Tag: Robert Parry

LBJ’s ‘X’ File on Nixon’s ‘Treason’

From the Archive: The 1968 election had one shocking turn after another, but its final and arguably worst twist – still largely unknown to Americans – traded untold death in Vietnam for political power in Washington, Robert Parry wrote in 2012.

Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton wants the American voters to be very afraid of Donald Trump, but there is reason to fear as well what a neoconservative/neoliberal Clinton presidency would mean for the world, writes Robert Parry.

Thank You, Readers!

From Editor Robert Parry: We came close to meeting our $25,000 goal for the spring fund drive with entirely small- to medium-sized donations. Thanks so much to everyone who was able to contribute! For anyone who still wants to donate,…

Is Hillary Clinton ‘Honest’?

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s defenders object to the widespread public view that she is a liar by noting she scores reasonably well on the accuracy of her policy statements, but that is missing the point, says Robert Parry.

Almost There on Spring Fund Drive

From Editor Robert Parry: Thanks to the generosity of our readers we’ve gotten much closer to our Spring Fund Drive goal of $25,000. If you haven’t contributed yet, you can help us get over the top. Contributions of all sizes…

No Reward for Sanders’s Israel Stance

Exclusive: Sen. Sanders showed guts when he broke from the political lock-step of unrestrained praise for Israel, but his loss in the New York primary shows there’s little reward for such courage, writes Robert Parry.

Spy v. Spy: The First Patriots Day

From the Archive: The traditional Patriots Day falls on April 19, honoring the Minutemen who battled British troops attacking Lexington and Concord in 1775. The British were thwarted, in part, by a little-remembered patriot, as Robert Parry recalled in 2011.

Democrats March Toward Cliff

Exclusive: Barack Obama once called Hillary Clinton “likable enough,” but a new poll raises doubts about that, as the Democratic frontrunner’s net-negative has nearly doubled to 24 points, reports Robert Parry.

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in March focused on the twists and turns of Election 2016, the propaganda wars over Syria and Russia, and President Obama’s odd attitude toward Washington’s “playbook.” (Editor’s Note: The “denial of service” cyber-attack against us…