Thank-You Gifts for $50+ Donations


From Editor Robert Parry: As we try to raise $25,000 in our spring fund drive, we are making all our thank-you gifts available for donations of $50 and up.

You can make a donation by credit card at the Web site or by check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201. Or you can use PayPal (our account is named after our e-mail address “[email protected]”).

Since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, your donation may be tax-deductible.

Frontline documentary, "The Election Held Hostage"

You then can choose whether you want your entire donation to go to support our investigative journalism or you can pick from one of our thank-you gifts available for anyone who donates at least $50 or who signs up for a monthly donation.

Those gifts include an autographed copy of one of my last three books: Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege or Neck Deep.

Or a DVD of the 1991 PBS “Frontline” documentary “The Election Held Hostage,” which I co-wrote. It explores Republican skullduggery with Iran prior to the pivotal 1980 election.

We also have a few copies left of the late Gary Webb’s book, The Killing Game, and a few DVDs of war correspondent Don’s North’s documentary on the lives of former Salvadoran guerrillas, entitled “Yesterday’s Enemies.” (So, those gifts must be “while supplies last.”)

If you want one of the thank-you gifts, just follow-up your donation with an e-mail to [email protected]. Otherwise, we’ll put your entire donation toward keeping going.

We also are trying to start a new project to help young journalists, many of whom are finding job prospects slim in an industry that is still contracting. We call this endeavor, the Project for Independent Journalism, and we’re hoping to raise an additional $50,000 to get it off the ground. (If you wish to dedicate your donation to this project, just tell us.)

As always, thanks for your support.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet’s first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media.