Category: Pentagon

The ICC’s Selective Prosecution

The ICC’s double standard in the treatment of Ukraine and Palestine is largely due to political coercion by the U.S., which isn’t even a party to the court’s Rome Statute, writes Marjorie Cohn.

Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan

The U.S. president and his coterie of neo-conservatives have no interest in peace if it means conceding hegemonic power to a multi-polar world untethered from the all-mighty dollar, write Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd and Wei Yu.

China Blasts US ‘Hegemony’

In a 3,900-word commentary, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has openly condemned nearly 80 years of U.S. political, military, economic, technological and cultural hegemony. 

Unifying the Rage Against the War Machine

Recalling the disparate groups who came together for the massive anti-nuclear demonstration in New York City on June 12, 1982, Chuck Zlatkin recommends the same unity of purpose on Feb. 19 in Washington. 

Scott Ritter: The Best Speech I Never Gave

“I once was corrupted by the hatred that comes from fear generated by  ignorance.” The author offers a text of a speech he wrote, but will not be giving at the Feb. 19 antiwar rally in Washington.