Film director Ben Lawrence and producer Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange’s brother, answer audience questions after the premiere of their film Ithaka in New York on Sunday night.
The film Ithaka, about the quest of Julian Assange’s father to save his son, made its U.S. premiere on Sunday in New York City. It is reviewed by Joe Lauria.
Owen Bowcott on Italian investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi’s new book documenting attempts to demonise and destroy Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and her seven-year battle to access government information.
The “NoisyLeaks!” show at the Projektraum 145 gallery in Berlin “aims to collectively expose and celebrate the historical and cultural heritage of WikiLeaks,” say the organizers. CN Live! reports.
Jennifer Robinson, an attorney for imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, told an event at the Australian National Press Club in Canberra that the future is “very dark” for Assange. CN was there to cover it.
Doctors for Assange on Monday implored the British home secretary and the U.S. attorney general to release Julian Assange from “extraordinarily cruel” prison conditions that “imperil” his health.
The wife of imprisoned publisher Julian Assange appeared at the Projektraum 145 art gallery in Berlin on Friday night to answer questions from the public. Consortium News was there.
Consortium News was in London to broadcast a live video report of thousands of Assange supporters who surrounded the Houses of Parliament demanding his release.