A Brutal Suppression of Speech

The increasingly common resort to diktats by U.S. authorities is a notable feature of contemporary American society — in all spheres, writes Michael Brenner.  

The Dead End of Liberal American Zionism

The dream of humanistic Zionism is collapsing, but — like other entrenched Jewish groups — J Street is desperate to keep the fantasy on life support, write Norman Solomon and Abba A. Solomon.

Israel Lobby’s Disastrous Domination

AIPAC has involved the U.S. in a revolting crime against humanity that will almost certainly undermine American security at home and abroad, writes Cara MariAnna. It must be broken. 

Ukraine Is the New Israel

As`ad AbuKhalil says current U.S.-NATO strategic calculations are demoting Israel from its once central position and will leave the apartheid state increasingly reliant on new alliances with the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.