Tag: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Craig Murray: Who Runs America?

We seem to live in a strange age where politics relies more than ever on the big lie technique, even as social media makes the exposure of such lies inevitable.

US Can’t Deal with Defeat

In the U.S., the strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is the desirability – and ease – of forgetting them. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror, writes Michael Brenner.

Patrick Lawrence: Unsweet Dreams

The Ukraine question hung over the recent G20 summit even though  members have repeatedly signaled their wish to avoid the new cold war that Biden and his foreign-policy people are building.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: A Yellen in the China Shop

Given where the Biden regime sets the bar for its trans–Pacific statecraft these days, you have to wonder whether they chant “Limbo lower now!” as they send off the next official on one of these pointless demarches.