Exclusive: In a surprise twist, Hillary Clinton dramatically revised her scheme for a “no-fly zone” over Syria, presenting it as a subject for negotiation with Syria and Russia, reports Robert Parry.
Tag: Hillary Clinton
The Democrats’ Joe McCarthy Moment
Exclusive: To shield Hillary Clinton from criticism of her Wall Street speeches, the Democrats are engaging in a new McCarthyism for the New Cold War, suggesting that Donald Trump is in league with the Russians, writes Robert Parry.
Debate Moderator Distorted Syrian Reality
Exclusive: The American people are receiving a highly distorted view of the Syrian war – much propaganda, little truth – including from one of the moderators at the second presidential debate, writes Robert Parry.
Donald Trump Stalks Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton: Candidate of War
Exclusive: The U.S. political/media establishment only permits the propaganda version of the Syrian conflict – and Hillary Clinton fully embraced it in her belligerent comments in the second presidential debate, writes Daniel Lazare.
Low-Brow Debate Skirts Meaningful Issues
Are Humans Natural-Born Killers?
The Forgotten Libyan Lessons and the Syrian War
A Vice-Presidential Debate to Forget
Double Standards for Israel and Syria
When Israel bombards Gaza after some ineffectual rocket attacks, the U.S. sees a right of self-defense, but different standards apply to Syria when foreign-backed terrorists fire deadly rockets and mortars, notes Rick Sterling.