Thank-you to Our Readers


From Editor Robert Parry: We did fall quite a bit short of our end-of-year target of $45,000 raising less than half that amount but a late surge of donations did put us in position to soldier on into this important election year thanks to our readers.

I also recognize that money is extremely tight these days and that a number of readers dug deep to give what they could to keep this journalistic enterprise alive. Whether it was $5 or a couple of thousand, you have my gratitude and my promise to stretch every dollar. [For a brief narrative of our 16-year history, click here.]

If you were waiting until the New Year to make a donation, we are obviously still in need. You can make a donation by credit card at the Web site or by checkto Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201. Or you can use PayPal (our account is named after our e-mail address “[email protected]”).

Journalist Robert Parry

Since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, your donation may be tax-deductible. We appreciate any size donation that you can afford.

We also still have several copies of the late Gary Webb’s book, The Killing Game, as thank-you gifts for a donation of $100 or more. (If you want this or any other thank-you gift, just follow-up your donation with an e-mail to [email protected]).

For donations of $75 or more, you can get an autographed copy of one of my last three books: Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege or Neck Deep. (Just ask by e-mail.)

For donations of $60 or more, you can get a DVD of the 1991 PBS “Frontline” documentary “The Election Held Hostage,” which I co-wrote. It explores Republican skullduggery with Iran prior to the pivotal 1980 election. (Again, just ask)

Here are some other ways you can help us continue our work:

If you’d rather spread out your support in smaller amounts, you can sign up for a monthly donation. With contributions of $10 or more a month, you can qualify for war correspondent Don North’s DVD, “Yesterday’s Enemies” about the lives of former Salvadoran guerrillas. For details, click here. (If you sign up for a monthly donation and want to get Don’s DVD, remember to contact us at [email protected].)

You can also still take advantage of our deep discount for the three-book set of Robert Parry’s Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege and Neck Deep (co-authored with Sam and Nat Parry). The sale price for the set is only $29, postage included. For details, click here.

Or you can help us close out some warehouse space by buying full boxes of Secrecy & Privilege or Neck Deep for only $56. Each carton contains 28 paperbacks, or you can ask that we give you a mix of half and half, 14 of each. At $56 for a carton, each book only costs you $2. And for U.S. orders, we’ll pay for shipping.

Mostly, we need to get the books out of the warehouse, so we don’t have to destroy them. For details about this bulk book order, click here.

As always, thanks for your support.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet’s first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media.

2 comments for “Thank-you to Our Readers

  1. Grace Heitkamp
    January 11, 2012 at 16:35

    To continue this conversation with myself, today, while reading Dr. Griffin’s book, I am reminded that if Building No. 7 (a 47 floor steel structure) did indeed come down by fires alone, surely there would have been a great groundswell of interest into looking at building standards and safety codes AROUND THE WORLD!!! Has this happened in the last 10 years? The answer is a resounding NO! And I believe that is because no educated person believes the government’s story but, out of fear, continues on with business as usual. I suspect, as does Dr. Griffin, that this is also true with journalists in the US. My hope is that true patriots would unite (Mr. Parry and Mr. Moyers!) and present a unified front and say enough is enough! They can’t kill everyone.

  2. Grace Heitkamp
    January 10, 2012 at 16:31

    Mr. Parry – I’ve been chasing you all over this site! (Archives, film review of 9-11). It seems that you are resting on your past laurels, well-deserved but somewhat dated considering what you are ignoring since 9-11. In Dr. David Griffin’s new book, “9-11 Ten Years Later”, you have been challenged to look at the new research that has come out since that horrific day- a day that has led our country into the darkest days of its history. Please pick it up and address the reams of evidence showing that our nation has lost its moral compass- indeed any hope for reining in the forces that orchestrated the dreadful events of that day and the wars with their countless deaths and agonies since.

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