Ithaka, a film about a father seeking justice for his son, has premiered at the Sydney Film Festival in Australia. Consortium News was there on opening night.
Join Assange’s father, an Australian MP, a former national news presenter, two medical professionals and CN‘s legal analyst in a discussion about the upcoming appeal hearing.
The U.S. tour of Julian Assange’s father and brother culminates in a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington on Wednesday, joined by Cornel West and Ryan Grim. Watch the replay.
The U.S. tour by Julian Assange’s father and brother continued in NYC on Thursday with Roger Waters, Chris Hedges, Aaron Mate’ and Randy Credico. Watch the replay here.
Julian Assange’s father and brother continue their U.S. tour and were in Boston on Wednesday where Assange was presented with the Sacco and Vanzetti award. Watch the replay here.