U.K. public prosecutor destroyed records showing Keir Starmer met with U.S. attorney general and other U.S. and U.K. national security officials in D.C. in 2011, when Starmer led Assange’s proposed extradition to Sweden, Matt Kennard reports.
Live from Washington, Stefania Maurizi on her new book about WikiLeaks followed by a tribute to Fritzi Cohen, the late founder of the Tabard Inn. Thursday, 6 pm EST.
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi spoke about her investigations into the Julian Assange case in her new book Secret Power at the Foreign Press Association in London on Monday.
Owen Bowcott on Italian investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi’s new book documenting attempts to demonise and destroy Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and her seven-year battle to access government information.
With DC Action for Assange, CN Live! screened Juan Passarelli’s film The War on Journalism in Washington Sunday, followed by discussion with Passarelli, Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale, John Kiriakou, Stefania Maurizi, Cathy Vogan and Chip Gibbons. Watch the replay.
The Yahoo! report provides important new details of facts reported a year ago, but contains several errors, including a fabricated story about Russian operatives exfiltrating Assange from the Ecuador embassy, writes Joe Lauria.