While indirectly backing the genocidal atrocities it now denounces in Sudan, the Biden administration pushes through an $8 billion weapons shipment to Israel as a blood-soaked punctuation mark on the U.S. president’s far-too-long political career.
In the long term, this indiscriminate violence waged by Netanyahu and those driving Middle East policy in the White House creates adversaries that, sometimes a generation later, outdo in savagery — we call it terrorism.
America’s political elites are not powerless to restrain the rogue Israeli regime: They are powerless to act against the grotesque lobby, led by but not limited to AIPAC, to which they have sold themselves.
The U.S. secretary of state ignored evidence of siege warfare against civilians in Gaza because he knew he would face no consequences, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Edward Lozansky says that Zelensky — who will meet Biden in New York during the U.N. General Assembly — desperately wants the U.S. president to give approval for British missiles to fly into Russia.
The U.S. must make clear that “military assistance to Israel will be leveraged to secure an end to the conflict,” said the president of the National Iranian American Council.