The radicalization of young Muslims has similarities to anger among other disaffected groups frustrated over the lack of economic and other opportunities. This problem is especially acute in European nations without much history of immigration and assimilation, says Alon Ben-Meir.
Category: Obama Administration
Double Standards and Drones
Syria’s Nightmarish Narrative
Shutting Down Debate about Israel
Embracing the Saudi War on Yemen
Obama’s ‘Openness’ and Deceit
Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail
Citing Iran to Justify Yemen Slaughter
Seeking Justice for Egyptian Massacres
Is Hillary Clinton a Neocon-Lite?
From the Archive: As Democrats line up behind Hillary Clinton as their presumptive 2016 presidential nominee, many are whistling past the graveyard of her disastrous record on foreign interventions, judgments that raise doubts about her fitness for the job, as Robert…