The West’s pattern of continually escalating nuclear brinkmanship in Ukraine has built-in incentives for Russia to ramp up its own aggressions directly against NATO.
John Pilger and Declassified UK’s Phil Miller join CN Live! to discuss depleted uranium shells for an offensive Ukraine and the West knows will fail. Will DU be used just to poison ethnic Russians in Donbass?
Britain’s decision to send depleted uranium rounds to Kiev represents more than a dangerous escalation in the West’s proxy war with a nuclear-armed power, writes Elizabeth Vos.
The fallout from Washington’s policy of seeking Russia’s strategic defeat has seen Moscow radically alter its arms control position. That raises important questions about the winner of the next U.S. presidential election.
Australians against deployment of nuclear submarines in their country protested Tuesday at the port where the AUKUS subs would be docked if Australia goes ahead with the A$368 billion plan.
A sitting senator, a former foreign minister, a retired diplomat and Colin Powell’s former chief of staff told an anti-war meeting in a Sydney town hall that Australians were being dragged without their consent into a U.S. war on China…
The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.
Daniel Ellsberg, a giant of American history for leaking the Pentagon Papers, wrote the following email to friends on Wednesday, including Consortium News, and has today decided to make it public.