Gerry Condon reports on Larry Hebert’s hunger strike in Washington and the list of laws the Biden administration is breaking by sending weapons to Israel.
Former U.K. Supreme Court justices wrote to the prime minister telling him to cease arms sales to Israel amid a “plausible genocide” in Gaza and also stunningly called for sanctions against Israeli leaders, reports Joe Lauria.
The genocide in Gaza is the final stage of a process begun by Israel decades ago. Anyone who did not see this coming blinded themselves to the character and goals of the apartheid state.
Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza’s waterfront, writes Vijay Prashad on Land Day. If history is any judge, it won’t happen.
The World Court cited “exceptionally grave” developments, especially the “spread of famine and starvation,” in once again ordering Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza.
British courts for five years have denied due process to Julian Assange as his physical and mental health deteriorates. That is the point of his show trial.
The Crown Prosecution Service won’t release files on how the Labour leader blocked a former Israeli official’s arrest over alleged war crimes in Gaza in 2008, John McEvoy reports.
The U.S. has had years to clarify its intention to give Assange a fair trial but refuses to do so, writes Jonathan Cook. The real goal is to keep him endlessly locked up.