It is absolutely insane that the people who helped unleash the horror that was the Iraq War upon the world are not only not in prison, but are actively uplifted and celebrated on the most influential platforms in the West.
Tag: Max Boot
Caitlin Johnstone: Ukraine Crawling with CIA & Co
Chris Hedges: The Pimps of War
Caitlin Johnstone: Defending the Lies of Psychological War
Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
Stifling Dissent on the Upper East Side
The Neocon Plan for War and More War
Petraeus Spared Ray McGovern’s Question
Keeping Iran as a Bogeyman
Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
Exclusive: Gen. David Petraeus was so cozy with neocon think-tankers that he ensconced two of them in his Afghan War command and granted them top-secret access to U.S. military policy. One later leveraged Petraeus’s friendship to impress military contractors for funding…