As Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin speak about ending the Ukraine war on Tuesday, European leaders are talking war and only their citizens can stop them, says Edward Lozansky.
In a moment of candor in March 2022, Joe Biden revealed why the U.S. needed the Russian invasion to launch its three-pronged, pre-meditated war on Russia, writes Joe Lauria.
There’s little doubt Donald Trump’s intervention was the main reason for the Gaza ceasefire but predictably Joe Biden, who facilitated genocide until the bitter end, is saying it was him on his way out the door, says Joe Lauria.
From Julian Assange, to the deindustrialized north of England, the ongoing war in Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza, here are Consortium News‘ most read articles of 2024.
The situation of Syria is like the chaos of Libya but there are many more actors (local and external) operating, making it difficult to foresee what will happen.
UPDATED: The incoming president told Time he “vehemently disagrees” with firing U.S. missiles into Russia, words that could soothe nuclear tensions between Washington and Moscow, reports Joe Lauria.
With his party decisively beat at the polls, the rejected president is gambling with regional security to preserve his ‘legacy’ and to saddle the incoming president, who wants to end the war, with a major new crisis, writes Joe Lauria.
Two years after the Pentagon shot down his ploy for a no-fly zone against Russia in Ukraine, the U.S. “top diplomat” has been at it again pushing an even more insane idea.
UPDATED: U.S. support for Israel’s genocide against Palestine is rooted not only in campaign financing but other factors, including a rigid ideology stuck in the shadow of World War II, writes Joe Lauria.
The trans–Atlantic alliance’s true purpose of global dominance is too objectionable to profess. Instead, it operates on the basis of fantastic conjurings, which no member questions.