A federal judge in Texas ordered in a FOIA case against the F.B.I. that the bureau must produce an index of the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop computers by Monday, reports Joe Lauria.
While the military industrial complex seems all too natural to most politicians and journalists, Norman Solomon says its consequences have transformed U.S. politics.
In a moment of candor in March 2022, Joe Biden revealed why the U.S. needed the Russian invasion to launch its three-pronged, pre-meditated war on Russia, writes Joe Lauria.
Andrew P. Napolitano offers 20 multiple-choice predictions concerning the Trump team, the U.S. government, the Supreme Court, popular culture, an array of politicians — and more.
Journalist Craig Unger has used Robert Parry’s vast archive to help nail down the 1980 October Surprise story, but he diverged greatly from Parry when it came to also criticizing the Democrats.
Two years after the Pentagon shot down his ploy for a no-fly zone against Russia in Ukraine, the U.S. “top diplomat” has been at it again pushing an even more insane idea.