The U.S. is waging war on Russia without a congressional declaration and in violation of treaty that requires the consent of the United Nations, writes Andrew Napolitano.
The neocon approach to Russia, delusional and hubristic from the start, lies in ruins, writes Jeffrey Sachs. Biden must work with Putin to bring peace.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin points to the fundamental difference between imperialism and revanchism as Western critics purposely or ignorantly confuse the two to serve their interests, writes Joe Lauria.
The Biden administration’s insistence on NATO enlargement has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.
On International Women’s Day the authors say that if feminists remain silent or support Biden’s under secretary of state simply because she is a woman, this Bush-era neocon might just burn down the world in a nuclear fire.
Amid the vacuum of creditable reporting by the mainstream media, Michael Brenner offers a briefing on the background of the neocon-inspired war in Ukraine and his view on the present strategic situation.