The White House backed surveillance reauthorization that, despite a fresh record of routine abuses, expands security agencies’ spying power, writes Kevin Gosztola.
The former British diplomat Craig Murray discusses the meaning of the U.S. “assurances” on Julian Assange and the brewing disaster in the Middle East on CN Live!
The “Missiles of April” represent a sea-change moment in Middle Eastern geopolitics — the establishment of Iranian deterrence that impacts both Israel and the United States.
UPDATED: The High Court ruled the U.S. must assure free speech and no death penalty for Julian Assange or the court might have to free the publisher who marked five years in prison today, reports Joe Lauria.
UPDATED: Biden said Wednesday in response to a reporter’s question at the White House that his administration is “considering” Australia’s request that the case against Julian Assange be ended.
London’s mayor, 50 Labour MPs and Winston Churchill’s grandson have joined widening calls to defy Israel’s impunity by demanding the U.K. stop sending it arms, reports Joe Lauria.
Thousands of Palestinians — and other Arabs — will be planning violent acts of revenge over Gaza. How far will Arab governments go in shielding U.S. and Israeli interests from their angry populations?
Watch the show on the High Court’s ruling this week on WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Guests: Chris Hedges, Craig Murray, Marjorie Cohn and Bruce Afran. (With timeline.)