Hillary Clinton’s ‘Wicked’ Syrian Choice

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bought into the neocon/liberal-hawk agenda which spread the chaos of Iraq across Libya, Syria and now into Europe. How Clinton approached those challenges suggests that she would head down the same “regime change” path as President, Rick Sterling explains.

The Power of False Narrative

Exclusive: “Strategic communications” or Stratcom, a propaganda/psy-op technique that treats information as a “soft power” weapon to wield against adversaries, is a new catch phrase in an Official Washington obsessed with the clout that comes from spinning false narratives, reports Robert…

Parry to Receive I.F. Stone Award

From Editor Robert Parry: Our nearly two decades of work at Consortiumnews were recently recognized by Harvard’s Nieman Foundation in awarding me the I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence. But this honor really is for all those who have written…