Exclusive: The U.S. is demanding the grounding of Syria’s air force but is resisting Russian demands that U.S.-armed rebels separate from Al Qaeda, a possible fatal flaw in the new cease-fire, writes Gareth Porter.
Post-9/11’s Self-Inflicted Wounds
China and Russia Press Ahead, Together
The Existential Madness of Putin-Bashing
Pushing NATO to Russia’s Southern Flank
How Israel Stole the Bomb
The Earlier 9/11 Acts of Terror
North Korea’s Understandable Fears
Netanyahu’s Land-Grab Strategy
Behind the smokescreen of the broader Mideast chaos, Israel pursues a strategy of gobbling up Palestinian lands to establish de facto control of the West Bank while confining indigenous Arabs to isolated cantons, explains Alon Ben-Meir.
Donald Trump Is Us
Greenwashing Wars and the US Military
Greasing the Outstretched Hands
UN Team Heard Claims of ‘Staged’ Chemical Attacks
Exclusive: A widely touted U.N. report accusing the Syrian government of two chlorine-gas attacks relied on shaky evidence and brushed aside witness testimony that claimed some incidents were staged, reports Robert Parry.
Summer/Fall Fund Goal Set at $30,000
Obama Flinches at Renouncing Nuke First Strike
New York Times and the New McCarthyism
Special Report: The New Cold War and its fellow-traveler, the New McCarthyism, are arriving on the hawkish wings of The New York Times and other mainstream U.S. media outlets, writes Robert Parry.
Old Cold Warriors Cool to New Cold War
Neocon Dilemma: Israeli-Russian Detente
As Official Washington’s neocons lead the charge into a New Cold War – deeming Russia an implacable enemy – an inconvenient truth is that the neocons’ beloved Israel is warming its relationship with Moscow, writes Stephen J. Sniegoski.