Category: Obama Administration

Hillary Clinton’s Corporatist Party

Many Democrats seem set on Hillary Clinton getting a cakewalk to the party’s presidential nomination, but her neocon-style foreign policy and her cozy ties to Wall Street might give rank-and-file Democrats some pause, as Jeff Cohen suggests.

A Monte Python Circus of Money

The City of London is the UK’s Wall Street, not only in the sense that both are financial centers but they also serve as an intersection for money and politics, especially with the Conservative Party putting access to prominent politicians…

Why the Two-State Solution Is Dead

For decades the “two-state solution” has been the U.S.-preferred panacea to the Israel-Palestine conflict, but its practicality has long been in doubt and the latest collapse of the U.S.-backed “peace process” leaves little doubt that the option is dead, as Flynt…

The Imbalanced Slaughter in Gaza

Much of the world is horrified at Israel’s latest slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip but the continued power of the Israeli Lobby over Official Washington has silenced any protests against the imbalanced infliction of death, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R.…

Human Blowback from US Interventions

The flight of Central American children north to the U.S. border is another form of blowback from decades of U.S. refusal to permit reformist governments in the region, including the State Department’s support for a 2009 coup ousting Honduran President…

Iran Sketches Possible Nuke Compromise

As the July 20 deadline for an Iranian nuclear deal nears, Iranian leaders have laid out a possible compromise, accepting stricter limits on centrifuges for power plants now with a chance for expansion later as the country’s energy needs grow, as Gareth…

Why the Honduran Children Flee North

Much of the violence driving thousands of unaccompanied children from Honduras to the U.S. can be traced to the past decades of U.S. military and economic interference in Honduras, including ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support for a 2009 coup, Adrienne Pine tells…

No Lessons Learned at the NYT

Exclusive: Mistakes were made on the Iraq War in 2003 and lessons have been learned, the New York Times says, but those lessons haven’t carried over to the Times’ deeply biased coverage of the crises in Syria and Ukraine, reports…

The Brutal Failure of Zionism

Israel’s renewed slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza after failed peace talks and ethnic slayings by both sides is further proof that the Zionist experiment has failed and that the only reasonable way forward is to recognize the equal rights of…

Losing Faith in Democracy

When Republicans engage in voter suppression against likely Democratic voters, they may feel their moves are very clever, ensuring their continued power. But the trust undergirding a democratic culture can be fragile, as the current Afghan voting standoff shows, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul…