The U.S. president isn’t trying to fool the Chinese government about the military buildup in the Pacific. His comments are aimed at the Western public and U.S. allies.
That U.S. presidents keep hiring someone so tyrannical, corrupt and murderous tells you everything you need to know about the nature of U.S. foreign policy.
Ellsberg could never have gotten the Pentagon Papers published had he not first done something far larger, if he had not changed his life — the way he lived it and what he did with it.
If the war machine is alone responsible for placing checks on its nuclear brinkmanship, then there are no real checks on the nuclear brinkmanship of the war machine.
Trust in establishment media is at an all-time low as independent media, like Consortium News, the oldest, is more crucial than ever. Why? Because it’s the people’s media, supported by the people.
A New York Times’ reporter’s job this week is to persuade us that all those Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi insignia and marching through Kiev in Klan-like torch parades are not what you think.
There is a much less centralized network of factors which tips the scales of media coverage to the advantage of the U.S. empire and the forces which benefit from it.
After 15 months of conflict, The New Yorker’s reportage by Luke Mogelson and photographer Maxim Dondyuk shows us the war in Ukraine that the propaganda machine has been concealing.