Previously unreleased drawings by Abu Zubaydah, featured in a new report, add further evidence of what the authors say the federal government, particularly the C.I.A., tried to conceal.
The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.
Among the lying liars who lied the U.S. into invading Iraq, Joe Biden stands out as a big reason why the lies swallowed the culture, becoming a damning indictment of a society that would elect him president.
Despite Colin Powell’s presentation and the U.S. media’s embrace of it, every other nation on the Security Council, with the exception of Britain and Spain, was highly skeptical of the U.S. argument for war, including allies Germany and France.
The case to invade Iraq on March 19, 2003 was based on an NIE that was prepared not to determine the truth, but rather to “justify” preemptive war, when there was nothing to preempt.
On International Women’s Day the authors say that if feminists remain silent or support Biden’s under secretary of state simply because she is a woman, this Bush-era neocon might just burn down the world in a nuclear fire.
The land the late Arab-American political scientist evokes in his posthumously published memoir is not a real place with real people. It is a land inhabited by people who Western racists would like to imagine.
Tomas was crippled for a war that should never have been fought. He was crippled for the lies of politicians. He was crippled for war profiteers. He was crippled for the careers of generals.
In an interview, the renowned Australian investigative journalist warns that the U.S. is close to getting its hands on the the courageous WikiLeaks publisher.