Tag: Fascism

Revisiting the October Revolution

Given recent articles and books on the Bolshevik Revolution, which began Oct. 24, 1917 (Julian), it’s a struggle on the level of ideas that continues well into the 21st century, says John Wight.

Vijay Prashad: Rust Belt & Broken Road

From the 1942 “American century” to Trump’s “American carnage,” the U.S. has shifted from a post-WW2 boom to decline and is now facing political divides, economic crisis, poverty and social decay.

Chris Hedges: Israel’s Final Solution

When Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists, religious zealots, ultranationalists and crypto-fascists in the apartheid state of Israel say they want to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, believe them.

The New ‘New World’

What happens when reality hits delusion? U.S. mythology and fantasy will remain resilient. Denial, doubling-down, scapegoating, recrimination and more audacious adventures are the instinctive responses, writes Michael Brenner.