrent. Until the USA and the West treat these nuclear proliferators as they do Iran, their double standards are clear for all to see.
If Kirk had said that thing about ANY OTHER NATION ON EARTH
The Saudi and Israeli alliance is the bedrock of Middle East conflict. It’s a puppet show.
“Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Illinois…bragged about how he had just gotten briefed by the Israeli government, receiving information that he considered superior to what he was hearing from the U.S. government.”
“‘“I was supposed to disbelieve everything the Israelis had just told me, and I think the Israelis probably have a pretty good intelligence service,†Kirk said, while promising to do all he could to block a U.S. diplomatic rapprochement with Iran.'”
In case Sen. Kirk has totally forgotten, it was that “pretty good” intelligence from Israel that convinced the US that Saddam was in imminent nuclear threat. Of course, the Israelis knew all along that he wasn’t, but to get the US into a needless war with their enemy, they provided intelligence from their service which has as its motto, “By deception, thous shalt do war.” Similar “intelligence” from Israel convinced Obama that Syria was responsible for the chemical attacks in their civil war, and had him ready to go to war..
The only people who should trust Israeli intelligence are the Israelis.
At this rate, the US will become irrelevant. The Iranians might as well talk directly to the Israelis to settle the Middle East crisis!
The only thing that can save this deal now is another installment of that “Saturday Night Live” skit. In this one, Mark Kirk and Laurent Fabius will fight over who gets to service the donkey. “Ma No, mon frere, zee donkee, he eez pour moi!”
When you look at what kind of people are trying to and being fairly successful at taking over the world, you must look at the future with considerable trepidation.