Tag: Daniel Berrigan

Chris Hedges: To Kill a People

The vaunted democratic values, morality and respect for human rights, claimed by Israel and the U.S. have always been a lie. The real credo is this – we have everything and if you try and take it away from us…

Chris Hedges: Sermon for Gaza

This is a sermon the author gave Sunday, April 28 at a service held at the encampment for Gaza at Princeton University. The service was organized by students from Princeton Theological Seminary.

Immolation Revelations

Life is honored by hearing those who immolate themselves, for no one knows what might rise from their ashes, says Sam Husseini. 

Daniel Berrigan’s Enduring Fight for Peace

As Campaign 2016 almost ignores the vital issues of war and peace – despite the reality of perpetual war – Daniel Berrigan, one of America’s great voices for peace, has gone silent, writes Michael Winship.