An agreement to constrain Iran’s nuclear program is within reach but could still fail if President Obama succumbs to political pressure and refuses to grant Iran meaningful relief from sanctions, as Gareth Porter explains.
Category: Right Wing
Distorting Putin’s Favorite Philosophers
Israel Faces Moses’s Demand to Pharaoh
The racist dishonesty of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has challenged Judaism’s humanistic principles, as many young Jews will now flip the Passover script, putting the Palestinians in the position of Moses demanding “Let my people go” or give them the vote in one…
Neocons: the Echo of German Fascism
Exclusive: The “f-word” for “fascist” keeps cropping up in discussing aggressive U.S. and Israeli “exceptionalism,” but there’s a distinction from the “n-word” for “Nazi.” This new form of ignoring international law fits more with an older form of German authoritarianism favored by neocon icon…
The Road Ahead for Israel
Ukraine’s Oligarchs Turn on Each Other
Exclusive: Ukraine’s post-coup regime is facing what looks like a falling-out among thieves as oligarch-warlord Igor Kolomoisky, who was given his own province to rule, brought his armed men to Kiev to fight for control of the state-owned energy company, further complicating…
What Netanyahu Has Wrought
Fearing an Iran-Nuke Deal Might Work
Analyzing the Israeli Election
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s solid electoral victory was celebrated by the Right, but it creates a dynamic that could speed global resistance to the repression of the Palestinians and further isolate Israel for its racist policies, writes Lawrence Davidson.