Once a Washington groupthink takes hold, as it has in the fervent belief about Russia-gate, respect for facts and logic fly out the window since all these important people can’t be wrong, wrote Robert Parry on Dec. 5, 2017.
Tag: Donald Trump
Three Lessons From ‘Failed’ Mueller Inquiry
Jonathan Cook analyzes what progressives can glean from a major squabble between different wings of the same neoliberal establishment.
A Prediction 3 Days Before the 2016 Election on How the Democrats Would Use Russia-gate to Try to Depose Trump
Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria predicted on Nov. 5, 2016 that should Clinton lose, the Democrats would blame Russia to try to remove Trump from office, even without evidence. It was the birth of Russia-gate.
WILLIAM BLUM: Sucking Liberals into a New Cold War
VIDEO: Pro and Anti-Venezuela Coup Protestors Face Off in Front of White House
UPDATED: Demonstrators for and against regime change in Venezuela converged on the White House on Saturday and there were some angry scenes as D.C. mounted police took their positions in Lafayette Park.
VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings
Is War With Iran on the Horizon?
Despite growing Trump administration tensions with Venezuela and even with North Korea, Iran is the likeliest spot for Washington’s next shooting war, says Bob Dreyfuss for TomDispatch.