Tag: Robert Parry

Get a Second Book for a Nickel!

From Journalist Robert Parry: You can get one of my earlier books, either Secrecy & Privilege or Neck Deep, for only a nickel when you buy my new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, through the Consortiumnews.com Web site. And shipping is…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories from October, focusing on the last weeks of the U.S. presidential campaign, the controversy over the Benghazi deaths, and historical mysteries from the Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK’s assassination to the October Surprise cases of…

Ron Paul’s Appalling World View

Exclusive: There was buzz on the Internet after libertarian Ron Paul delivered what was billed as his final address in Congress. But his near-hour-long speech sounded more like the ramblings of a right-wing crank than the coherent thoughts of the…

Standards for Comments

From Editor Robert Parry: At Consortiumnews.com, we welcome a lively debate about the stories that we post, but we won’t tolerate abusive, bigoted or threatening language. We will delete such comments when they are brought to our attention and may…

Free Shipping on Parry’s Books

From Journalist Robert Parry: We are offering free shipping if you buy my new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, or any of my earlier books through the Consortiumnews.com Web site during the holiday season.

The Death Toll of Watergate

Exclusive: Major gaps in the history of Watergate and Iran-Contra have let Republicans minimize those scandals by comparing them to the fabricated “scandal” over the Benghazi attacks. A fuller understanding of Watergate would reveal its links to Richard Nixon’s prolonging the Vietnam War, writes…

The Neocons’ Waterloo

Exclusive: The last week has witnessed what might be called the Neocons’ Waterloo as their bid to reclaim power was beaten back by President Obama’s reelection and their last major government ally, CIA Director David Petraeus, resigned amid a sex…

Behind Petraeus’s Resignation

Exclusive: The resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus over an extramarital affair marks a stunning reversal for the longtime media darling. But some in President Obama’s inner circle are not displeased the neocon-friendly ex-general is gone, reports Robert Parry.

Thanks for Your Support!

From Journalist Robert Parry: We did fall a bit short on our second-half fund drive, but a late surge got us a lot closer than we were. If you still wish to contribute, you still can. There are several easy ways…

A Great Night for US Democracy

Exclusive: President Obama’s reelection was a victory for him and the Democrats but also for the principles of democracy. The Republicans sabotaged the economy, sought to suppress the vote and flooded TV screens with attack ads, but young people and minorities…